Okay so swim asked me to ask you guys what he should do now. Here is what he did.
put the multi-fumarates in a bowl.
added an equal amount of sodium carbonate(he cooked bicarb in the oven at 200 for 1 hour - it did shrink and look different.)
mixed it with some water - a bit too much was added and swim thinks it would have been better if he had mixed the powders before adding the water.
Evaporated the water and ground it up - swim thinks it would have been better to really grind it up alot more than he did
packed it into a tubular vessel
and then added acetone - it was agitated alot, swim finds that by using a pippette with a squeezy bulb on the end to circulate the water by pulsing it, a good amount of agitation was achieved.
The acetone was left for a while for the particles settle. this raises the first question - how long should one leave it ?
The acetone was syphoned off and evaporated - more acetone was added and this step repeated a good few times - this raises the second question - how many pulls should one do - after pull 5 using about 12ml each time, the acetone is still comming off milky. should it be repeated until the acetone comes off clear ?
The last little bit is taking forever to evap, but all is looking good.