I kinda now wish there was a separate forum for Nexians and friends/relatives of Nexians with cancer - there is so much to be discussed on this topic. My husband has not even been typed/staged yet and it's driving us NUTS! He's shown more depression and anxiety than I've ever seen in him in the past quarter century.
Perhaps you know what I mean. Perhaps not, given your unique history.
I'm just glad that you are here and will continue to share your journey with us. I cannot wait until you begin growing mushrooms.
Congrats on becoming a cannabis grower - isn't it wonderful? Darned plant grows like a weed! . You also may want to look into Phoenix Tears and/or contact their foundation - doing the program may not save your life but it could add real time and real quality I bet.
Red Cat - you may PM anyone now that you have been promoted. Just click on their name then select PM or search for them using the Members link in the upper right hand corner.
Great to have you here and looking forward to seeing more of your posts.
Peace & Love,
Perhaps you know what I mean. Perhaps not, given your unique history.
I'm just glad that you are here and will continue to share your journey with us. I cannot wait until you begin growing mushrooms.
Congrats on becoming a cannabis grower - isn't it wonderful? Darned plant grows like a weed! . You also may want to look into Phoenix Tears and/or contact their foundation - doing the program may not save your life but it could add real time and real quality I bet.
Red Cat - you may PM anyone now that you have been promoted. Just click on their name then select PM or search for them using the Members link in the upper right hand corner.
Great to have you here and looking forward to seeing more of your posts.
Peace & Love,