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Willing to try a no brew/oral method of Ayahuasca - Some questions

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Rising Star
I recently acquired some Syrian rue seeds and Acacia confusa powder and i am willing to try this method i seen on Youtube a little while ago. I thought this would be the best place to ask questions for preparations and guidelines on the web so here goes!

I was told to use 3 Grams of syrian rue(crushed) and 15 Grams of Acacia powder and Encapsulate them in vegetable 00 capsules and take the rue 30 minutes before the Acacia with some water.

My question is: I know there are some strict diet or fasting rules when taking these substances but i also know that some websites make more of a big deal and panic then others and take the diet/fast to the extreme.

I would like to know what foods and beverages should i avoid and drugs/medications and how long to avoid them for before i embark on this journey. Thanks

I was told this is similar to shrooms as i cannot find them anywhere this seemed like a much easier method to explore with Psychedelics and much more gentle and spiritual then smoking pure DMT.

Thanks in Advanced
Syrian rue with Acacia has the potential to put you through the most difficult experience of your life. Psilocybin is basically a orally active form of dmt but the experience is slightly different. Syrian rue with Acacia can cause extreme anxiety and put you in panic mode so I don't think this is a good way to start your psychedelic journeys. For your first time start out with a low dose and work your way up. If there is a spirit behind Syrian/Acacia it believes in tough love. Personally I have better experiences with caapi/Mimosa and shrooms. Best of luck. :)
I have experience with spirituality and reached similar states of consciousness through, dreams, visions, meditations and extreme dark experiences in life as well as some semi-astral projections. I smoked pure DMT about 6-8 times now but i feel it is 2 intense and 2 fast coming for me and i heard that this way is less intense and more welcoming/gradual or gentle.

I don't think i will have that difficult experience because i have awoken to my deeper truths a long time ago although i know from experience the most difficult experience will teach you the most and to take the paths in life you fear the most so you can learn to get out of your comfort zones and those fears/traumas can go away permanently.

Isn't that the main reason people do Ayahuasca? For deep spiritual/emotional healing?

Most of the experiences i hear about these things are loving and positive and life changing, i think those who have negative experiences are either not psychologically or spiritually ready and probably have deep-stored subconscious thoughts that reflect on them which makes the experience not so well.

First time i tried DMT i will admit it scared the shit out of me, what i did next? I doubled the dose and forced myself to face my fears and anxiety so the ego can be put in its place and not control my life and it can understand better and confirm that there is more then just this physical body. Which gave me the best experience of my life after the first 10 seconds of anxiety due the fast-paced intensity.

Thanks for the reply, but I'm sure there is better and more positive advice out there others could help me with, This is all i have at the moment and i am willing to grow and learn.

If i had Shrooms or LSD i would use and experiment with them first but i don't so this is what i have to work with, if you honestly think i shouldn't then i want but i feel since these things have been attracted in my life its a higher calling for me to experiment with these things.

I do have this Caapi tincture 10x extract maybe i can somehow use it any tips? But i cannot get or have access to mimosa in my country.
It is better to use Caapi vine and Chacruna leaves. They are real Ayahuasca, and are far more gentle than the analogue Rue / Confusa, which is not so pleasant.
Thanks, i did not mean to be rude i guess i should of explained that i have somewhat experienced awakenings in life that have shifted my whole perspective of reality similar to what people explain on high end Psychedelics.

Thanks for the heads up guys but can anyone suggest any diet/fasting tips to avoid those dangers?
I have read multiple pages but i would rather listen to you guys to give me more sensible and honest answers since there is much more experience here.

I will also look for Chacruna leaves as soon as i can and i have a caapi extract 10x tincture for changa but i haven't looked into how to use it properly yet as i am now more interested in more welcoming/gentle methods then fast-paced intense ones.
WisdomTooth said:
...Thanks for the heads up guys but can anyone suggest any diet/fasting tips to avoid those dangers?
I have read multiple pages but i would rather listen to you guys to give me more sensible and honest answers since there is much more experience here...
What pages did you read? Why would they fall short? We could probably only re-type them for you which is spoon feeding actually :?:
--> Foods and meds to avoid with maoi.

