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Zinc conversion Harmaline > THH questions

Migrated topic.
So i read the entire thread where Endlessness laid out the process of converting Harmaline to THH. Is anyone experienced in this method? I found conflicting info on the process so im finding it difficult to lock down the exact procedure of seperating the zinc carbonate from the THH.

If anyone has done this or knows the procedure you're help would be greatly appreciated!
THH.HCl is virtually insoluble in cold salt solutions. Manske works.

Dissolve your zinc carbonate-THH freebase mixture in room temperature dilute vinegar.
Add an equal volume of room temperature or only mildly warm saturated salt water.
Place in refrigerator overnight.
Filter out THH.HCl crystals, the zinc will remain in solution.

If you did not use ultra-pure zinc and are worried about cadmium contamination dissolve the filtered THH.HCl in water and salt precip a second time.

Here I laid out room temperature procedures, you can also try hot procedures, avoiding the need for a saturated salt solution, but when dealing with isolated alkaloids those sometimes gave me trouble.
dnbjunkie1337 said:
So i read the entire thread where Endlessness laid out the process of converting Harmaline to THH. Is anyone experienced in this method? I found conflicting info on the process so im finding it difficult to lock down the exact procedure of seperating the zinc carbonate from the THH.

If anyone has done this or knows the procedure you're help would be greatly appreciated!
You can also use ammonia to freebase the THH, the zinc carbonate will redissolve back into sollution before the THH start to crash out. Other bases have not done so well as ammonia in this regard. I hope you succeed :thumb_up:
Here,s a link to a thread where I ran the reduction w while back:TTH from Harmaline

It went really well, the biggest problem being that I had not separated the harmine out effectively when I started, so some ended up in my end product I used ammonium chloride to inhibit zinc salt precipitation.
Elrik said:
THH.HCl is virtually insoluble in cold salt solutions. Manske works.
IIRC it was pointed out in the original thread that Manske didn't work with THH.

Thanks for the cold Manske tek though, I hadn't thought of it. Hot Manske gives me trouble too... it seems you have to hit the sweet window with the concentration of salt and alks for it to work well.
Jagube said:
IIRC it was pointed out in the original thread that Manske didn't work with THH...
In the collaborative VDS thread people do successfully use maske salting protocols on THH, I think An1cca got there first [Link].
I salt out my THH in high yield. While I missed my chance to buy a used infrared spectrometer, my THH seems to be the real thing. It feels nothing like harmine or harmaline in moderate doses by itself or mixed with DMT or mescaline.

For years the assumption was that manske didnt work on THH. This, from what I can piece together, all stemmed from a single failed attempt by someone back in the day when no one had pure THH and some of what was being sold as THH didnt even have any THH in it.
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