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trip report

  1. Kamsue eal

    Exp. Report 100mg-???mg DMT trip report, 5 years later.

    First off, I would like to state I do not think that anyone in their right mind should do anything like this... It was about 5 years ago that this took place. It has not necessarily taken this long to understand what had taken place that night fully, however it has taken a considerable amount...
  2. P

    410mg-Mescaline Citrate in the Mountains

    I had planned for a special mescaline trip for a couple months ahead of time. Finally the time came to make it happen and boy was it worth it and met my expectations. Although I've had mescaline many times, I'd definitely say this was one of my most enjoyable trips with it for various reasons...
  3. T

    Introduction, report and questions...

    Hello everyone, first I want to thank you nexians, for helping me find information, sources, and many things I am interested in. To find place where perspectives arent skewed by society is refreshing for me. Place where people went on unusual paths and reported back, helps me on my journey...
  4. D

    Been doing DMT and not tripping need help!

    So I’ve been doing Dimitri and haven’t got any visuals or anything! I can feel the body high a little bit but does anyone know why this is happening?
  5. Self-container

    The morphing state-space; a whiff of hyperspace?

    I did changa about two hours ago, so this trip report is very fresh; I don't know if waiting would spoil it or ripe it... I don't think it matters much however, as I intend to take changa again soon. I did not enter the waiting room, nor hyperspace, but I got closer than I did the last two...
  6. A

    Exp. Report Pharmahuasca Trip Report

    Greetings, I'm just going to get right into it because that is why I am here. But first, here's some context This was my first experience with orally taken DMT and Syrian Rue. I will first talk about how I prepared the DMT/Rue and then get into the details of the trip in the order which they...
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