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Willow grows from cuttings

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Not sure if anyone is aware of it, but Willow grows from cuttings. Thought I’d report my findings.

Anyone tried other trees to see if they’ll grow from cuttings?
Willow cuttings can provide an instant hedge, which can be woven together to produce what is known as a 'fedge' (fence + hedge).

I often propagate currants and gooseberries from cuttings, but they're not really trees - even if redcurrant bushes can get enormous. Plum responds fairly well to air layering - a technique where compost is tied onto the branch in order to stimulate it to develop roots before the cutting is taken.
BundleflowerPower said:
Not sure if anyone is aware of it, but Willow grows from cuttings. Thought I’d report my findings.

Anyone tried other trees to see if they’ll grow from cuttings?

A lot of trees and bushes grow from cuttings. Some have pretty poor rates of rooting, even with the cutting taken at the correct time, with the correct amount of leaf/leaves, temperature and pretty much constant misting with rooting hormone applied. Willow takes relatively easily due to it's high concentrations of rooting hormone, which you can actually extract to use a natural source for rooting other cuttings.

This sounds like a fun fact or something. I guess I've cloned a lot of different plants for work (including a lot of trees), not sure what to say.
Isnt this just called cloning in the botanical world? The sounds like what you do to clone a ganja plant. Take a cutting and stimulate root growth at the cut.
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