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You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when....

Migrated topic.


Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist,
OG Pioneer
OK, I'm a bit bored at work hence the start of this topic. The idea is old, the inspiration comes from a similar topic in Mycotopia:

You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when....

1) You cannot go to a hardware store without spending some good time looking at the solvents section

2) Your friends gave you 5kg of NaOH as a birthday present; you thought it as the best present ever

3) You have a particular interest for turkey basters, and this is NOT to perform artificial insemination. As a matter of fact, you've never cooked turkey.

4) Your girlfriend/boyfriend complains that you prefer extractions more than them.

5) You cannot enjoy a movie on your TV because you check every 5min if the NP layer has separated.

6) Otherwise illegible and funny sounding strings of letters like Acacia obtusifolia, Acacia longifolia, Banisteriopsis caapi, Desmanthus illinoensis, Diplopterys cabrerana etc. evoke a particular smile to your face. You also know how to pronounce them correctly.
Hi Ronue,

Having said that, may I please borrow your idea from here and copy it to some other friends who are similarly time-challenged?

With your permission -

Ronue said:
OK, I'm a bit bored at work hence the start of this topic. The idea is old, the inspiration comes from a similar topic in Mycotopia:

You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when....

1) You cannot go to a hardware store without spending some good time looking at the solvents section

2) Your friends gave you 5kg of NaOH as a birthday present; you thought it as the best present ever

3) You have a particular interest for turkey basters, and this is NOT to perform artificial insemination. As a matter of fact, you've never cooked turkey.

4) Your girlfriend/boyfriend complains that you prefer extractions more than them.

5) You cannot enjoy a movie on your TV because you check every 5min if the NP layer has separated.

6) Otherwise illegible and funny sounding strings of letters like Acacia obtusifolia, Acacia longifolia, Banisteriopsis caapi, Desmanthus illinoensis, Diplopterys cabrerana etc. evoke a particular smile to your face. You also know how to pronounce them correctly.
I am definately suffering from number 4.

Mabey i should find a cute,single,female psyconaut. Any out there?

mabey start a trippers,single's website.

My girlfriend just doesnt understand.
The tenticle, elf, and reptoad decided you needed an intervention, they used hot alien chicks to trick you into coming.

Watching salid dressing seperate facinates you.

Cd skips give you flashbacks.

You have a heatstroke, but decide that the hallucinations were still pretty cool.

You have naoh based nightmares.

You have dreams involving piles of star shaped crystals.

Youve concidered starting your own religeon.

There is something sexy about the 4 position.
Ronue said:
OK, I'm a bit bored at work hence the start of this topic. The idea is old, the inspiration comes from a similar topic in Mycotopia:

You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when....

1) You cannot go to a hardware store without spending some good time looking at the solvents section

2) Your friends gave you 5kg of NaOH as a birthday present; you thought it as the best present ever

3) You have a particular interest for turkey basters, and this is NOT to perform artificial insemination. As a matter of fact, you've never cooked turkey.

4) Your girlfriend/boyfriend complains that you prefer extractions more than them.

5) You cannot enjoy a movie on your TV because you check every 5min if the NP layer has separated.

6) Otherwise illegible and funny sounding strings of letters like Acacia obtusifolia, Acacia longifolia, Banisteriopsis caapi, Desmanthus illinoensis, Diplopterys cabrerana etc. evoke a particular smile to your face. You also know how to pronounce them correctly.

Hahahahaha :D

Sooo true :)
Aren't most of us like this?

I wish my friends were as enthusiastic and dedicated about psychedelics as I am :p
I wish there were some neo-shamans around me :p
I have some friends and relatives that do psychedelics but none of them are very serious about it and I feel they all just scratch the surface and look at them kind of like just another drug.

Well at least my wife is very understanding and doesn't dislike what I do. But she so does not want to try any of this. And I think she would just get terrified. I think she's not crazy enough to do something like DMT :p
Ha ha ! I recognize my friend here.

Add :

7) Can not have a walk in nature without looking at plants, thinking... "could they hold some interresting alkaloid to extract :p ... ?" (especially looking at Arundinacea and other wild grasses)
- scraping the rests of food on your plate always reminds you of the evaporating dish

- you constantly wonder ´what else can I recrystallize?´

- when trying to come up with an analogy to use when explaining someone about two people or things that dont mix, you first think of ´solvent and base water´, and only later of ´oil and water´.

- you have an exceptional interest in the ´cleaning´ aisle of your local supermarket
8) when waiting on the bus to your work and you close your eyes just to play with your imagination the next extraction in fast forward, step by step and theorising on the anticipated yields...

9) when you have thought more than 10 times on getting a soxhlet

10) ...and what to say to the visitors in your flat when they encounter it
This is pretty darn funny guys

I pretty much fit into 90% of these. basically everything in Ronue's original post!

I guess we're kinda nerds hey..
the best kind though 😉
You know swiy’s been extracting dmt for too long…
if you start to believe, that the entire information about our universe from big bang to collapse could be stored in some sort of quantum computer, that works independently of space and time.

You know swiy’s been extracting dmt for too long…
if you believe, that the human ZNS is the hardware and the DMT molecule the software, that is necessary to get access to this stored information.

You know swiy’s been extracting dmt for too long…
if you believe, that some unimaginable high developed creatures might be able to construct such a bizarre quantum computer in the future.

You know swiy’s been extracting dmt for too long…
If you believe, that humans might become such high developed creatures, because they explore science, art, religion and, last but not least, DMT.

You know swiy’s been extracting dmt for far too long…
if you seriously think about it, that this (loop) could be true somehow.😉
-your wife has to pull you away from the hardware store paint section
-you look forward to playing with lye
-your kitchen has permanent homes for your crock-pot, mason jars, and lye
-you no longer wake up and run to the freezer because you already KNOW you have a wondrous jar of happy crystals!
-you no longer post, "what went wrong" on every forum you can find-10 minutes into a freeze precipitation
acolon_5 said:
-you no longer wake up and run to the freezer because you already KNOW you have a wondrous jar of happy crystals!

hahahahaha, exactly SWIM's case! Now he checks it after work (which btw gives some more time for extra crystal formation!)
Using the word SWIM when talking about yourself in public places or on other forums where it wouldn't make sense.
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