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wow oh wow bufotenine success!!

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
:shock: :shock: bufo is crazy!!!
I just tested some prepared, unextracted cebil seed powder...I have some bufo i extracted as well, but have been too put off due to nausea and body pain from past tests with untoasted seed powder..

I put some in my pipe on top of some mullein and very slowly took small puffs on it, held in but not for as long as I would with spice..I was being VERY careful..I have lots of seeds so this was sopposed to be a test..

I was only getting minor euphoria, so I waited a few minutes and loaded up a bit more and then a bit more with a bit of shredded cappi..

I was still barely feeling much, sort of on the edge of visuals..I opened the laptop and put on some entheogenic and could not connect with the music...until about 10-15 mins after I smoked it..

My brother walked in the door from work, and could tell I was tripping by the way I looked I guess, and thats when it really hit:shock:..i suddenly felt like I was in the music, and got extremem euphoria..the visuals were stunning! Very very colourful, more similar to psilocybin that DMT..I almsot felt like I was in a frickin cartoon..and I was wayyy gone..I can understand how some say it is very clear headed and more visual than mental..but there was at the same time a very mental aspect to it..

I am just comming down now still 40 minutes later..and I am VERY impressed to say the least..cant imagine what the extracted bufo I have from the same seeds will be like..

These seeds were from a local shop in town..but I have a good quantity I got from a certain vendor that shares the same name as a certain ancient mexican peoples:wink: ..I hope that are just as potent..

I must say..I had almost given up on these seeds..but I think the toasting really made all the diference..there was no nausea and very littel constriction at all, not unpleasant at all, the first time I have even been able to take a second hit!!

I know undertand why 69ron loves these things so damn much!! It's sort of like mushrooms, but also similar to ayahuasca in many ways..but i can smoke it like spice..yet it lasts way longer and seems to come up way slower so I can smoke over a longe period..I love it!
When you get the good stuff it ROCKS! It’s definitely sort of mushroom like.

Some cebil seeds are almost completely void of the toxins and really high in bufotenine.

The seeds from Argentina are said to be the best. That's where seeds containing 12% bufotenine were found.

A lot of vendors are starting to catch on. I’ve noticed that BBB now offers seeds specifically grown in Argentina.
I have been reading everything I can now about bufo..and I found that in otts notes he explicitly states that with pure bufo he had no facial flushing...at one point I looked in the mirror and my face was flushed and my eyes were bulging, with huge pupils, but it was not unpleasant at all.. it really tripped me out becasue my skin was sort of melting as well!

So I dunno what is causing the flushing, but it did not bother me..really i can't believe it, all I did was follow the traditional prep..no extraction..I thought there would be at least some nausea..glad there wasn't though:d

Now I know that it is traditionally used with aya by some tribes..I think they chew pieces of vine before they take the seeds..so I am interested in that now as well..has you're SWIM tried drinking a vine only brew before vaporizing the bufo ron??

I really love this stuff..I want to blast off with spice at the peak of a bufo trip as well and see how that goes..
fractal enchantment said:
Now I know that it is traditionally used with aya by some tribes..I think they chew pieces of vine before they take the seeds..so I am interested in that now as well..has you're SWIM tried drinking a vine only brew before vaporizing the bufo ron??

He's tried it with THH, harmine, and harmaline separately, but not a simple caapi drink.

THH makes the trip more DMT-like and extends it. Harmine and harmaline make it more ayahuasca like, more potent, and also extend the effects. But if there’s any of the nauseating toxic crap present, they will increase the nausea of the toxic crap. So you need good quality seeds, or clean bufotenine.

I think the “toxic” crap in the seeds is actually bufotenine N-oxide. That’s my gut feeling. Some seeds contain a near 50:50 ratio of bufotenine and bufotenine N-oxide.

The xylene boil purification step (the details of this are found elsewhere on this forum) that SWIM performs on his bufotenine extracts would theoretically remove all bufotenine N-oxide because it’s more polar than bufotenine. The toxic stuff is also sticky and bufotenine N-oxide should be sticky just like DMT N-oxide is. So I’m pretty convinced the toxin being removed is bufotenine N-oxide.

Older seeds should have more bufotenine N-oxide present. Bufotenine eventually oxidizes into bufotenine N-oxide.