Since you seems a weathered person you shouldn't be scared of rue/bark, just take care like not starting with 15 gr acacia. And no use of capsules raw material. Search how they make ayahuasca, as difficult as putting something in a pot of water. If you have powder of both then you can even cold soak. Don't use mineral rich hard water.

WisdomTooth said:
...i think those who have negative experiences are either not ready or have never been touched with divine truth and probably deep-stored subconscious thoughts that reflect on them which makes the experience not so well...
That is a likely possibility for sure. Still, my advise: don't relay too much on being devine-truth-touched before as a safety net against hard/negative experiences, it potentially backfires like a darn false insurance :shock:
All inclusive service :twisted:
I personally would prefer caapi over rue. Especially when it's your first time. But if you're gonna use rue anyway, then what i would do is crush the seeds and let them soak in hot (not boiling) water, and let it sit there for 24 hours. Then filter it. You need a little bit more than 3 grams with this method, say 3.3 grams, but there's significantly less nausea than when you just eat the seeds.

It's best to take the brew on an empty stomach anyway, but i would not worry much about the diet thing. Just don't take any medication (aspirin is fine though, there's no real risk there), other recreational drugs or alcohol.

Good luck.
Take about 6 to 8 grams of Acacia root powder, put it into a regular sized jar, fill the jar half way up with room temp bottled water, put the lid on, shake vigorously and periodically throughout the day and let it sit overnight. Next day, pour the liquid through a coffee filter, and evaporate the liquid to a residue in front of a fan. Once the residue is dry, scrape up the residue and load it into capsules (usually takes me about 2 to 3 capsules, depending on the size of the capsules and how well i pack the powder in them).

Then for Rue, either grind up some seeds and encapsulate 3 to 4 grams, probably 3 grams, which should be about 4 to 6 capsules.... or use the whole seed to boil up 100 grams worth and make an extract from it with vinegar and washing soda.

If using ground Rue seed in capsules, wait 30 minutes before taking the Acacia residue capsules, or if using freebase Rue extract or purified Harmalas, you can take the Acacia residue capsules about 15 minutes after the Rue, ime.

As for the diet, there's absolutely no need to avoid anything diet wise, there's no dangers or Tyramine reaction, so you'll be fine. Only thing you shouldn't do is mix certain drugs or pharmaceuticals with it. But there's no dietary restrictions one has to follow, since Harmalas inhibit MAO-A and are reversible inhibitors, Harmalas are not MAOI's, they are RIMA's.
There is no "danger"?
Well yes one likely is not going to call 911, but you don't need to be in trouble to have a sad experience with Tyramines + harmalas.

* The real sensitive people do have to watch out for long and heavy headaches, but these people are rare. So I would not generalize, but rather particularize. I know of a person being not allowed some simple raisins after a ceremony, or a real long headache follows, so it does exist, but rare.

* As myself I do not belong to this sensitive rare class, but nevertheless the tyramines paint the experience in a non pleasant way, they give me a restless beaten or f*cked-up mental/bodily feeling. So no headaches but another annoying effect.

Work on an empty stomach, you won't regret.

BTW, Harmalas-RIMA is am MAOI was my thinking.
Put 100g of Acacia confusa and 30g of syrian rue in a crockpot. Cover the plant matter with water and set the crockpot on high for at least 12 hours. Keep your eye on it making sure the water doesn't get too low and stir every 2 hours. After 12 hours strain the liquid through a strainer and put the liquid back into the crockpot and turn it on high. Reduce the liquid down to 500ML. You now have 10 doses each being 50ML.

10 dose acacia/rue brew -(100g acacia confuse,30g Syrian rue)
10 dose chacruna/cappi brew- ( 300g Psychotria viridis, 300g Banisteriopsis Cappi)
Jees said:
There is no "danger"?
Well yes one likely is not going to call 911, but you don't need to be in trouble to have a sad experience with Tyramines + harmalas.

* The real sensitive people do have to watch out for long and heavy headaches, but these people are rare. So I would not generalize, but rather particularize. I know of a person being not allowed some simple raisins after a ceremony, or a real long headache follows, so it does exist, but rare.

* As myself I do not belong to this sensitive rare class, but nevertheless the tyramines paint the experience in a non pleasant way, they give me a restless beaten or f*cked-up mental/bodily feeling. So no headaches but another annoying effect.

Work on an empty stomach, you won't regret.

