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2012 Reconsidered; Updated

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
For those of you interested in taking the time to read a little bit of what I have written about the 2012 date, enjoy.


The site has been updated somewhat extensively if anyone is interested.

our galaxy is emmiting conscious energy from its center. those waves of energy are passing through our solar system causing everything to evolve. we are moving from the 3d into the 4d. respective of the heart chakra. at that point, there will be a 3 way split: 4d positive, which is the golden age; 3d, which is the earth as it is now, which will undergo many disasters including pole shift; and 4d negative, which is equal and opposite of 4d positive. 4d positive characterised as love for others and 4d negative is love of self. so those who make a point to do more for others than themselves will move on to 4d positive, same goes for those who choose to focus on themselves with 4d negative. the 3d earth left behind are for those who are in the middle.

theoretically, in the 4d, our thoughts will TRUELY create our reality. from levitation to self-healing to creation of matter. everyone in the 4d will be connected telepathically so there wont be any secrets or lies.

this process will continue until we have reached 7d, respective of the crown chakra.

p.s. this info is from the likes of david wilcock and his colleagues. i find his work on 2012 to be highly accurate IMO.

also, this is a really dumbed down version of it. for more info, i advise visiting www.divinecosmos.com which is david wilcock's website. or you can type 'project camelot david wilcock' into youtube and watch the interviews. he has some amazing stories. some if it is WAY out there but i think this is a pretty out there group of people.

EDIT: the first of these conscious energy waves hit us in 1936 or 46 or something like that. the effects of these waves will peak around december 21, 2012.
everythingsflashin said:
p.s. this info is from the likes of david wilcock and his colleagues. i find his work on 2012 to be highly accurate IMO.

also, this is a really dumbed down version of it. for more info, i advise visiting www.divinecosmos.com which is david wilcock's website. or you can type 'project camelot david wilcock' into youtube and watch the interviews. he has some amazing stories. some if it is WAY out there but i think this is a pretty out there group of people.

EDIT: the first of these conscious energy waves hit us in 1936 or 46 or something like that. the effects of these waves will peak around december 21, 2012.

That guy is a fraud in my opinion, he's just making money off people. That "information" seems ridiculous to me, where are the facts to back it up?
most of it is not scientific. its spiritual. he explains that in the Law of One, there was a group of people that channeled an entity entitled Ra. you can read a lot of the reading that were done on divine cosmos. or you can just read the law of one. david wilcock doesnt make up this information he gathered it from many sources, so although i do disagree with him making money off of it, i do not think he is a fraud. anyway, when you devote your life to something as far out at this it must be hard paying rent.

all that aside... cant you just feel yourself changing? its happening everywhere. i asked the people at ayahuasca forums about it and they agree. we are raising our frequency to the next level.
Where the heck does the idea that at the center of the galaxy is something leaking conscious energy come from? Whats really at the center of our galaxy is a giant black hole that's sucking in the matter and energy around it. We know or rather we think we know that black holes also emit radiation (known as hawking radiation, theoretical concept). But there is absolutely zero reason to think that the center of the galaxy is emitting conscious energy, that doesn't even make sense.

Eschaton, you don't have any evidence to back up any of your claims about 2012 either.

Lets just look at one paragraph of your well compiled bunch of nonsense.

We Die to Remember What We Live to Forget
As we approach this extremely hypothetical civilization ending event, a feeling of utmost
apprehension, as in the come-on of a psychedelic trip, will slowly envelope the human race
as the collective psyche coalesces into its terminal realization. "...mankind, taken as a whole,
will be obliged to reflect upon itself at a single point"(Teilhard de Chardin) This perturbation
of the psyche will occur as a direct result of accelerated dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
production in the human brain due to peak central nervous system stress. We will gradually
drift into a very intense feeling of Déjà Vu, accompanied by peculiar psychic phenomenon
as a result of an intuition of impending death. "...the greater the emotional significance of a
future event to the individual, the larger the intuitive response will be prior to the actual
experience of that event."(Electrophysiological Intuition Studies) This feeling of impending
demise will reach its critical mass during the final moments in which we may witness the
ineffable. This singularity itself will be a fully realized Eschaton; a global cataclysm, meant to
cull the human race. I believe due to personal experience that it will be triggered by a cosmic
event which becomes disturbingly visible in the sky as we reach the terminus point. The
likely cause of this event is evident in the following quotes:

Collective psyche? How does a collective psyche reflect upon itself as a single point? That doesn't make sense.

How will this perturbation of the psyche accelerate DMT production? That's an even more absurd claim with zero I repeat zero evidence. If we wanted to study DMT production under stressful conditions it would be pretty simple. Furthermore it would be horrible for mankind if everyone just starting massively overproducing dmt endogenously. We would probably as a species die out as the rest of nature moved happily along watching confused humans walk around talking to walls.

