the guy was asking for it.
That guy is dumber than a.....
If there wasn't criminalization there would be no financial incentive to possess >200g of DMT.
Nothing at all... I see money driven violent criminal intent as the point here. Not DMT, not guns. (and a dash of stupidity)obliguhl said:I still don't understand what owning and firing a gun has to do with DMT.
Most journalists have probably never heart of DMT. Some newsmedia have an agenda, but i think most journalists are just realy ignorant.Jees said:Yes about ^^^ and that so called "lab" just being a bottle of drain cleaner, a god darn funnel with a raging criminal coffee filter in it, "He sure wasn't making coffee with this sergeant !!!".
A friend of mine (in good ole understanding EU) got arrested and the police department dismantled his drug lab, this was put in such a way in the media. Truth was he was growing weed plants on his attic and they found some very suspecting bottles with strange materials in it, being fertilizers, perlite etc..
He was depicted as the local drugs baron. He never really sat in jail thanks to good ole EU though, but it got depicted in media so bad, so utterly wrong and bad and you're so powerless against that kind of agenda. It all helped him going deeper and deeper into real drugs hell and suicide attempts, he wasn't the smartest to deal properly with issues at hand and got spiraling down... down..
Maybe this...maybe that...maybe the OP protagonist is a fool indeed but that does not take away doubts about media being the servant of an agenda, they easily lie so hard that it has no name.
but setting consequences for adults who deliberately break laws is also important.
This may sound a bit strange after some other things i've said before, but yes, i do think that we in europe often don't properly understand america's relation with guns. And we are often too quick with judging, as i realy don't think any sort of gun prohibition is even remotely realistic in a country with as many guns as people.null24 said:Bottom line is this man just lost ten years of his life for something most of us have done or actively do here. This should scare any of us.
Doing a little research on this case i found a statement by one of the LEOs involved that the suspecthad "dmt in liquid form". This is surely the soup in which case 200 grams isn't a whole lot.
Another interesting thing is how quickly they identified the equipment in the home as a "dmt lab". In most other cases I've read about the cops thought it was meth or had no idea what it was until tested. Does this mean they are educating themselves or that it's more common.
And yes this is another case of a person getting busted for one thing because the police entered the home for another.
There are a few takeaways from this story. First be careful folks, don't leave stuff out in the open and have some plausible deniability for ingredients. Store nps in a work area, vinegar in the kitchen, lye under the sink and jars in the cupboard when not using.
And don't play with assault weapons inside while doing am extract.
As far as the gun goes. Sorry guys, Americans have a love affair with gunpowder. I really hate to tell all the Europeans in this thread that Americans really like guns. The ownership of even a military style assault weapon is NOT an indicator that this guy was an armed drug dealer as put forth by some of the actually more educated members. I personally don't own any kind of gun and never will but have many friends that do, including military style assault weapons and i love to go plinking with those weapons. This man was not brilliant but chances are the mediaand law enforcement are using the gun as a convenient way to demonize him. A little hypocritical i must say. Gun ownership and rights are one of those plastic political areas that can be molded to fit whatever argument in whatever situation.
daily-chronicle said:...pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver
Was it realy 200 g of dmt of 200gr of mimosa or 200 g of liquid containing dmt though ? They sy it was in liquid form ?
When asked to clarify whether it was 18kg of the precursor bark or the extracted DMT, Customs spokesman Rowan McArthur said if it was not correct, they would not have said so.