BTW, Harmalas-RIMA is am MAOI was my thinking.

Well for one, Harmalas, because of their reversibility, can detach themselves from MAO-A in the presence of Tyramine, but since Harmalas inhibit MAO-A, MAO-B is free to metabolize Tyramine. Also, Harmalas action in the gut only lasts for perhaps the first 2 hours or so, after that gut MAO-A is freed up and no longer inhibited.

Also, i've been taking quite the strong dosages of Rue, daily, for about 3 months now, haven't changed my diet one bit and have been just fine.

Also, most times people say they experienced something due to foods, they're really just talking about Harmala-related side-effects from what i've seen. Headaches are also caused by low blood pressure (Hypotension) or excessive vasodilation, both of which Rue can do. But as for Tyramine, there's no Tyramine reaction with Harmalas. And the rough mental/bodily feeling might come from Harmaline, like it's GABA-A inverse agonism or what not.

Plus if you take Rue or Harmalas daily for about a week or two, a reverse tolerance builds up which not only makes the Rue/Harmalas stronger each time you take them, but will also reduce undesirable/negative side-effects like heavy/rough/sickly body load, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, and makes the Rue feel very clean allowing one to tolerate stronger dosages better without feeling ill.

And no, while Harmalas inhibit MAO-A, they are not in the same class as pharmaceutical MAOI's. Even Moclobemide, a pharmaceutical RIMA, is not in the same class as non-selective and irreversible pharmaceutical MAOI's. Harmalas are quite safe dietary wise, but still gotta be careful mixing things with it and stay away from certain substances.

And as for fasting, i myself usually don't eat anything till after the experience, i take it on an empty stomach but i don't fast for days or weeks, i just wake up and don't eat till late at night, which is my usual routine anyways. Though i have eaten a light meal a few hours or so before an experience, or earlier on in the day and haven't had much of an issue. Though a big meal will throw off the digestion/absorption of the medicine and throw off the timing as well so things are better on an empty stomach, but i don't like feeling hungry during an experience because it contributes to increased stomach weirdness and possible nausea or dry heaving.
Thanks for all the great tips and words of advice i truly appreciate it!
I will have to experiment one by one and find what works best for me as time goes by.

Bit curious.. many suggest only 3 grams of rue maximum and telling me to use less acacia maybe 7-8 grams on first experience yet some others have told me no more than 7 for a peaceful journey.

Also since everyone is suggesting caapi first, how can i use the 10x extract tincture and create a similar method to the ones suggested?
ShamensStamen said:
...Also, most times people say they experienced something due to foods, they're really just talking about Harmala-related side-effects from what i've seen....
This was not the case in my experiment for sure as I know pretty well harmala effect from others. To serve the cause of tyramine myth debunking, i've literally ate a bulk of tyramines on purpose to see what their effect was on a well known pharma session dosage, it was the very opposite of improving a session, it was very hard to endure, nothing constructive whatsoever. And again: beyond the regular harmala effect. No headaches, but a weird very upsetting drift, very physically challenging, exhaustion and an extreme vulnerability feeling. Never again such experiment.

I understand that eating lesser tyramines than that would not push the buttons so hard and might escape the radar eye, but I'm convinced that even a smaller effect could not be of a desirable nature. Then, these effects can easily and wrongly attributed to the harmalas doing, so a bit opposite thinking of yours ;)

Due this exaggerating experiment I now have a better feel for what tyramines do to the body, even outside a session in regular life. I now recognize it when it presents itself even in moderate levels and that does not cause a problem of course, but that tone, that tune, what it does to me, is nothing serviceable for a session with plants. There to me it comes across as a de-stabiliser. I've no need for headache to stay away from tyramines in sessions, to me tyramines carries that "strike" of restlessness.

I was in the tyramine debunk class based on arguments, til I found out otherwise by experiment, since then I avoid even it's smaller % traces in sessions. This is just me of course.

ShamensStamen said:
...And no, while Harmalas inhibit MAO-A, they are not in the same class as pharmaceutical MAOI's. Even Moclobemide, a pharmaceutical RIMA, is not in the same class as non-selective and irreversible pharmaceutical MAOI's...
I agree that harmalas is a different class, but to put it that it is no MAOI at all sounded far fetched to me, and your explanation could not convince me so far :oops:

The time I was microdosing daily with caapi, I remember having had 2 strong coffees one day, and I regretted the up-spinning discomfort very soon. I knew immediately it was the effect of the combination. This could have been a rare case and I would not like to generalize this, but it is sure enough for me to not generalize that it never causes upsets.

