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You Tube Gordo Tek

Migrated topic.


The Life You Ordered has Arrived
Is this type of mainstream publicity a good thing? Personally, I am not comfortable with this, as I see it, over-exposure.
Who are we to blow against the wind?

It's inevitable, at least the guy is recommending extreme caution and harm reduction.

Of course the muppets will ignore all the warnings and jump into the fire, but such is the nature of muppets... and fires. :lol:

Bet you any money the thought police get to it before long.
There are extraction TEK links posted here and many other websites. We've all seen them. Anyone can learn how to extract DMT just by doing a simple Google search. This Nexus link pretty much spells it all out for you: DMT Extraction paths - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

My point is that if the TEK is openly available on various media and websites, then Gordo's TEK is just one of many resources for finding out how to properly extract your Jester Juice. At this point, it's just a matter of who is providing the best, most "easy to follow" process. You can't really criticize Gordo's TEK just because his information is delivered in a multimedia format or uploaded to a high profile website (like YouTube). If you do, then it becomes a totally ambiguous issue of where and where not to "allow" this information to be made available.

Now, if his TEK was bad, used an unsafe process or encouraged abuse of the end product, then yes- by all means question it. However, it's a very good TEK, it's safe and it works! ...More power to him!


BTW: He links the Nexus in his video description and recommends the viewer do their "due diligence" by research the Nexus, so he's driving traffic to your website and you get the opportunity to better educate them once they do.
I know this is inevitable and that the information is just a google search away. I meant in a broader sense, remember the moral panic in the 60's over LSD...DMT mentioned on the 9 O'clock news? (I'm from the UK), Yes his Tek is fine, it's a good resource, I'm not criticising his Tek or saying he is irresponsible for posting it just that I worry about a backlash setting back all the progress since the "War on Drugs".
Yeah, well... he's definitely tempting the ire of the powers that be. I wouldn't be doing the same.

I don't think the war on drugs will ever really focus on DMT though. It's such a low value target. There's little to no money involved to attract the police and there's not the hospitalizations or violence there to bring about public outcry either.

Security through obscurity, almost. Well at least the illusion of it.
I do not see the problem here?
He provides a very safe efficacious tek,
it has all the values the Nexus feels highly about,
he elucidates harm reduction and gives thorough warnings,
those who decide to embark, given all the legal and safety ramifications; were going to do it anyway, and this is a very good way to go about it. His contribution is a didactic, edifying, well thought-out, efficacious tutorial that many should thank him for.
He has good moral caliber and probably helped, and saved people from trouble with nasty & convoluted teks.
I express much gramercy to Gordo for this.
I think what Fidelsbeard is getting at Astonish is that this sort of thing could contribute to "over-popularization" of DMT, making it moar of a target for law enforcement and the modern offended culture. Also, maybe soon the only way to find source material will be to wait years whilst it grows in your back yard. (which really isn't such a bad thing) But there would be tears in the greater community and maybe a realization that mainstream channel videos documenting DMT extractions weren't such a good thing.
Northerner said:
I think what Fidelsbeard is getting at Astonish is that this sort of thing could contribute to "over-popularization" of DMT, making it moar of a target for law enforcement and the modern offended culture. Also, maybe soon the only way to find source material will be to wait years whilst it grows in your back yard. (which really isn't such a bad thing) But there would be tears in the greater community and maybe a realization that mainstream channel videos documenting DMT extractions weren't such a good thing.

...I'm with Astonish on this one. LSD was much easier to control because the chemicals used could be easily regulated. Same with Meth, X and crack. But it would be pretty damn hard for LE and DEA to clamp down on all of the plant matter you can extract DMT from. And all you really need to extract it with is found right on the shelves of your local grocery and hardware stores.

I really don't see any serious "crack downs" happening anytime soon. Nobody wants to get behind the wheel of a car or walk around in public on DMT nor does anyone really want to hit the stuff more than once a week (unless you're a 4th-dimensional masochist) It's not that "joyful" of a ride, folks! Right now people are having to step over crack and meth addicts lying on California sidewalks while they're shooting up meth!

I'm guessing there isn't a single DMT user causing a disturbance anywhere at all right now. In fact, I kind of wish my neighbors would use it because it might shut them up for ten minutes!

They have tied up the source plants to a large extent in many countries, I think we can expect to see that to continue and escalate to some degree. Though there will never be a "War on DMT". The idea is kinda funny actually.

They tried to ban all DMT containing plants here in Australia, then hit the brick wall that our national floral emblem contains DMT. :lol:
BirdmanDMT said:
Northerner said:
I think what Fidelsbeard is getting at Astonish is that this sort of thing could contribute to "over-popularization" of DMT, making it moar of a target for law enforcement and the modern offended culture. Also, maybe soon the only way to find source material will be to wait years whilst it grows in your back yard. (which really isn't such a bad thing) But there would be tears in the greater community and maybe a realization that mainstream channel videos documenting DMT extractions weren't such a good thing.

