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your tips for first trip to HyperSpace!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

On Friday me and my mate are taking our first trip into the DMT world. We're both in our mid 20's and have put a lot of thought into this. None of us have took any drugs in a long time, I'm about 2 years without any drugs my mates probably the same (although he smokes a lot of weed).

I made a lot of silly decisions with drugs in the past. I used to enjoying pushing the limits when I was younger which wasn't always a smart thing to do. So I've had a lot of experience with MDMA, Ketamine, Mephedrone, LSD, Mushrooms, cocaine, MXE, Cocaine, AMT, Methylone, diazepam etc. along with various different combinations.

I've had all the good and all the bad that goes along with it. I gave up weed due to the anxiety I started getting with it, I don't drink alcohol anymore because its a one way ticket to the party drugs.

I'm not looking to get "high" either.. I'm looking for a experience I can take something away from.

I know when Friday comes round both of us will have the pre flight anxiety, had it every time I took mushrooms and I used to grow golden teachers regularly. But I think our set and setting is as good as it can be.

We have 3 smoking methods lined up,

1. glass and metal E nail dab rig

2. small bubbler pipe for vaping it on a bed of ash.

3. another dab rig with a glass bowl

We've got great scales, so our doses will be really accurate. We plan on just testing our smoking methods with 10mg hits.

We're doing it at night also, and plan to eat around 3 hours before hand so we aren't doing it will full stomachs.

Also I think doing it after the gym would be good? After the gym I always feel great, I think the mindset after a workout would be a good for doing the DMT?

Ideally I'd like to get about 3 10mg hits in the one night depending on how I'm feeling ?

Is there anything else we're missing or we good for take off? :d

Sounds like you have a great set and setting planned.

Just relax and allow the experience to unfold as it may. Don't set up any expectations as it will never be as expected.

Maybe put on some music that you enjoy if you like. I like music with no lyrics.

Low lighting. Get comfortable obviously.

Please write up and experience report following your journey and tell us about your impressions and thoughts. I love to hear first time reports with DMT!


Remember to close your eyes too. The magic is in the darkness there. A lot of people hit it the first time and then look around and start freaking out when the world turns insane before them, that was me too. 😁

10mg will give you some pulsing colours and a fractals... but it really starts to get interesting >20mg. Don't be scared to change the plan if you feel you can handle more after that first hit.

Best of luck, happy travels. :thumb_up:
DmnStr8 said:
Sounds like you have a great set and setting planned.

Just relax and allow the experience to unfold as it may. Don't set up any expectations as it will never be as expected.

Maybe put on some music that you enjoy if you like. I like music with no lyrics.

Low lighting. Get comfortable obviously.

Please write up and experience report following your journey and tell us about your impressions and thoughts. I love to hear first time reports with DMT!



Will do mate, I'll be here late Friday night writing it up!

I already have these expectations of it, I know when I lift the pipe I'm essentially going in blind. I've read everywhere it's like nothing else out there.

Northerner said:
Remember to close your eyes too. The magic is in the darkness there. A lot of people hit it the first time and then look around and start freaking out when the world turns insane before them, that was me too. 😁

10mg will give you some pulsing colours and a fractals... but it really starts to get interesting >20mg. Don't be scared to change the plan if you feel you can handle more after that first hit.

Best of luck, happy travels. :thumb_up:

The breakthrough sounds incredible, but I don't want to push it too far my first time round.

I'll see how the 10mg hits me, if i feel it slightly disappointing i'll for sure go for a higher dose.

How is it smoking multiple times in the one night ?
Scottie said:
How is it smoking multiple times in the one night ?

It's totally fine.

At the risk of sounding demeaning (I assure you that I am not), I feel like you're over-thinking the whole experience just a little too much.

Please don't get me wrong, I am an old pro at this (the tripping part at least, the extraction part I might as well be a total newbie at relatively speaking), and I highly respect your detailed planning. I feel that attention to detail when it comes to psychedelic trips is of the utmost importance. However, there is a point where you have to let that all go and, much like the really Old School Nexus people were saying long before I discovered this forum, you just need to SMOALK MOAR.

May you find your Peace
I don't smoke dmt very often but I do it more than any other psychedelic 'drugs'. I do it when it calls to me. Pre fight anxiety is normal (at least for me). It took me sometime to dive in and find out what it's all about and when I did..wow woah omggggg. I take small tokes to start and any nervousness melts away as my body and mind soak up the spice. Once in tune I start to cape larger amounts.

As someone already said, eyes closed is where it's at.

Enjoy this pivotal moment of your life!
Also I think doing it after the gym would be good? After the gym I always feel great, I think the mindset after a workout would be a good for doing the DMT

Perhaps swimming before...

I would not be surprised if you change your original plan from 3x10 mg to 1x10 and 1x20mg (or more). You could feel inspired after the first hit. :)
Change of plans, it's happening on Saturday now!

So I'll do a trip report late Saturday night for everyone. Really excited about it now. Get anxious when I think about it, but mostly excitement.

I'm worried about the harshness of it though, do people over exaggerate the harshness of the vapour?

Go some ice I can put in the pipe to help cool it down anyway
I'm worried about the harshness of it though, do people over exaggerate the harshness of the vapour?

Go some ice I can put in the pipe to help cool it down anyway

It depends on the vaporization method, and your own lung sensitivity. I myself have not found a way to make it tolerable, really. Cooling it down had no effect for me unfortunately. It's most important to not burn it and vape most of the spice.

@Electro Monk
Thanks, it's a scene from the movie "If..." ...i recommend it!
I don't think my lungs are too sensitive because I use an ecig, it's a direct to lung one.

I've changed to smoke a liquid thats really harsh today. So hopefully this will help me in some way tomorrow
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