So for sessions: I went from a tyramine effect believer into a tyramine myth debunker and by trying to prove a point I went back into a tyramine effect believer (but not headaches)

Thanks for the words, I did learn some 😉
Well i'm not discounting your experience with the stuff. All i'm saying, is the science indicates that Tyramine isn't an issue, and my personal experience has shown it's not an issue, at least for me. As for the restlessness, i think that's just Harmaline's GABA-A inverse agonism, which can be counteracted apparently if you add Lemon Balm to the Rue. If you haven't tried Lemon Balm with Rue yet, give it a try some time and see if you still notice that restlessness.

Another thing you can try doing, is taking Moclobemide and giving your Tyramine experiment a try, and if you still feel there's something Tyramine-related, i'll try to do a few experiments myself. I mean i get what you mean about having a feeling that it's this or that, but i haven't had anything Tyramine-wise happen to me, that i'm aware of. In fact, i have some Moclobemide and may give it a try myself sometime and see how it goes. Moclobemide is purely an MAO-A inhibitor, and doesn't have any other effects unlike the Harmalas. So if there's anything to do with MAO-A inhibition and Tyramine, it should be pretty noticeable with Moclobemide because of it's more transparent feel, ime. But in all the times i've taken Moclobemide, still never personally experienced anything Tyramine-related, but i wouldn't mind your take on it.

Also be aware that the Harmalas have a reverse tolerance, so the more you take them, the stronger they get which would make the effects (both positive and negative) more noticeable. Rue definitely has some undesirable side-effects, and i'm pretty sure food plays no role in that.

Have you tried taking just the Rue, Harmalas, or Caapi on a daily basis in strong dosages and just eat what you usually eat? I've been taking strong dosages of Rue daily for 3 months or so now and i haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary, actually Rue is feeling much better/cleaner these days and is definitely more usable with the reverse tolerance.

And yes, while Harmalas are inhibitors of Monoamine Oxidase, they are more correctly classified as RIMA's (because they are reversible and selective for MAO-A).

Also, Coffee contains some amount of MAO-B inhibition possibly, so combining Coffee with Harmalas might cause an increase in Tyramine, not sure though, but i have drank Coffee with Harmalas before and some uncomfortable effects were noticed, but i'm not sure if it was anything Tyramine related. But Caffeine itself is a substrate for the CYP1A2 liver enzyme which is inhibited by Harmalas, so it potentiates the Caffeine and a lower amount of Caffeine is needed. I actually like some Caffeinated soda with my Rue or Ayahuasca, gives some nice stimulation but it shouldn't be overdone, and pure Caffeine (like is in soda) seems better than Coffee when mixed with this stuff, for me anyways.
Hello WisdomTooth, welcome to the dmt-nexus.

Please take anything shown on youtube only as entertainment, not as advice.

On this forum you'll find a wealth of tried and tested experience. Be sure to read at least the FAQ and and the Health and Safety pages that are linked at the top of every page. And of course, the Attitude page, too. Many of your questions you'll find are already answered there. There is even more information buried in the forum threads, some of which you may uncover by using the search tool that is available to logged in members.

One word of advice: don't skip the brew. Do you eat your tea leaves? Do you grind your coffee beans and then swallow them in 00 size capsules? If your answer to these questions is not a resounding "yes", you might want to check out this part of the FAQ: 5.2 How to brew ayahuasca or analogues (mimosa hostilis / syrian rue)?

ShamensStamen said:
As for the diet, there's absolutely no need to avoid anything diet wise, there's no dangers or Tyramine reaction, so you'll be fine. Only thing you shouldn't do is mix certain drugs or pharmaceuticals with it. But there's no dietary restrictions one has to follow, since Harmalas inhibit MAO-A and are reversible inhibitors, Harmalas are not MAOI's, they are RIMA's.
ShamenStamen, I strongly disagree with you about the above statements.