...I'm with Astonish on this one. LSD was much easier to control because the chemicals used could be easily regulated. Same with Meth, X and crack. But it would be pretty damn hard for LE and DEA to clamp down on all of the plant matter you can extract DMT from. And all you really need to extract it with is found right on the shelves of your local grocery and hardware stores.

I really don't see any serious "crack downs" happening anytime soon. Nobody wants to get behind the wheel of a car or walk around in public on DMT nor does anyone really want to hit the stuff more than once a week (unless you're a 4th-dimensional masochist) It's not that "joyful" of a ride, folks! Right now people are having to step over crack and meth addicts lying on California sidewalks while they're shooting up meth!

I'm guessing there isn't a single DMT user causing a disturbance anywhere at all right now. In fact, I kind of wish my neighbors would use it because it might shut them up for ten minutes!

How can you cause a disturbance if you're in another dimension?
The type of people who use DMT for the right reason, far outweighs those who don't, and the ones who don't, learn quick. People who use actual nasty drugs like bath salts, or spice, cause a public outcry, because they have gone crazy. DMT is a tool, and the culture behind it cannot be compared to something that fries your brain. I highly doubt your going to see someone get their face chewed off, or get murdered because someone smoked dmt.
I Didn't specifically mean a war on DMT but the paranoia and misunderstanding still prevalent in my country especially leads to heavy handedness, we are a long way from weed being legal. If 200g of bark was intercepted you would probably be charged for 200g DMT and dealing and no one should have a criminal record for personal use, lives are ruined by this.
Fidelsbeard said:
I Didn't specifically mean a war on DMT but the paranoia and misunderstanding still prevalent in my country especially leads to heavy handedness, we are a long way from weed being legal. If 200g of bark was intercepted you would probably be charged for 200g DMT and dealing and no one should have a criminal record for personal use, lives are ruined by this.
Is there a legal precedent for this in the UK? Are you sure you're not just repeating a story from the US press/legal records about this same situation?
Fidelsbeard said:
I Didn't specifically mean a war on DMT but the paranoia and misunderstanding still prevalent in my country especially leads to heavy handedness, we are a long way from weed being legal. If 200g of bark was intercepted you would probably be charged for 200g DMT and dealing and no one should have a criminal record for personal use, lives are ruined by this.

You are spot on there. This video might be interesting
. The gentleman in the video made the mistake of making some youtube videos on dmt extraction and mushrooms and paid the price for it. I believe he passed away a few years back. He seemed like a really harmless bloke sourcing stuff for his own needs but the authorities decided to make an example of him and charged him like he was a drug dealer.
downwardsfromzero said:
Fidelsbeard said:
I Didn't specifically mean a war on DMT but the paranoia and misunderstanding still prevalent in my country especially leads to heavy handedness, we are a long way from weed being legal. If 200g of bark was intercepted you would probably be charged for 200g DMT and dealing and no one should have a criminal record for personal use, lives are ruined by this.
Is there a legal precedent for this in the UK? Are you sure you're not just repeating a story from the US press/legal records about this same situation?
It's happened like that here in Australia. People have been charged for possession of of kg's of DMT.

Sadly they tend to drop off the radar and we don't get to hear the outcome in most cases.
I read about the Australian incident but when people are busted for a larger quantity of cocaine or heroin the value is often estimated by the street price per gram (0.7 more like)
Yes, the (excellent) video antares links to abundantly illustrates that the UK police, customs and judiciary (not to mention the press, including the BBC) are every bit as corrupt and disingenuous as those of the US. The drug war knows no borders.

Fortunately, for the well-prepared at least, their corruption is often matched by their incompetence. If one is lucky/smart enough to get decent legal representation this should be sufficient to ensure one's continued freedom, albeit at considerable expense of time, money and worry.
antares said:
Fidelsbeard said:
I Didn't specifically mean a war on DMT but the paranoia and misunderstanding still prevalent in my country especially leads to heavy handedness, we are a long way from weed being legal. If 200g of bark was intercepted you would probably be charged for 200g DMT and dealing and no one should have a criminal record for personal use, lives are ruined by this.

You are spot on there. This video might be interesting
. The gentleman in the video made the mistake of making some youtube videos on dmt extraction and mushrooms and paid the price for it. I believe he passed away a few years back. He seemed like a really harmless bloke sourcing stuff for his own needs but the authorities decided to make an example of him and charged him like he was a drug dealer.

antares, that's about the size of it here in the UK :(
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