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Yellow spots on cactus???

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
Hey everyone,

I noticed the other day that my cacti all have some yellow spots starting to take them over. Curious if anyone knows what this might be.

They seem to have appeared on my Pedro, Torch and Bridge at roughly all the same time.

They *are* massively overdue for a repotting, but I dont' think that would cause this.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Yup, nitrogen or magnesium.
Dont think of Trichocereus species as cacti except in winter. In spring and summer think of them as tomato plants and treat them accordingly [unless your someplace very cold].
If your going into fall now I'd hit them with 1/6th strength 'grow' fertilizer one time and then start them on their winter dormancy cycle until spring when you can fertilize them properly.
If your going into spring give them half to full strength 'grow' fertilizer and if you havent eaten much salt alternate that with peeing in a gallon jug and filling it with water. My cacti just love piss, lol.
If nitrogen ferts dont fix them toss a pinch of epsom salts in with your piss.
When this happened with mine it was from lack of water. I started leaving them out during a couple storms and they fattened up, and turned a healthy looking color again. I'm sure the rain had nutrients they needed.
Auxin said:
Yup, nitrogen or magnesium.
Dont think of Trichocereus species as cacti except in winter. In spring and summer think of them as tomato plants and treat them accordingly [unless your someplace very cold].
If your going into fall now I'd hit them with 1/6th strength 'grow' fertilizer one time and then start them on their winter dormancy cycle until spring when you can fertilize them properly.
If your going into spring give them half to full strength 'grow' fertilizer and if you havent eaten much salt alternate that with peeing in a gallon jug and filling it with water. My cacti just love piss, lol.
If nitrogen ferts dont fix them toss a pinch of epsom salts in with your piss.

Super sound advice here, though I'll pass on the piss part :p
Auxin said:
Dont think of Trichocereus species as cacti except in winter. In spring and summer think of them as tomato plants and treat them accordingly [unless your someplace very cold].

I live in a place that doesn't get 4 actual seasons. it's pretty much between 55-70F allllll the time. So I don't really winterize my cacti.

I'll start out with repotting them in fresh soil and go from there.
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