My own exeperiences have been very much like what Jees has already described. First an overreacted fear of the deadly powers of maoi's. After the initial experiences, a growing disbelief and disconcern about all I had read about diets (apart from the ssri warnings). Then a third phase of gradual discovery of the real effects that "restricted" foods do have on my experiences. Tyramine is one example, cafeine another. These two also have noticeably different effects on me. And then there are other substances, such as licorice, whose effects have also caught me with surprise.

I will even go further than Jees, because I have on several occasions been bitten by bad interactions quite nastily. It was quite scary, too, on some of these occasions. All of these instances were caused by my own stupidity, carelessness and otherwise preventable lapses of reason. Not in all cases, but still in the majority, alcohol played a large role. Ingesting harmalas subsequent to several consumptions of alcohol has given me what in hindsight appears like a mild serotonin storm. This was not a bad trip or an otherwise psychologically challenging experience of sorts, this was an acute poisoning.

Even without the presence of alcohol, I've had seizure-like effects from food eaten two hours before ingesting pharmahuasca. I suspect badly processed chick pea meal, but I am not sure. Due to the severity of the effects experienced, I would rather not experiment with it to pinpoint the exact cause.

ShamensStamen please refrain from telling people to throw caution to the wind when ingesting harmalas.

Legarto Rey said:
Legarto Rey, that thread advocates the ingestion of raw plant matter. Even though your post suggests using extracts instead, most of the thread assumes ingestion of unprocessed plant matter, causing unnecessary digestive discomfort - which to me sounds far from "recreational".

My advice for people is to brew a tea from the vines, seeds, leaves, bark or whatever plant material they have and to drink the filtered and reduced tea. This is how it is done in the amazon basin and it works all the same with different plants like rue and mimosa.

For those who have purified the plant spirits into their brilliant crystalline splendor, I recommend Jees "Maoi predosing" thread in the pharmahuasca forum as good reading. Some of the observations made in that thread may also translate to the use of teas.
pitubo said:
ShamenStamen, I strongly disagree with you about the above statements.

My own exeperiences have been very much like what Jees has already described. First an overreacted fear of the deadly powers of maoi's. After the initial experiences, a growing disbelief and disconcern about all I had read about diets (apart from the ssri warnings). Then a third phase of gradual discovery of the real effects that "restricted" foods do have on my experiences. Tyramine is one example, cafeine another. These two also have noticeably different effects on me. And then there are other substances, such as licorice, whose effects have also caught me with surprise.

I will even go further than Jees, because I have on several occasions been bitten by bad interactions quite nastily. It was quite scary, too, on some of these occasions. All of these instances were caused by my own stupidity, carelessness and otherwise preventable lapses of reason. Not in all cases, but still in the majority, alcohol played a large role. Ingesting harmalas subsequent to several consumptions of alcohol has given me what in hindsight appears like a mild serotonin storm. This was not a bad trip or an otherwise psychologically challenging experience of sorts, this was an acute poisoning.

Even without the presence of alcohol, I've had seizure-like effects from food eaten two hours before ingesting pharmahuasca. I suspect badly processed chick pea meal, but I am not sure. Due to the severity of the effects experienced, I would rather not experiment with it to pinpoint the exact cause.

ShamensStamen please refrain from telling people to throw caution to the wind when ingesting harmalas.

Pitubo - First off, i'm by no means telling people to "throw caution to the wind", i actually tell people quite regularly to be cautious and i myself am cautious when doing any experimenting as well. Secondly, i'm not doubting that Tyramine has an effect on people, what i'm saying though is that the Tyramine issue is highly over-exaggerated and that a lot of people are quick to say Tyramine did it when there could be other explanations for it. The easiest way, that i know of, to put this to the test, would be to use Moclobemide and see if Tyramine interacts with Moclobemide (if anyone notices anything). Because Moclobemide acts only as a RIMA and doesn't do anything else, unlike the Harmalas since they do a lot more than simply inhibit MAO-A.

Heck, i think i'll give it a go sometime soon, gotta find some high Tyramine foods though. I'v eaten tons of sauerkraut on many occasions during strong dosages of Rue, haven't had an issue. I also eat a lot of chocolate, i love my cheeses, i eat yogurt, i love sour cream on my tacos (or baked potatoes), i eat fish, beef, and pork, i eat bananas from time to time, as well as peanuts, and processed meats, still, i haven't had an issue. I will agree though that Alcohol, like beer or liquor, ime, doesn't seem to mix well with the Harmalas, but i'm not convinced it's because of Tyramine, i think it has something to do with something the Alcohol is doing that's interfering with something the Rue is doing. And i should try the licorice thing, see if anything happens for me.

