Infundibulum said:[
Don't transformations happen all the time? Many people here are old enough to sense the transformations from 70's to 80's to 90's to 10's. So when people talk about going to a new era it is vague; sure we'll go to a new era. We've always been moving to new eras and diminishes the power of their prediction. Unless the whole 2012 talks about some BIG transformation? Then you gotta define what's sufficiently big and whether it is bigger than, say other big events like the advent of Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and the Internet.
I just took a nap, and had a strange dream about tranformation and thought I could better respond to this question now.
Yes, transformations happen all the time. I am old enough to have witnessed many in the time frame in which you are referencing. There have been many changes, but would you condede that they appear to be speeding up? The change over the last 5 years are more than in the 10 before that, and more than the 20 before that. The pace of change is accelerating at an exponential rate.
Are we not seeing a massive awakening around the globe? The systems and institutions which have been governing our lives before any of us were born are beginning to crumble.
Our financial systems, we may suspected, but now we know plain and clear have been using us for their own benefit. The banks and investment houses have been using our labor, and our taxes to take uncalcuable risks in order to enrichen themselves, and not the common people. The Fedreal Reserve Bank has printed unknown trillions of dollars, guaranteed upon the labor of the american workforce and taxes to fund these institutions. Our future has been sold for profit, a profit none of us will ever see. This has been revealed to us, the wool has been pulled from our eyes. Do we want a monetary system that benefits the few at thet expense of the many? We have been lied to since before we were born, and are now just waking up to the truth that we have been economic slaves, even when the resources exist to take care of our every need. A physical slave has to be fed, clothed and economic slave has to feed, clothe and shelter themselves.
Our Political systems: Are crubling around us. The true nature of the beast is revealed when we see how all our politicians are in the pockets of special intersts and corporationis. We the people are not represented. We are being taxed without representation, as our needs come second to those who can afford to line the pockets of those who are supposed to represent us. Congress has become an institution of legalized bribery. You don't pay, you don't get heard. Those with the most money control the agenda, and that is certainly not you or I? Sure this has been the case for a long long time, but the majority of people are now just becoming aware of it. Do we want a system where our voices are slienced, or do we want our individual soverignity back? They pass $60 billion to fund wars without a question, but balk at spending $32 billion to extend unemployment benefits during the worst economic downturn in memory? Look at where their priorities are at. Are they with you, or against you?
Our Energy System: Is crumbling around us. Our dependence on oil and fossil fuels is being shown for the true destructive nature that they are. How they are in cohoots with business and government to the detriment of the people. Did you know that in 1980, there were no fewer than 50 differnt models of cars that got 50mpg or more? Nowadays you need a hybrid to get close to 40mpg. How is it possible, that in 30 years, the fuel efficiency of cars has dropped by 20%? With technology we should be getting 100mpg, at least, or have totally gotten off oil altogether. It destroys our enviornment, enrichens a few, funds entities and governments that want to destroy us. We have been controlled by big energy companies who were looking out for their own existence as entities and instutions that are depended upon. Do you want to sell your, and your decendents future to maintain an institution which has no interesst aside from its own continuation?
All those things which were the foundations of our society are beginning to fall away, as the truth is finally revealed about what has really been going on. More people are politically/socially/enrironmentally/energetically/emotionally/intuitively aware than at any time in human history. There are more people alive today than in the entire history of the planet. It seems like everyone who has ever lived is here now for this moment...and...It just so happens that all this revelation of truth comes at a time predicted by a calendar which was created over 2000 years ago. The Mayans say this is a time of transformation, a move into a new age, a time of letting go of the old to let in the new. It is echoed in Christian beliefs, Hindu, Jewish, Muslum, Hopi, Aboriginial, Roman Cybil, Mother Shipton, Myrddin, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, etc... You name it, they all talk about this time in their histories, prophecies and or myths.
Do you honestly believe that the world 5 years from now will be almost the same as it is today with a little more technology? I think the world 5 years from now will be as unreognizable to us today as the dark ages are to us now. But it won't happen unless people wake up, become aware of the systems of control which until recently have been hidden...and there is evidence of that happening at an ever increasing rate everywhere.