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17th century tek

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Esteemed member
I am trying to decipher a 17th century Tek if anyone has any suggestion please comment below.

Its clear from the text that Acacia, Vinegar and spirit of wine are used.

"It is fitting for you to know that this vinegar is not the vinegar of Philosophers, but our vinegar is something else, indeed a drinkable substance, namely the material itself. For the Stone of the Wise is made from the Acacia of the Wise, which must first be prepared through the common distillation of Acacia, Spirit of Wine, and other waters, and must be reduced to its specific measure. Remember this well in memory of me, if pure distilled vinegar is poured upon destroyed Saturn, and preserved with the warmth of Saint Mary, it loses its acridness and becomes sweet like sugar. For with the vinegar distilled once or twice from it, and placed in the cellar, you will find elegant white and translucent stones, resembling crystals."


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Salarmoniacum - Ammonia

"Salarmoniacum, which is the most potent key to unlocking metals, is likened to the volatile birds of antiquity. Without preparation, it is of little or no value; for it destroys and shatters metals more than it improves them. Through its fumatorium, it carries with it the tincture, colors of minerals, and some metals to the peaks of mountains. There, in the scorching heat of midsummer, where abundant snow is found, it can swiftly ascend with its rapid wings.

If, however, it is propelled with common salt, it purges itself to become clear and pure for practical use. One who presumes immature volatility of metals from this salt touches upon nothing, as it lacks such a faculty. However, it suffices to destroy metal and render it suitable for transformation. No metal can be changed without preparation.

My ultimate art can be drawn out in subliming and cementing, but you will find my supreme secret when I am united with the hydra and transformed into it. I adorned the bath of the nymphs, and the power was given to me to perfect the royal crown, so that adorned with gems, it can be fittingly adapted with glory."

"Basil Valentine showed that ammonia could be obtained by the action of alkalies on sal-ammoniac. At a later period when sal-ammoniac was obtained by distilling the hoofs and horns of oxen, and neutralizing the resulting carbonate with hydrochloric acid, the name spirits of hartshorn was applied to ammonia."


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"Vitriol dissolved in ammonium salt, burning sulfur with its own Mercury, which is very small, ascends in sublimation because sulfur is primarily present in it. When sulfur is once again liberated and freed by the eagle, a medicine can be made from it through the spirit of wine, as I have instructed you. Although it is more convenient to obtain burning sulfur from vitriol than through its reverberation, with a preceding solution through salt or the liquid of tartar, or a lye made from boxwood ash, this method is better"



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Since last posting I have established that the solvent used in this extraction is diethyl ether. I am now looking for assistance in establishing the rest of the method used.

If anyone on the forum who has knowledge of diethyl ether and would be interested in discussing it further please message me.

My intention is to have the Shulgin institute complete extraction, have the "stone" lab tested finally confirming that it is Dimethyltryptamine.

Why help? If correct , according to the MS the extraction of DMT for Acacia root bark is older than "ADAM". and although unlike other traditions it is a solitary pursuit and has no organisation there is a strong argument to make that specifically the EXTRACTION not just the use of DMT is protected under the law, that ensures all other religious rights and freedoms.
Have a look at this discussion where ethanol is used at various concentrations. I wouldn't advise using diethyl ether as it presents a number of serious safety hazards, to the extent that if you have to ask about using it you probably shouldn't, at least not before familiarising yourself thoroughly with the appropriate safety considerations.
Have a look at this discussion where ethanol is used at various concentrations. I wouldn't advise using diethyl ether as it presents a number of serious safety hazards, to the extent that if you have to ask about using it you probably shouldn't, at least not before familiarising yourself thoroughly with the appropriate safety considerations.
Hi Transform thanks for taking the time to respond, I understand your concern however all the Manuscripts I have read use diethyl ether.

The goal of the project is to prove that there has is a long and detailed history of the extraction of DMT from Acacia root bark using diethyl ether.
You might want to look at the PDF titles The Grand Elixir posted in this thread: The Grand Elixir
This tek appears to be ancient, going back into ancient Egypt or the land of Khem (Chemistry) for a spygaric tincture of Acacia.
Hi Mitakuye thanks, I am aware of Erics work. I beileve he is wrong with his method. As I said above it has now been established and confirmed that the solvent used is diethyl ether.
If anyone has any suggestions for possible members of the forum who could help please let me know.

Some more details that may help peak interest in the project

Both PD Newman and Khalil Reda who have researched and published on the history of DMT with regards Alchemy are in agreement that the solvent used in this MS is diethyl ether.

I contacted Dr Rick Strassman who convinced Mark Hoffman and Carl Ruck translate the D Argento Vivo from Latin into english.

