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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Swim ponders on this one..
Swim agrees its reasonable... but wonders about the reaction of plastics and solvent..
then swim has a good idea... 5gallon carboy.. :) this is a large glass version of that same water cooler water..
can be found at any and all beer brewing stores..
swim nods... now that would be a perfect container for dreaming up large batches..
swim also looks around at friendly beer making store.. wonderful tools of the trade all around.. rubber stoppers with holes already bored thru them.. swim can make his OWN 5gal Sep-funnel!
ok.. maybe only one good idea a day..

swim is gonna go make a mess...

Unless the carboy is pyrex or some other resistant glass I would highly suggest not using it for STB extractions. That amount of lye will etch your glass and after a while it will shatter (hopefully not with 15L of highly basified solution in it).

As long as the plastic is HDPE, or even pollyurethane and you are using Naphtha, bestine and not Xylene, toluene, or DCM you should be fine.

Naphtha does not eat PE, or HDPE plastics.
HDPE and PP are the best plastics to use. When doing large scale work, glass is not a good idea. Glass is heavy and easily cracked. HDPE or PP are very forgiving materials and many times lighter than glass.

Something like this 5 gallon HDPE carboy would be good and can be used as a separatory funnel because of the spigot (this carboy costs only $11.57):


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Now I wonder why would somebody do such a big extraction? This can only be greed driven. We shouldn't answer such questions here. Its like asking: "how can i make a lot of drugs in little time?" this dude wants to sell it!
just look at him.. he only has 3 posts.. he only came here to ask this question. WE DO NOT WANT PEOPLE LIKE THIS HERE!
lorax said:
just look at him.. he only has 3 posts.. he only came here to ask this question. WE DO NOT WANT PEOPLE LIKE THIS HERE!
Hey, let us not jump into conclusions here! Every question deserves an answer, if an answer can be given. Whatever the intentions, one cannot restrict answer to people. Just for safety's sake if not anything else.
SWIM does kilo extractions whenever possible and never sells any at all. If someone wants to sell it, they will get caught and end up in prison. It’s a stupid thing to do.

I’ve heard of people doing small extractions (less than 100 grams) and selling it and getting caught. The authorities don’t care how much you are selling, any amount is highly illegal to sell. I think the idea of spending several years in prison is a big enough deterrent for most people. Only a few idiots here and there are willing to take such a risk.

If someone posts on this forum with intensions to sell DMT, we should do our best to talk them out of it, but chances are they are too stupid to listen to us anyway. I can’t imagine someone who’s intelligent pondering the idea of selling DMT which will land them serious jail time. Once you get arrested, it’s on your record permanently. When you get out of jail after many years, you’ll have a hard time getting all sorts of jobs out there as an ex-convict.
yeah you're right.. i was still mad about that whole bust thing. i just can't cope with people selling this stuff. its sacred!
lorax said:
yeah you're right.. i was still mad about that whole bust thing. i just can't cope with people selling this stuff. its sacred!

I couldn't agree with you more lorax. We do not tolerate discussions of selling spice on this forum. Never have, never will. It's a stupid thing to talk about and an even stupider thing to do.

However, no one has talked about large scale extractions for sale. If anyone does and a mod doesn't catch it, please report it to one of us and we will lock the tread with a warning.
My friends wouldn't bother getting out of bed for less than a killo. Its pure practability. One extraction equalls one time getting caught extracting versus how many extractions do you do? other benefits include, extracting Killos at a time tends to negate all that anxious nerd world gramm counting shit. It takes exactly the same time and effort. Why pull one g when you can do 10. I dont know or care whether yield is affected, I suspect not. You end up with a pile you can comfortably play with. Go for it spiral347 only down sides I can see, are people might get scared of you.
69ron said:
HDPE and PP are the best plastics to use. When doing large scale work, glass is not a good idea. Glass is heavy and easily cracked. HDPE or PP are very forgiving materials and many times lighter than glass.

Something like this 5 gallon HDPE carboy would be good and can be used as a separatory funnel because of the spigot (this carboy costs only $11.57):

You'd need to of them because the MHRB layer would be pulled out upon opening the spigot ?
Infundibulum said:
lorax said:
just look at him.. he only has 3 posts.. he only came here to ask this question. WE DO NOT WANT PEOPLE LIKE THIS HERE!
Hey, let us not jump into conclusions here! Every question deserves an answer, if an answer can be given. Whatever the intentions, one cannot restrict answer to people. Just for safety's sake if not anything else.

Indeed. Conclusions are generally unsafe to jump to. For instance, I have conducted numerous experiments involving amounts of mhrb in excess of 1kg per batch. I don't sell magic, and don't feel that I would be capable of doing so even if I knew of anyone (aside from my cyber-friends here @ tha nexus) that had ever even heard of dmt. I simply 1)find it a fascinating hobby (among many others), 2)can spare the amounts of $$ req'd for such, and 3)love morphing into inanimate objects that allow me the opportunity to visit other dimensions.
69ron said:
Something like this 5 gallon HDPE carboy would be good and can be used as a separatory funnel because of the spigot (this carboy costs only $11.57):

It's not transparent as glass but still can be used as a sep funnel ?

Sorry,if this is a dumb queston,I have not done the extraction yet.:d
It´s almost transparent, when you have your basified solution inside the jug you will be able to determine the dark layer and your transparent solvent layer on top. Its not transparent like glass but suficient in order to distinguish the two layers....

So yes, it can be used for seperation very well.....
I just tried it with a 5 gallon glass cookie jar and it was a very bad idea. The surface area on top of the water makes it horrible to siphon with.

I was wondering if I could boil the lye bath down and dry it out again, and run warm naptha through that? Would that take too much lye with it? or maybe I'll dry it out with some epsom salt, pull with water till clean (lye is obviously water soluble, but is dmt?) and then fill a large bowl with naptha and put the rest of my MHRB in a coffee filter. Then hold it in the Naptha to make a sort of tea.

So is DMT freebase soluble in water?
no dmt freebase is not soluble in water, thats why it goes to the non-polar solvent.

boiling down the mimosa water sounds like a bad idea.. remember freebase mimosa vaporizes at only 60 degrees celcius

what is the problem about just following normally as you are? just pippette/siphon the solvent layer crudely to a thin tall glass. Even if some of the basic liquid comes together no problem. Then once it is in a thin tall glass, the layers will be quite thick. From then its much easier to siphon/pippette it out cleanly to the evaporating container. The last bit that you cannot accurately pull, no problem just throw it all back in the mimosa mix, for the next pull
But the Epsom salt would absorb all the water instead of boiling it off. And I only have about 3 or 4 millimeters to work with and a rather large turkey baster.
I dont understand exactly what you are doing.. how much mimosa do you have? how much water? how much lye? is it all mixed in already? what about the naphtha?
what is the volume of the turkey baster you have?
ok I have a half pound of powdered Mimosa in 3 litres of water with about 270 grams of lye. I let the lye sit before I put the MHRB in. I waited over night and added 300 ml of warm naptha and gently shook it around so they mixed. My problem is that there is only a few millimeters between the top of the naptha and the bottom. I think the turkey baster is like 30 ml. I don't have much more naptha that I can add and then evaporate down to a usable amount.
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