:shock: :shock: bufo is crazy!!!
I just tested some prepared, unextracted cebil seed powder...I have some bufo i extracted as well, but have been too put off due to nausea and body pain from past tests with untoasted seed powder..
I put some in my pipe on top of some mullein and very slowly took small puffs on it, held in but not for as long as I would with spice..I was being VERY careful..I have lots of seeds so this was sopposed to be a test..
I was only getting minor euphoria, so I waited a few minutes and loaded up a bit more and then a bit more with a bit of shredded cappi..
I was still barely feeling much, sort of on the edge of visuals..I opened the laptop and put on some entheogenic and could not connect with the music...until about 10-15 mins after I smoked it..
My brother walked in the door from work, and could tell I was tripping by the way I looked I guess, and thats when it really hit:shock:..i suddenly felt like I was in the music, and got extremem euphoria..the visuals were stunning! Very very colourful, more similar to psilocybin that DMT..I almsot felt like I was in a frickin cartoon..and I was wayyy gone..I can understand how some say it is very clear headed and more visual than mental..but there was at the same time a very mental aspect to it..
I am just comming down now still 40 minutes later..and I am VERY impressed to say the least..cant imagine what the extracted bufo I have from the same seeds will be like..
These seeds were from a local shop in town..but I have a good quantity I got from a certain vendor that shares the same name as a certain ancient mexican peoples:wink: ..I hope that are just as potent..
I must say..I had almost given up on these seeds..but I think the toasting really made all the diference..there was no nausea and very littel constriction at all, not unpleasant at all, the first time I have even been able to take a second hit!!
I know undertand why 69ron loves these things so damn much!! It's sort of like mushrooms, but also similar to ayahuasca in many ways..but i can smoke it like spice..yet it lasts way longer and seems to come up way slower so I can smoke over a longe period..I love it!
I just tested some prepared, unextracted cebil seed powder...I have some bufo i extracted as well, but have been too put off due to nausea and body pain from past tests with untoasted seed powder..
I put some in my pipe on top of some mullein and very slowly took small puffs on it, held in but not for as long as I would with spice..I was being VERY careful..I have lots of seeds so this was sopposed to be a test..
I was only getting minor euphoria, so I waited a few minutes and loaded up a bit more and then a bit more with a bit of shredded cappi..
I was still barely feeling much, sort of on the edge of visuals..I opened the laptop and put on some entheogenic and could not connect with the music...until about 10-15 mins after I smoked it..
My brother walked in the door from work, and could tell I was tripping by the way I looked I guess, and thats when it really hit:shock:..i suddenly felt like I was in the music, and got extremem euphoria..the visuals were stunning! Very very colourful, more similar to psilocybin that DMT..I almsot felt like I was in a frickin cartoon..and I was wayyy gone..I can understand how some say it is very clear headed and more visual than mental..but there was at the same time a very mental aspect to it..
I am just comming down now still 40 minutes later..and I am VERY impressed to say the least..cant imagine what the extracted bufo I have from the same seeds will be like..
These seeds were from a local shop in town..but I have a good quantity I got from a certain vendor that shares the same name as a certain ancient mexican peoples:wink: ..I hope that are just as potent..
I must say..I had almost given up on these seeds..but I think the toasting really made all the diference..there was no nausea and very littel constriction at all, not unpleasant at all, the first time I have even been able to take a second hit!!
I know undertand why 69ron loves these things so damn much!! It's sort of like mushrooms, but also similar to ayahuasca in many ways..but i can smoke it like spice..yet it lasts way longer and seems to come up way slower so I can smoke over a longe period..I love it!