He also made and introduction to the Shulgin institute who confirmed that the solvent was diethyl ether and agreed that there is sufficient evidence of extraction of DMT from Acacia Root bark, however were concerned that I had not enough evidence of consumption.

The best evidence for consumption I feel is Edward Kelly who is renowned for speaking with angels. I contacted Leipzig University in Germany and requested that Edward Kelly's book to Rudolph II be digitized which they agreed to and sent me. Inside the book there is a collection of 67 emblems known as the Corinatio Naturae (Crowning of Nature) or Opus Angleorum (Work of the Angles), If Kellys if not the original, it is the oldest found so far.

Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 18.18.21.png

When you get to the white stone the vessel can be broken, and the "snowy crystals" are to be scraped and used for "projection", or you can multiply the quantity of the white stone until you reach the larger gold stone in the last image.

Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 13.01.16.png

Here finally you can see the result of the application of heat to our stone, will result in Angels depicted in the 67 Emblem.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 18.21.07.png

My hope is that with some help I can decipher the 67 emblems and have the Shulgin Institute complete the experiment and finally have the "Philosophers Stone" tested.

PS. I also should mention, with the help of Frater Robert Gordon, that I have discovered that Isacc Newton also worked on Kellys Opus Angelorum. I have contacted the Newton Project and requested his notes on the 67 emblems.

Here is emblem 1 on the left Kellys and on the right Newton's notes.

Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 17.53.10.png
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Do you really thing ancient Egyptians had easy access to diethyl ether?
Yes, I believe the had the ability to produce Sulphuric Acid from Vitriol/ Copperas. Then its the union/coitus of Sulphuric Acid and Ethanol to produce diethyl ether. I should be clear the evidence I have is only from the 13th-18th century , haven't focused on Egypt
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Interesting. Best of luck in your quest. I'll be excited to hear what you find. FYI, I have several more of J. Erik LaPort's writings if you are interested in reading any of them.
Thanks man yeah send anything of Eriks you think is relevant. I am open to idea that that there may have been both a "stone" and "elixir", but im focused on the "stone"
Here is a section from Kellys emblems as an example. If anyone has any thoughts on aspects such as the colour change in the vessels etc. please take the time to comment,

The headings read

Calcination - Sublimation - Solution - Generation- Putrefaction - Conception- Impregnation

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 14.21.20.png
Attached as PDFs is a small treasure trove of J. Erik LaPort's writings. Hope you find some of it useful.


  • Universal_Path_to_Liberation_Yoga_and_Mo.pdf
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  • Transmission_of_Alchemy_The_Epistle_of_M.pdf
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  • The_Grand_Elixir_Sacred_Fire_and_Royal_B.pdf
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  • Elixir_Proprietatis_The_Property_of_Huma.pdf
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  • Cracking_the_Philosophers_Stone_Origins.pdf
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  • Keys_to_the_Kingdom_of_Alchemy_Unlocking.pdf
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  • Cabala_Mineralis_Alchemical_Template_of.pdf
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  • Spirit_and_Soul_of_Elixir_Alchemy.pdf
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Considering that traces of cocaine were found on ancient Egyptian mummies, it would be hasty to completely exclude the possibility that they had access to diethyl ether. They certainly had the capability to produce some of the necessary glassware for its production (if not specifically water-cooled condensors), and claims for discovery of things like distilled alcohol and concentrated sulfuric acid could easily have been rediscoveries of lost or hidden knowledge, being not unheard of in certain other instances in the middle east and beyond. That's not the same as actual evidence, of course.
The compound may have been synthesised by either Jābir ibn Hayyān in the 8th century[37] or Ramon Llull in 1275.[37][38] It was synthesised in 1540 by Valerius Cordus, who called it "sweet oil of vitriol" (oleum dulce vitrioli) – the name reflects the fact that it is obtained by distilling a mixture of ethanol and sulfuric acid (then known as oil of vitriol) – and noted some of its medicinal properties.[37] At about the same time, Paracelsus discovered the analgesic properties of the molecule in dogs.[37] The name ether was given to the substance in 1729 by August Sigmund Frobenius.[39]

It was considered to be a sulfur compound until the idea was disproved in about 1800.[40]

The synthesis of diethyl ether by a reaction between ethanol and sulfuric acid has been known since the 13th century.[40]
So, one largely unattested source claims as far back as the 8th century. I think it would be helpful to be clear about just when in the vast time span of ancient Egypt that you think this process was likely to have taken place.

Also, bear in mind what I've said about extracting from tree bark with simple grain spirit and lime. That process potentially would have been simple even for an alchemist of the pre-Christian era.
If anyone has any suggestions for possible members of the forum who could help please let me know.