I like how you cite electrophysioloigcal intuition studies again with no real back up.

You also use the word singularity. Do you even know what singularity means? Its a point of infinite density such as whats might be in a black hole or what might have been the point where the universe originated. But the concept is completely theoretical. You can't use a theoretical concept like singularities to prove anything about 2012, it doesn't even make sense.

If there is a cosmic event that damages human kind I would hope that astronomers are paying attention to a large object pummelling towards our planet or a mass excess of cosmic waves to rip apart out atmosphere. But those are real events with real causes that have nothing to do with any of this 2012 myth garbage.

2012 is a myth plain and simple.
Infundibulum said:
Here we go again. Why nobody's talking about 2013?

bwt, nice to see burnt back.

Nobody is talking about 2013 because after the spiritual awakening we will turn into telepathic geometric figures and will have no use for numbers, time or counting. This is all back up scientificly of course. My proof is that a machine elf told me this.

Yeah, it is nice to see burnt drop in. I wonder if he is back, or if he just saw that first four post and had to say something.
VisualDistortion said:
Infundibulum said:
Here we go again. Why nobody's talking about 2013?

bwt, nice to see burnt back.

Nobody is talking about 2013 because after the spiritual awakening we will turn into telepathic geometric figures and will have no use for numbers, time or counting. This is all back up scientificly of course. My proof is that a machine elf told me this.

Yeah, it is nice to see burnt drop in. I wonder if he is back, or if he just saw that first four post and had to say something.
Ah, I see.

I do not personally want to be turned into a telepathic geometric figure. Is there an option for those who do not want this fate to choose something else? I would like to become a Rambo/Conan the barbarian-style kick ass dude who lives in a world full of sexy lesbians, robots AND evil telepathic geometric aliens.

The telepathic geometric aliens would be trying all the time to abduct the lesbians, then I will be using robots+my machine gun+my mighty sword to save them and kick the ass of the aliens.

Does 2012 have an option for this or we'll all have to jump into the fascistic awakening-of-consciousness-whether-you-like-it-or-not wagon?
Infundibulum said:
VisualDistortion said:
Infundibulum said:
Here we go again. Why nobody's talking about 2013?

bwt, nice to see burnt back.
Nobody is talking about 2013 because after the spiritual awakening we will turn into telepathic geometric figures and will have no use for numbers, time or counting. This is all back up scientificly of course. My proof is that a machine elf told me this.
Yeah, it is nice to see burnt drop in. I wonder if he is back, or if he just saw that first four post and had to say something.
Ah, I see.
I do not personally want to be turned into a telepathic geometric figure. Is there an option for those who do not want this fate to choose something else? I would like to become a Rambo/Conan the barbarian-style kick ass dude who lives in a world full of sexy lesbians, robots AND evil telepathic geometric aliens.
The telepathic geometric aliens would be trying all the time to abduct the lesbians, then I will be using robots+my machine gun+my mighty sword to save them and kick the ass of the aliens.
Does 2012 have an option for this or we'll all have to jump into the fascistic awakening-of-consciousness-whether-you-like-it-or-not wagon?
I want a ticket for Infundibulum's 2013 ride!!!!!
Conambo, First Barbarian Blood

My only issue is that all the ladies are apparently turned into lesbians by the whole end-of-the-world thing.
What's up with that?!?!?!?

burnt said:
Where the heck does the idea that at the center of the galaxy is something leaking conscious energy come from? Whats really at the center of our galaxy is a giant black hole that's sucking in the matter and energy around it. We know or rather we think we know that black holes also emit radiation (known as hawking radiation, theoretical concept). But there is absolutely zero reason to think that the center of the galaxy is emitting conscious energy, that doesn't even make sense.

Eschaton, you don't have any evidence to back up any of your claims about 2012 either.

Lets just look at one paragraph of your well compiled bunch of nonsense.

We Die to Remember What We Live to Forget
As we approach this extremely hypothetical civilization ending event, a feeling of utmost
apprehension, as in the come-on of a psychedelic trip, will slowly envelope the human race
as the collective psyche coalesces into its terminal realization. "...mankind, taken as a whole,
will be obliged to reflect upon itself at a single point"(Teilhard de Chardin) This perturbation
of the psyche will occur as a direct result of accelerated dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
production in the human brain due to peak central nervous system stress. We will gradually
drift into a very intense feeling of Déjà Vu, accompanied by peculiar psychic phenomenon
as a result of an intuition of impending death. "...the greater the emotional significance of a
future event to the individual, the larger the intuitive response will be prior to the actual
experience of that event."(Electrophysiological Intuition Studies) This feeling of impending
demise will reach its critical mass during the final moments in which we may witness the
ineffable. This singularity itself will be a fully realized Eschaton; a global cataclysm, meant to
cull the human race. I believe due to personal experience that it will be triggered by a cosmic
event which becomes disturbingly visible in the sky as we reach the terminus point. The
likely cause of this event is evident in the following quotes:

Collective psyche? How does a collective psyche reflect upon itself as a single point? That doesn't make sense.

