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Wondering if anyone else gets this feeling from 5-HO-DMT?

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Rising Star
So I recently have been experimenting with these seeds called yopo (aka Anadenanthera peregrina). I have tried several different methods of producing a consumption extract my personal favorite is this black sticky goop I get from acetone. I basically just place 10-15 seeds on a frying pan on less than medium heat for 45 seconds each side then peel of the shells. I then mix it with sodium bicarbonate I just take some baking soda and heat it at 210F for 60 minutes then mix it up with the yopo after I sliced it up with a razor blade on the hot frying pan to get it nice and dry and almost powder I get little small chunks. Another way I tried is to boil the crushed up seeds filter and discard seed mush then take the 3 boils and add sodium bicarbonate to it and boil down this yields a black resin not quite as sticky as the acetone goo though it's still sticky but more like marijuana resin instead of the waxy consistency of acetone extract.

However the most effective method I found is to freebase the seeds then add them to a 60ml e cigarette bottle then add acetone and shake it up let it sit for a few hours and do it 3x. This yields a black waxy substance which smokes pretty welll on top of some weed.

Anyway I have also tried a lot of acacia confusa extract too I normally do ATB or STB it yields a orange yellow goo ether way. However I noticed extreme differences in the effect between the two. With the yopo I don't really get strong visuals I get some mild wavy and river flowing visuals and some shapes made of shadows like geometric patterns on the floor but not every time. The most noticeable effect is this chill that runs down my neck and it's the only predicable effect that happens literally every time it's like this cold as ice feeling that runs from the top of my head down my spine into the soul of my feet like having ice water dripping down my back. This often happens around 30 seconds to 45 seconds after the first hit then I often get the sensation everything is spinning and 9 out of 10 times I vomit at this point. Then the swirling geometry comes on I don't really like the chilling feeling though or the motion sickness but that's the part I enjoy.

With DMT/NMT I find the visuals to be a lot stronger however much less of a physical sensation than yopo. Is this a common feeling though cause literally every time I have done yopo smoked (doesn't happen as strong with a nasal dose) I get that ice cold feeling like all your hairs standing up but gosebumbs as cold as ice.

Anyone feel the same way?
Yes it's pretty much the same for me. Little visual, only closed eyes (quickly moving strips, squares, wavy patterns).

I really hate the body load. I never vomit, but it is hard on my heart and my breath is heavy.

I also tried sodium (bi)carbonate, though soda ash (sodium carbonate) is too hard on my nose. Lime works best.

The smoothest experience I got is with bufochanga, i.e. bufotenine freebase with harmala extract. The unpleasant body load is still there.

On the other hand, the feeling is great for me when the heaviness finally subsidize.

This week we'll be doing "Yopo Workshop" preparing seeds newly obtained from the market in Lima. We'll see if there is any difference from the seeds I already have from last year.

I had some success with edible yopo powder with lemon oil but can't say if the lemon oil really helped to avoid nausea.
I find bufo has a tingling in the spine sensation also. But usually around the 4 to five minute point just before you enter the space. I innsufate it but still same bufo.
Despite its rough bodyload and 2 day hangover i get. I am always so welcome in this space it is like going home somehow. I guess the sensation could be the pre-emt of the transition from one space to the next. I would try and take it as a good sign of good medicine . HAPPY TRAILS:thumb_up:
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