Some more details that may help peak interest in the project

Both PD Newman and Khalil Reda who have researched and published on the history of DMT with regards Alchemy are in agreement that the solvent used in this MS is diethyl ether.

I contacted Dr Rick Strassman who convinced Mark Hoffman and Carl Ruck translate the D Argento Vivo from Latin into english.

He also made and introduction to the Shulgin institute who confirmed that the solvent was diethyl ether and agreed that there is sufficient evidence of extraction of DMT from Acacia Root bark, however were concerned that I had not enough evidence of consumption.

The best evidence for consumption I feel is Edward Kelly who is renowned for speaking with angels. I contacted Leipzig University in Germany and requested that Edward Kelly's book to Rudolph II be digitized which they agreed to and sent me. Inside the book there is a collection of 67 emblems known as the Corinatio Naturae (Crowning of Nature) or Opus Angleorum (Work of the Angles), If Kellys if not the original, it is the oldest found so far.

View attachment 98883

When you get to the white stone the vessel can be broken, and the "snowy crystals" are to be scraped and used for "projection", or you can multiply the quantity of the white stone until you reach the larger gold stone in the last image.

View attachment 98884

Here finally you can see the result of the application of heat to our stone, will result in Angels depicted in the 67 Emblem.

View attachment 98888

My hope is that with some help I can decipher the 67 emblems and have the Shulgin Institute complete the experiment and finally have the "Philosophers Stone" tested.

PS. I also should mention, with the help of Frater Robert Gordon, that I have discovered that Isacc Newton also worked on Kellys Opus Angelorum. I have contacted the Newton Project and requested his notes on the 67 emblems.

Here is emblem 1 on the left Kellys and on the right Newton's notes.

View attachment 98886

Wow, you seem surrounded by qualified people. What is the project exact? To recreate an extraction of DMT upon the Basilus recipe mentioned above?

Acacia is Azoth on the German version, lost in translations may arrive at this time and huge amount of basement alchemist working this period.

Or maybe both are the same, since Azoth is the beginning and the end , alpha Alef, Zed, Omega, Thau - I never understood why the French say "azote" for nitrogen. Or maybe because it is element the most represented in our atmosphere. The big one. Or because of N2O...

There is a book in German about Alchemy, Helmut Gebelin?, I will check this up who wrote about really some good stuff in technically interpreting the alchemical manuscripts since they have a psychological sphere, Jungs individuation, they also have a material background that is not only nonsense.

Would really be nice to find out what this little red powder was that Kelley needed absolutely for his sessions with Dee. I don't think that it was DMT related but who I am to tell?

Maybe just simple good Amanita muscaria?

Anyway, if you need help with translation in French or German or Portuguese, I can help you.
Considering that traces of cocaine were found on ancient Egyptian mummies, it would be hasty to completely exclude the possibility that they had access to diethyl ether. They certainly had the capability to produce some of the necessary glassware for its production (if not specifically water-cooled condensors), and claims for discovery of things like distilled alcohol and concentrated sulfuric acid could easily have been rediscoveries of lost or hidden knowledge, being not unheard of in certain other instances in the middle east and beyond. That's not the same as actual evidence, of course.

So, one largely unattested source claims as far back as the 8th century. I think it would be helpful to be clear about just when in the vast time span of ancient Egypt that you think this process was likely to have taken place.

Also, bear in mind what I've said about extracting from tree bark with simple grain spirit and lime. That process potentially would have been simple even for an alchemist of the pre-Christian era.
Diethyl ether, was that remotely probable/possible in long past Egyptian times?

Current science consensus GPT scrapes all scientific databases regularly and takes the general concensus of that data to show current progress and what the hypotheses are running around about the given subject.

In the past it did not always gave me the newest science papers, though priority seems to be given to the more 'stable' papers first, probably by the anount of references to it, and general attention for to higher videlity of their research. And maybe even publications in the higher regarded peer review magazines/processes?

Anyway this is what 'Consensus' GPT gave as an answer:

Diethyl ether, commonly known simply as ether, is a chemical compound that was first synthesized in 1540 by Valerius Cordus, a German botanist and physician. This synthesis marked the first time ether was produced through a chemical reaction. Given this historical context, it is highly improbable that diethyl ether was known or used in ancient Egyptian times, which predate Cordus' discovery by several millennia.


1. Historical Chemical Knowledge: The knowledge and techniques required for the synthesis of diethyl ether were not available in ancient Egyptian times. The chemical processes known to ancient Egyptians included basic methods like fermentation and simple distillation, primarily used for producing alcoholic beverages and essential oils.

