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Yopo/Cebil Snuff preparation

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Thought we could collect all of our different snuff preparations in this thread. Cuz surely as there are different people there are different ways everyone makes their snuff. Do you use caapi? How much do you prepare at a time? How much base? What results? Do you soak it in water? If so for how long? for days, maybe even weeks? :shock: etc. You get the picture.

How I prepare the Yopo:
-Usually take around 40 seeds
-Toast on frying pan at medium heat for 30min (they come out popped and dark red/orange is the meat of the bean)
-Grind them up real good in mortel and pestle (yes, I use the skin)
-Pour the grinded Yopo on my ritual plate
-Eyeball about 1/4-1/5 of the Yopo in Sodium Carbonate
-Mix this up and add some drops of water and make a buttery paste
-Even this out on the plate
-Put the plate on top of a bowl of hot water until dry
-Weight or eyeball your dose and snuff it
Am I the only one doind the snuff on the forums? or what?

Thought it could be interesting to hear about how others do their snuff. And how people store their snuff even. I store it in a air thight plastic container. Have been stored over an month since I havn't had the time to snuff. Will be interesting to try my most resent snuff since last time I was overwhelmed by it :surprised Hope it has not lost any potency.. But I've heard natives store their snuff in seashell containers. But don't know for how long.
You are not the only one to try but I didn't find the convenient way. Sublingual, intranasal or other to allow cebil and Virolas in your system.
I don't have any of these in my herbal cabinet so far.
The prep for cebil was like 1part calcium hydroxide, 3 part inner seeds crushed, mixed with a few drops of water, then put this on a plate on a double boiler..
I didn't find these seeds very potent (thta was a free gift) or I am very hard head to this, but the dose I could snort was so much it would start to be very uncomfortable..
I didn't use harmalas, this country is very ruff on harmala laws..
I take ten grams of yopo, pan fry the seeds until the shells pop.

Removed the shells and grind into fine powder with pestal and mortar.

Add 3 grams of calcium hydroxide and mix in real good. Moisten the mix and let sit for a while.

Heat to dryness and regrind with pestal and mortar.

Get straw and use it to get the yopo into your nasal cavity.

Leave this reality for a bit and go on an adventure of amazing psychonaughtical discovery.

Gag at the smell of peanut butter for the next six month and get constant bloody noses.
VisualDistortion said:
I take ten grams of yopo, pan fry the seeds until the shells pop.

Removed the shells and grind into fine powder with pestal and mortar.

Add 3 grams of calcium hydroxide and mix in real good. Moisten the mix and let sit for a while.

Heat to dryness and regrind with pestal and mortar.

Get straw and use it to get the yopo into your nasal cavity.

Leave this reality for a bit and go on an adventure of amazing psychonaughtical discovery.

Gag at the smell of peanut butter for the next six month and get constant bloody noses.

Bloody noses? Have never gotten one from snuffing Yopo :shock: I use Sodium Carbonate though. Could it be the calcium hydroxide? But I get a very runny nose for two days.
I made yopo snuff a similar way the method posted above about a year ago. I am not sure if I was just very sensitive to pain or I added way too much sodium carbonate. However I sniffed a fair bit of my dose and tears immediately flooded to my eyes and I could feel the inside of my nose burning like crazy. My nose was extremely sore for about 4 days after. Never again have I thought about trying it.

If someone can convince me that it is relatively painless and that I made a mistake, I would be tempted to try again as I have a lot of spare seeds. :lol:

But until that day, I think I will stick to trying to extract bufotenine in a purer state.
Same here, prefer extraction teks over the cebil freebase... Too much body loads and pain in the nose that was.
Thanks to nexus, many recipe around to play with.
For snuffs I'd always use Calcium hydroxide.

Sodium carbonate will hit any moisture in you pretty hard and soak right in. Calcium hydroxide doesn't seem to do this.
soulfood said:
For snuffs I'd always use Calcium hydroxide.

Sodium carbonate will hit any moisture in you pretty hard and soak right in. Calcium hydroxide doesn't seem to do this.

So with hydroxide it would not hurt as much? Is that what you're saying?
I'm thinking the burning will spread much less rapidly.