And "seizure-like effects from food eaten two hours before ingesting pharmahuasca", was the seizure-like effects during the Pharmahuasca? And you know, strong dosages of Harmaline, because of it's GABA-A inverse agonism, can cause seizures, convulsions, and tremors, as well as generate anxiety, right? Not saying that that's what it was, but i guess it could be a possibility. Another possibility that i've read about on the Shroomery, is people having seizures on Shrooms because of possible low blood sugar if i'm not mistaken, so i'm assuming that could be applied to Harmalas or Harmala+DMT combo as well.

But anyways, i haven't had an issue, most people haven't had an issue, and the science on the matter suggests that Harmalas, as well as Moclobemide, being reversible inhibitors of MAO-A, that in the presence of Tyramine, the Harmalas/Moclobemide will displace themselves from the enzyme, thus freeing up MAO-A.

Remember, the gut MAO-A is only inhibited for the first couple of hours or so, after that gut MAO-A is no longer inhibited. And the easiest way to figure that out, is by trying to take DMT sometime after taking the Harmalas, and if you wait too long, the gut MAO-A enzyme will no longer be inhibited thus DMT will not be active, and if it were still inhibited, DMT would be active. Moclobemide is the same way. But while the gut MAO-A enzyme is free after a certain amount of time, the brain MAO-A remains inhibited for a longer amount of time. Also, with Harmala teas, rather than capsules, the amount of time MAO-A in the gut remains inhibited, could be less than two hours, ime, because back when i was using Rue extract teas, i noticed the timing was different between the Rue and Mimosa, and if i waited an hour to drink my Mimosa tea it was too late and things didn't seem to activate properly.
ShamensStamen said:
what i'm saying though is that the Tyramine issue is highly over-exaggerated and that a lot of people are quick to say Tyramine did it when there could be other explanations for it.
That sounds more reasonable. somehow I seem to have parsed you incorrectly on the first pass.

ShamensStamen said:
The easiest way, that i know of, to put this to the test, would be to use Moclobemide and see if Tyramine interacts with Moclobemide (if anyone notices anything). Because Moclobemide acts only as a RIMA and doesn't do anything else, unlike the Harmalas since they do a lot more than simply inhibit MAO-A.
Working out these details in order to gain a better perspective on safe methods of administration is a noble cause. I do think that this discussion and research warrants a dedicated thread of its own rather than being a side note to a new member question about maoi safety.

Before you go off experimenting on yourself, you should really establish a sound protocol, ideally involving some form of medical supervision. At least try to discuss the protocal with some other members before going ahead too far on your own.

Have you tried any form of meditation in combination with the rue diet? A discipline like tai chi that combines physical and mental aspects of meditation could be a useful too. I wonder if some of the more subtle effects of harmala interactions might too easily go unnoticed in a typical modern western setting, teeming and screaming with distractions.

ShamensStamen said:
And "seizure-like effects from food eaten two hours before ingesting pharmahuasca", was the seizure-like effects during the Pharmahuasca? And you know, Harmaline's GABA-A inverse agonism can cause seizures, convulsions, and tremors, as well as generate anxiety, right? Not saying that that's what it was, but i guess it could be a possibility. Another possibility that i've read about on the Shroomery, is people having seizures on Shrooms because of possible low blood sugar if i'm not mistaken, so i'm assuming that could be applied to Harmalas or Harmala+DMT combo as well.
I've done pharmahuasca many times, but only this time did I get the convulsions. My fellow traveler who had shared the diet also felt poisoned, albeit less than me. She had eaten much less of the chick pea meal foodstuff though.

The times I have been more seriously poisoned by harmala interactions, I have always felt it quite clearly and viscerally. It is a very primitive physical instinct to sense poisoning.

A propos the alcohol interactions: alcohol interacts with many neurotransmitter systems, but particularly strongly with the GABA system. This may be the area of intersection with harmalas. That is just a very rough guess though.
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