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xylene question

Migrated topic.
thanks man youv been a great help. much appreciated.

i actually just noticed how badly i worded that last post of mine. you answered everything but what i meant by "will it make my spice cleaner if i disolve it all in naptha and re freeze precip ?" was separate - xylene aside, if swim just took his spice (of yellowish color) and disolved it in a very small amount of warm naptha, then just freeze precipped as usual, would it clean the spice in any way at all - would the contaminants that changed the color of the spice stay in the naptha as the spice falls out ?
The yellow contaminants you want to leave out (dmt-n-oxide) are fine and equally psychoactive. But if you really want them out, aye, put the yellow spice in some container, add warm naphtha to dissolve it, soon you'll see yellow droplets of the "contaminant oxide" falling and gathering on the bottom of the container (will look like yellow/orangy/red syrup). Just get it out (e.g. siphoning it off?) and freeze precip the naphtha for whiter product
is xylene just as good as tolulene ?
what are the reasons for the 28.82 Celsius temp ?

i read a long post stating that fumaric acid can be added to a xylene pull to kill the need to evap - in that post it was not thouroly tested - is it a good idea to go through with it ?
xylene is as good a toluene. Not really much differences between the two of them.

The value of 28.82 centigrade is a bit incorrect, apologies for that. It should have been 28.83. If one goes for as low as 28.82 or as high as 28.84 he/she runs the immense danger of fucking up the whole extraction.

And finally yeah, the FASA removes the need to evap xylene; just read SWIM's FOAF's word document tek he attached in the FASA overview forum, (follow the link in his signature).

Basically any temp is fine, from room temperature up to 50 centigrade. Warmer the better, one will need to do less pulls if warmer solvent is used.
Infundibulum said:
The FASA is the best adjunct ever to STBs or A/Bs. SWIM's firmly convinced about that. Again, it's very nice to see people getting nice results with it!

To be sure, FASA only precipitates DMT fumarate, and not jungle spice, right?
i thought jungle wasnt an alkaloid but some strange diterpenoid or something along those lines.
i was also wondering about that - jungle fumarate ? swim has a xylene pull going at the mo and damn that stuff takes a long time to evap compared to naptha.
Does Xylene need to be made anhydrous with the dried MgSO4 like one would with Acetone, or does it come already without any water?
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