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10 years for DMT possession.

Migrated topic.
Quite a lot of people think that Americans are allowed to have guns to hunt but actually it is to protect themselves from unfair government tyranny.

"The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""

A few years ago I happened to do a lot of campaigning for the legalization of all drugs and learned a few things.

1) Ex-addicts and drug users are more vehemently against it than any other demographic.

2) The public seems to believe that more crime will ensue (ridiculous)

3) The few politicians that did listen utterly shut down when they realized I meant all drugs. Noone wanted to be associated with discussing legalizing Heroin or Cocaine

4) Republican Ron Paul (TX) was the exception to the rule and even though he has had a reasonable percentage of votes in many elections main stream media ridiculed him and the ignorant bought it.
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