At some point when SWIM has more free time he plans to convert some pure bufotenine into bufotenine N-oxide using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and alcohol. It’s a simple procedure. You just mix bufotenine in a little alcohol to dissolve it and then add hydrogen peroxide while mixing and bufotenine N-oxide will form. My guess is that it will be an amber colored sticky material and will cause intense nausea when smoked, flushing, and all the other unpleasant effects some cebil seeds have.
how about using zink to turn that n-oxide back to bufo ?
surely if thats possible it would increase yeilds and stop loads of problems with extractions.
Adding zinc is a good idea IF the toxin is actually bufotenine N-oxide.

SWIM wants to know for sure what bufotenine N-oxide is like. The only way to know for sure is to isolate the bufotenine and then convert it to bufotenine N-oxide using hydrogen peroxide. That way you know for sure what you have is bufotenine N-oxide and not some other toxin. If bufotenine N-oxide gives the same effects as the toxin in the seeds, then you know for sure what that crap is. Doing it the other way around, you still don't really know. I mean if you added zinc and it "fixed" it, you still don't really know what it did for sure.
^^This makes a lot of sense actually. Because n oxides are not observable in GC. SWIMs friend of a friend has tried very hard to find something besides buf in buf extracts that cause pain. in GC there is nothing but buf but if buf n oxide was there it would convert to buf during the analysis. this also might explain why roasting the seeds help. maybe it causes the n oxide to break apart bak in to buf? or just break apart into something that doesn't cause the pain and has no effect allow the buf to work on its own.

any TLC methods for n oxide detection? SWIM will check it out.
SWIM is just at the point before xylene/limo boil.. this extraction went a lot better, it's a waxy brown amber type stuff... actually took pics at most stages will post soon.
Kannamate said:
cool to hear how did you prepare them(how many?)just toasted them,or did you add a little lime+water as well?

I toasted 2 grams in the oven in a pyrex diss at the proper temp(cant remember what that was but it is stated in another thread), and then ground them up with a mortar and a pestle..and then mixed in some sodium carbonate and some mineral water and stirred around into a paste for a while, made sure i could smell that ammonia smell from the conversion and let it dry and ground it back up into powder and stored in a small vial.

I smoked 3 small bowls of it..prob could have fit it all in one bowl though..it was smoked over a 10 minute period, with some cappivine added to the 3rd bowl..it took about 10-15 minutes to really peak though..

I did not smoke the whole 2 grams either..really only used about 2-3 seeds worth. Most seeds I weighed were about .1-.2 grams.
i bet smoking them with the caapi is what really did the trick too...

a concentrated caapi leaf smoked with the based and toasted seeds would be awesome... a friend down in Oz has told SWIM about adding leaves from the cebil tree to his caapi leaf and it is pretty amazing too...
cant seem to find a source for cebil leaves though. another freind who has growin it in new mexico says even the sap is active...
I dunno..this was the first time I toasted the seeds durring the preperation...every other time I tried it they were simply crushed up and mixed with water and base and dried..and it was utterly horrible every time..but this time it was like a completely diff entheogen all together...

I would really have to try the same prep with other seeds..but the old seeds I had bad experiences with were from the same vendor..not sure of they're source has changed.

Personally, I wouldnt touch the things ever again unless I did the toasting..thats how the shamans do it and they know best..I know there are reports of people here just using them raw in alcohol so who knows..all I can really say is my stuff seems to work really well.
Dorge said:
i bet smoking them with the caapi is what really did the trick too...

a concentrated caapi leaf smoked with the based and toasted seeds would be awesome... a friend down in Oz has told SWIM about adding leaves from the cebil tree to his caapi leaf and it is pretty amazing too...
cant seem to find a source for cebil leaves though. another freind who has growin it in new mexico says even the sap is active...

Yeah I took my amber bufo extract and dissolved into some iso and made a 1:1 mix with caapi powder just for that reason..caapi makes lots of things bettr/more visionary Iam finding.
I am trying to get some growing..I have a small indoor greenhouse and the seeds germinate but I cant get them to survive yet..but i will eventually..
I should say SWIM did actually toast before extraction... just wondering maybe SWIM doesn't need the limo boil now??... SWIM has some caapi powder, maybe will try this.
you might want to take a shot of alcohol your self before smoking... to prevent the face flushing and other vaso effects...
toasting is a really good way to go...

lots of people have been taking even old seeds with alcohol and haveing great effects from it... seriously great effects...
Interesting... How long did you toast them for? At 150 F right? I wonder if ammonia is a substitute for sodium carbonate?
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