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Youtube goes after psychedelic content!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So,if you watch psychedsubstance,your mate tom,robb dogg,or any youtuber that posts videos about psychedelic experiences or harm reduction you probably saw that in the last 7 days youtube strikes these channels and even deletes some of them for no reason!

In my mind,this is a lame atempt to silence these people because they are spreading imformation that doesnt fit the cultural views or the views of youtube,also it is a atack on free spech!

I would like to hear what you think about this situation:)
Here are some links

Your mate tom:
Robb dogg:
Well it's a private company so they can do what they want with the content in there.

Nothing we can do about it.
ymer said:
Well it's a private company so they can do what they want with the content in there.

Nothing we can do about it.

Even if they can there should still be a debate on whether it's okay or not. Sure, nobody can stop them. But google is one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, and their users should be questioning their actions. In my opinion the fact that we can't stop them is irrelevant, it's more a debate on if what they're doing is morally correct or not.
ymer said:
Well it's a private company so they can do what they want with the content in there.

Nothing we can do about it.

I agree with Kaljian here,they cant dictate what kind of content is pushed on an open platform(well besides brutal videos and racism etc) but to strike channels that make HARM REDUCTION videos and trip reports that precisley follow youtube guidelines is ridicolous!
Kajlian said:
Even if they can there should still be a debate on whether it's okay or not. Sure, nobody can stop them. But google is one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, and their users should be questioning their actions. In my opinion the fact that we can't stop them is irrelevant, it's more a debate on if what they're doing is morally correct or not.

Moral for whom? some people find psychedelic immoral and bad, they can make the same argument that it's immoral for youtube NOT to ban that type of content.

It is what it is.
ymer said:
Kajlian said:
Even if they can there should still be a debate on whether it's okay or not. Sure, nobody can stop them. But google is one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, and their users should be questioning their actions. In my opinion the fact that we can't stop them is irrelevant, it's more a debate on if what they're doing is morally correct or not.

Moral for whom? some people find psychedelic immoral and bad, they can make the same argument that it's immoral for youtube NOT to ban that type of content.

It is what it is.

That exactly what I meant. Different opinions exist, they can do what they want; and that's why I think things like this should be discussed.
Any youtube vid about cola and hamburgers devouring obese people will be tolerated by and large, depicted as people having "a good time in their life", forget about harm reduction being a norm or an argument at that place.
sabex said:
So,if you watch psychedsubstance,your mate tom,robb dogg,or any youtuber that posts videos about psychedelic experiences or harm reduction you probably saw that in the last 7 days youtube strikes these channels and even deletes some of them for no reason!

In my mind,this is a lame atempt to silence these people because they are spreading imformation that doesnt fit the cultural views or the views of youtube,also it is a atack on free spech!

I would like to hear what you think about this situation:)
Here are some links

Your mate tom:
Robb dogg:

I think the way you are portraying what is happening is skewed because you use psychedellics.

It seems less like they are targeting discussion of psychedelics & more like a "drugs are bad m`kay" from youtube.

Do you really think most of the population, much less a company that is probably a large corporate conglomerate, views something like DMT or mushrooms any different than they do cocaine or methamphetamines?
concombres said:
sabex said:
So,if you watch psychedsubstance,your mate tom,robb dogg,or any youtuber that posts videos about psychedelic experiences or harm reduction you probably saw that in the last 7 days youtube strikes these channels and even deletes some of them for no reason!

In my mind,this is a lame atempt to silence these people because they are spreading imformation that doesnt fit the cultural views or the views of youtube,also it is a atack on free spech!

I would like to hear what you think about this situation:)
Here are some links

Your mate tom:
Robb dogg:

I think the way you are portraying what is happening is skewed because you use psychedellics.

It seems less like they are targeting discussion of psychedelics & more like a "drugs are bad m`kay" from youtube.

Do you really think most of the population, much less a company that is probably a large corporate conglomerate, views something like DMT or mushrooms any different than they do cocaine or methamphetamines?

You have a point here, but its about educating people about substances that governments and other stupid companies stigmatize for no reason,and these people just say dont do drugs,but if you do here is what you need to know!
This whole situation is about depriving people of the truth and knowledge that may save theyr lives,imagine this forum being shut down because of the things that are discussed in here!

The truth can never be silenced by these control freaks!
Honestly who cares about YouTube it’s not all that great anyway. YouTube is cool for entertainment but honestly all the information you need on psychedelics can be found in books like TIHKAL and PIHKAL honestly they have a lot more information than anyone’s YouTube even Krystal Coles channel doesn’t cover as much substances as Alexander Shulgin and he even includes synthesis. Ever since I read his books I’ve been pissed about a Führer of the modern day though. Exactly why they are trying to ban Kratom and keep OxyContin Führer of the modern day.

Honestly YouTube has straight retardation about drugs like making you sine in cause 18+ to watch custom grow 420 like wtf it’s weed it’s a plant it’s not bad and YouTube can fuck off I been rolling joints since the 7th grade literally started smoking when I was 12 years old. They have to stop acting like weeds a real drug it’s not meth or coke or a opioid it shouldn’t be considered bad like they are but according to the retarded person in charge of the DEA meth and coke are healthyer than weed. It’s all part of the modern day Führers plans to reduce population. Just say no to all not schedule 1 drugs and 95% of the schedule 1 drugs are not even dangerous or unhealthy in the slightest bit. It’s run by misinformation and ignorance.
YouTube is the most interesting social experiment I've seen in my lifetime. Unfortunately, rather than strictly and clearly limiting content types or conversely placing NO limits on content, they attempt to walk an undefined "middle road". While it's getting harder and harder to see quality harm reduction videos one can still watch nude yoga, bum bleachings and G-spot injections (yeah, really) on the platform. It's the ambiguousness of offense, the lack of even a general guideline, the random gamble that ones video does not offend the wrong person that will eventually be the end of the platform IMO. I give it a year.
I have watched a few videos of the above mentioned channels on youtube.

They come across as recreational users and they clown around quite a bit. Hard to take anything they say seriously to be honest. It seems like they add in the safety and education disclaimers because they have to, and not because it is a true concern.

If I were to give them advice, I would say quit the clowning around and approach these experiences in a let's say, a more spiritual manor and they would likely not be harassed by the youtube straight and narrow types. There are plenty of other channels who approach psychedelics in a "spiritual" way and I don't see their videos being removed. I could give examples but I think it's easy enough to search for yourself and you can see where I am coming from.

If they want to be taken seriously, then they need to quit with the recreational approach. As much as I do enjoy their antics, they are clowns. My two cents.
DmnStr8 said:
...I have watched a few videos of the above mentioned channels on youtube.

They come across as recreational users and they clown around quite a bit. Hard to take anything they say seriously to be honest. It seems like they add in the safety and education disclaimers because they have to, and not because it is a true concern...

I totally agree with what you're saying here DmnStr8, and feel very much the same way.

Most all of the videos in question make me cringe so badly that it hurts.

So even though, from my point of view, YouTube and it's owner Google are pretty much evil incarnate, I can't say that I am disappointed at all, nor am I surprised, that those videos were pulled.
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