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You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when....

Migrated topic.
. When you start the new year shaking a jug;

. When your family waste fifteen bucks on a turkey that they toasted so much that it looked like a quail, so you wonder how many bottles of solvent would you buy with that money.
You know you've been extracting too much when...
- When you feel the curious urge to ask repairmen in the street what solvents they use
- You plan on visitting the local botanical garden with hidden clippers & collection baggies
- Like a chef, you just can't relax anymore unless there is 'something cooking in the pot'
- You think of people who doubt all parapsychological phenomena as annoying as hell
- Your not-so-hidden ambition is to discover the next great psychedelic drug
- You never thought you'd say it - but you won't date someone who doesn't believe in aliens
- Your credit card edge is not white like a cokehead's, but an odd shade of a sticky yellow
- You've considered smoking things most people would not consider smokeable
- The only person who thinks you just might be totally crazy is yourself (shhhh!)
flyboy said:
You know you've been extracting too much when...
- When you feel the curious urge to ask repairmen in the street what solvents they use
- You plan on visitting the local botanical garden with hidden clippers & collection baggies
- Like a chef, you just can't relax anymore unless there is 'something cooking in the pot'
- You think of people who doubt all parapsychological phenomena as annoying as hell
- Your not-so-hidden ambition is to discover the next great psychedelic drug
- You never thought you'd say it - but you won't date someone who doesn't believe in aliens
- Your credit card edge is not white like a cokehead's, but an odd shade of a sticky yellow
- You've considered smoking things most people would not consider smokeable
- The only person who thinks you just might be totally crazy is yourself (shhhh!)

I always visit the local botanical garden with clippers and collection baggies!!!
Infundibulum said:
You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when....
...you are the top expert on scaping substances off glass surfaces to absolute cleanness using a razorblade .

...you are the top expert on powdering whatever you have scraped out ao a glass surface.
When your roommates quit asking you what you are doing because your response always contains the words alkaloids, solution, soluble, non-polar solvent and tannins, and henceforth refer to what your doing as "the science experiment".

When you need to come up with clever new responses to the cashiers who ask you what distilled water is used for.

When you are convinced a band has to have tried DMT to be able to come up with the music they put out.

when you think you can get together a test group to determine the potency of pharmahuasca vs. fumerate capsules.

When you think you can cure your entire families drama by giving them all ayahuasca and letting them trip at the lake cabin for a day.

acetone begins to smell O.K.
you know you think about elf-spice too much when someone mentions actual spice and the first thing that comes to mind is that amazing smell.
Awesome thread def deserves a revival :D

- you make jokes about A/Bing random stuff

- the first thing you think about buying when money comes in is extraction related supplies or ethnobotanicals

- you can multi-task several extractions at once and cook your own food and not mix the containers :p

- you dont follow teks, dont weigh things, and know it will all turn alright

- you suddenly smell dmt in the most random places
endlessness said:
Awesome thread def deserves a revival :D

- the first thing you think about buying when money comes in is extraction related supplies or ethnobotanicals

- you suddenly smell dmt in the most random places

*nods* especially at the last one. Often times I smell that distinct waxy plasticky mothball elf-breath odor coming out of the cleaning closet at work. I think the old adage "marijuana is not addictive, but growing it is" certainly applies to Spice.
When you check the Nexus for updates more often than your email.

When you pretend to have "gotten into making preserves" to explain owning a gallon size mixing jug to your visiting parents.

When you cut down on food shopping, because you know you need that freezer space for something else.

When starting your BBQ, you begin wondering if the lighting fluid might be suitable for pulling jungle spice.
hahaha nice thread. I can totally relate to all this :)

when you consider extracting a bowl of rice crispies, just to see what happens.

When you're never fully satisfied until you grow some sort of crystal that makes you blast off at the mere site of it.

When you're so proud of said crystal that you start to show it to people like your gran.

When you tell the shop assistant that you own a petrolium powered helicopter so she'll sell you more naptha.
This is thread is hilarious!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Many of them apply to swim also.
Okay, lets see...

You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when....

... One has lucid dreams involving extractions.

... One has seen a chem lab in hyperspace complete with glassware. (true story)

... One absent mindedly pours themself a drink without realising they grabbed the can of naptha instead.

... One can do extractions in an airtight room without getting sick.:oops:

... Swiy purchases a second refrigerator exclusively for freeze precips.

... His cat loves the smell of solvents.

... His kitchen pantry has solvents sitting next to the canned foods.

... He has to start a thread on the Nexus entitled: "You know SWIY's been extracting DMT for too long when...."
endlessness said:
- you suddenly smell dmt in the most random places

Perhaps not the most random of places, but I often get phantom DMT smell in my room- an incredibly strong whiff of it even if I haven't been smoking in there/none laying out/the bong is perfectly clean etc. It's really strange.
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