The only thing is that calcium hydroxide has more of a chance of damaging the actives... but then again the tribes who used yopo/cebil would have used calcium hydroxide so that's got to count for something I guess.
soulfood said:
I'm thinking the burning will spread much less rapidly.

The only thing is that calcium hydroxide has more of a chance of damaging the actives... but then again the tribes who used yopo/cebil would have used calcium hydroxide so that's got to count for something I guess.

Will try using hydroxide next time doing a snuff and report back here.
SWIM posted the first report on EROWID on working with lime stone paste posted as TKL... SWIM stands by that method. SWIM has led many many ceremonies that way... you can get a gentler lime stone from peru or boliva used in coca chewing. This is less harsh on the nose but it also means you need to snuff more. That was the first reported experience that showed what vilca could do. SWIM actually got in an interesting conversation with Ott once on this subject after he wrote his book on the subject. He was only using baking soda, and it is really not strong enough to cause the full visionary experience. Ott actually told swim that he did not get visions from this but considered the "shamanic ecstasy" to be the main point he was really missing out. after that conversation SWIM went home and just to prove him wrong went to an asian grocery store... bought some lime stone paste for the first time and snuffed the vlica... that was the beginning of an amazing journey. And SWIM is really happy to see that that one moment inspired a lot of people to explore it in the same way. ;)
I havent snuffed in a long time..I did try it a few years ago but I wasnt preparing it right back then..

Since last september though I have done lots of work with vilca. I started with just toasting the seeds, mixing with either sodium carb or crushed burned shells and water. The sodium carb worked well though so I have just stuck with that, I am not sure about sodium bi-carbonate though as I only used carbonate and it is very very visionary after I prepare it. After that I started to extract the prepped snuf with iso, and evap it to a resin..after smoking that a few times I evapped the resin onto some leaf with caapi extracts the same way I would for normal changa.

Thats how I do it now..the stuff is insanely visionary..the most visual tryptamine I have ever worked with. I took this stuff every single night for nearly 3 weeks once. Since september I must have taken vilca in large doses 50-60 times..if not more..only this last month have I slowed down becasue I feel I know it so well now and have a good handle on how to work with it..now I take it at the peak of ayahuasca brews..that is an amazing amazing combination that I recomend to everyone.

I have seen some incredible things with vilca. Things that are hard for even me to believe. I have been to other planets and worlds..been inside alien spacecrafts and been surrounded time and time again by teams of spirits and shamans..there seem to be alot of entities with vilca.

Il prob be doing some experiments with the stuff as a snuff this summer. I guess I should use lime as opposed to sodium carb for the snuff then since it absorbs less water?
so what you are doing is making snuff, ye old fashioned way, then you are soaking it how long in iso, evaping and smoking it with changa, and thats how you are doing it now?

that sounds awesome... and something simple swim has not tried yet.
Nice! Gunna have to try this. And would sodium carb or calcium hydroxide be better when making the changa, because I'm out of both and would have to go get more? Supposedly the lime is better for the snuff so if it'd work good for the changa then I'd definitely wanna use that.
I have always just used sodium carb to make bufotenine freebase..it always works for me..I have smoked bufotenine salts and they arent anywhere near as visionary as freebase bufotenine..and the salts are way way more nauseating..

I do about 4 iso extractions on the prepared snuff to get all the bufotenine..and when you toast the seeds make sure you toast them well to remove some of the other toxic compounds that will vape away. The stuff is still nauseating either way..I use 40 colubrina seeds and about 5-10 grams caapi tinctured, and evap that onto about 1 gram of leaf. That should yield like 12 -15 large doses
thats awesome... hell yes!
with vilca you get about 4 levels of intoxication. body high, black and white hypongogic imagery, dream like in nature. and then the full on color visions, fractline amazement... then that turns into full on color visions. Do you get the last one too with this?
Dorge said:
thats awesome... hell yes!
with vilca you get about 4 levels of intoxication. body high, black and white hypongogic imagery, dream like in nature. and then the full on color visions, fractline amazement... then that turns into full on color visions. Do you get the last one too with this?

That sounds like Vilca to me.

Yes with a decent dose of Vilca there will be full on color visions :)
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