2. Archaeological Records: There is no archaeological evidence or historical records indicating the use or synthesis of diethyl ether in ancient Egypt. The chemical and medical texts from ancient Egyptian civilizations do not mention ether or any related compounds.

3. Scientific Development Timeline: The synthesis of ether required advancements in chemical understanding that were not achieved until the Renaissance period. The tools and theoretical knowledge to perform such synthesis were absent in ancient times.

It is highly unlikely that diethyl ether was known or used in ancient Egyptian times due to the lack of necessary chemical knowledge and evidence from historical records.

However always remember people from our history were not idiots and even had their very own amazing savants, the only difference between them and ours is a different culture with different priorities and a huge lack of knowledge compared to our more modern times.

Just one introvert savant might have been enough to have slowly starting to connect the dots and create the diethyl ether? 🤷

That savant person might have also put less priority to their findings, scribbled it quickly down on his papyrus, and then moved on to chasing the next big thing: for their culture their next most oppertunistic hype dream?

Cultures can have their subtle (and obviously less subtle) ways to deal with this kind of innovation (or not).

The no findings of traces from that time should raise a big red flag that they might not had the dots connected at that time, even not with the introvert savants or Renaissance people of that time?

Kind regards,

The chappity-Traveler
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Considering that traces of cocaine were found on ancient Egyptian mummies, it would be hasty to completely exclude the possibility that they had access to diethyl ether. They certainly had the capability to produce some of the necessary glassware for its production (if not specifically water-cooled condensors), and claims for discovery of things like distilled alcohol and concentrated sulfuric acid could easily have been rediscoveries of lost or hidden knowledge, being not unheard of in certain other instances in the middle east and beyond. That's not the same as actual evidence, of course.

So, one largely unattested source claims as far back as the 8th century. I think it would be helpful to be clear about just when in the vast time span of ancient Egypt that you think this process was likely to have taken place.

Also, bear in mind what I've said about extracting from tree bark with simple grain spirit and lime. That process potentially would have been simple even for an alchemist of the pre-Christian era.

Thanks transform, I am only focused on Alchemy in Europe because that all I have evidence for. Hopefully if I can establish the method use by BasilIus Valentinus, we can than use the MS like a rosetta stone and work backwards to Zosimos. The method of extraction definitely could have changed over time based on the raw material available. I cant share here but Pd newman is working hard to bridge what im working hard on finding a path from Zosimos to Egypt,
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Wow, you seem surrounded by qualified people. What is the project exact? To recreate an extraction of DMT upon the Basilus recipe mentioned above?

Acacia is Azoth on the German version, lost in translations may arrive at this time and huge amount of basement alchemist working this period.

Or maybe both are the same, since Azoth is the beginning and the end , alpha Alef, Zed, Omega, Thau - I never understood why the French say "azote" for nitrogen. Or maybe because it is element the most represented in our atmosphere. The big one. Or because of N2O...

There is a book in German about Alchemy, Helmut Gebelin?, I will check this up who wrote about really some good stuff in technically interpreting the alchemical manuscripts since they have a psychological sphere, Jungs individuation, they also have a material background that is not only nonsense.

Would really be nice to find out what this little red powder was that Kelley needed absolutely for his sessions with Dee. I don't think that it was DMT related but who I am to tell?

Maybe just simple good Amanita muscaria?

Anyway, if you need help with translation in French or German or Portuguese, I can help you.

thanks donfoolio , I am taking my time, I am well aware that no one will take me serious or listen. I have deliberately sought out the expertise I am lacking. I will absoulety take you up on that offer to translate, if you see any errors below let me know.


Sharpest vinegar is the (symbol for mercury) water so made with the (symbol for mercury) and acquired with the Spirt (symbol for vitriol). Calcinatio Philosophica (symbol for sun and moon) is when it is first made into pure lime and dulcified, as Tridensinus and Abbas teach. In this process, such Calces are distilled with aceto Philof Gummi Arabico Ol (symbol for vitriol) four or more times, soaked, and then dried, but so gently that the essence remains with aceto Philof Gummi Arabico. In this way, the metal lime is properly calcined, and the metal remains in its primary virtue. This is then an Elixir that putrefies. From this, one should extract the fine Azoth, Animam, or Tincture, and extract it with aceto Philof, corrected or qualified Oleo (symbol for vitriol), drawn from salt several times. This is the ostrich stomach oil, which is strengthened and sharpened with the sharpness of the eagle. Note: It can also be putrefied after mugmailtiple imbibitions and inhibitions, then sublimated, as described in Mr. Daniel's third process and Tridensini Kütten's process.
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