How will this perturbation of the psyche accelerate DMT production? That's an even more absurd claim with zero I repeat zero evidence. If we wanted to study DMT production under stressful conditions it would be pretty simple. Furthermore it would be horrible for mankind if everyone just starting massively overproducing dmt endogenously. We would probably as a species die out as the rest of nature moved happily along watching confused humans walk around talking to walls.

I like how you cite electrophysioloigcal intuition studies again with no real back up.

You also use the word singularity. Do you even know what singularity means? Its a point of infinite density such as whats might be in a black hole or what might have been the point where the universe originated. But the concept is completely theoretical. You can't use a theoretical concept like singularities to prove anything about 2012, it doesn't even make sense.

If there is a cosmic event that damages human kind I would hope that astronomers are paying attention to a large object pummelling towards our planet or a mass excess of cosmic waves to rip apart out atmosphere. But those are real events with real causes that have nothing to do with any of this 2012 myth garbage.

2012 is a myth plain and simple.

Where do I start?

Once again it is painfully obvious that you didn't really read the page, or any of the links.

The collective psyche of the human race, meaning our collective unity of mind, will reflect upon itself in such a manner as to realize collectively the eternal recurrence and complete mans search for meaning during this particular epoch. This will occur due to an extreme amount of planetary stresses released by such a catastrophic event. All that is meant by such a statement is that the Eschaton will occur as such, that, as we realize our demise, consciousness will find a single point from which it will culminate and subsequently "exit". I am using 2012 as a metaphor for an underlying intuition of a possible catastrophe that has been building for hundreds if not thousands of years.

DMT has already been shown to increase in mice due to stress, to extrapolate further of humans is of my own idea. It makes sense to me. Once again, you obviously didn't read any of the links, as I believe you like to attack people due to your own intellectual insecurities. Just my opinion, I willingly admit that the hypothesis is 'out there', you're simply trying to make yourself out to be better than me, which is okay, but to me, extremely repugnant and actually sad; however, its necessary for your dharma as an ignoramus.

If you read the 2 Electrophysiological Intuition links, perhaps you wouldn't be so obtuse and downright WRONG. These studies are quite conclusive in their findings that we do in fact respond to stress far before we actually feel it.

I like to use the word singularity, because as I said before in terms of the collective realization, consciousness, will attract itself toward a center after which it will reach its consummation and realize oneness. I can use a word metaphorically if I well please, if I think that it helps convey my ideas.

Once again, relax and enjoy your hair.

I am merely sharing ideas; you are attacking and quite falsely I might add.

I read the link, didn't really prove anything to me, just another random theory.
This is a quote directly from the site:
We Die to Remember What We Live to Forget
As we approach this extremely hypothetical civilization ending event, a feeling of utmost
apprehension, as in the come-on of a psychedelic trip, will slowly envelope the human race
as the collective psyche coalesces into its terminal realization. "...
He say's it himself right there, it only his hypothesis.

Now Conambo/2013, that is some wicked-scary shit and it's becoming more & more real everyday people!!!

WS man I fucking love Conambo; the word combo is genius, hahaha

As for the lesbian girls, the elves told me that they are bi- lesbians, (or as stated in the original post, sexy lesbians).

A wile ago whil on a hyperspace venture the elves told me that on 2012, nine hundred and ninety nine people will actually become Conambos. 9 million people will become bilesbians and the rest will become aliens, robots, swords, machine guns, laser guns, mel gibsons and armpits.

Now I am no longer a sceptic; I look forward to 2012, it will be awesome. I feel lucky that the spice showed me a glimpse of this totally prophetic vision. And since the elves told me these thins, they must be true and utterly expected, right?
Oh, I like the conambo senario. If there is a choice, I want to be one of those Mel Gibsons that the elves showed you, but I want to be a cyborg Melg Gibson that can shoot rockets and has jew seeking vision.
VisualDistortion said:
Thank god burnt is back. Unbiased logic, I love it.

Unbiased? Hilarious.

He's a "man of science'"

He clearly didn't take the time to formulate a proper rebuttal, simply because he is so arrogant. It shines through in the way that he chose to word his critique; its very immature and quite comical. I shared nothing but an idea, I'm not attempting to convert anyone here, as he so obviously thinks.

His response wreaks of intellectual insecurity and subsequently, paranoia.


I'm simply defending the discussion of ideas; I appreciate well thought out critiques, however, I feel the need to refute any simple minded "attacks" that aren't founded, at all.

I admit at the get go that it is extremely hypothetical. End of discussion.

(By the way, I love how every poster has ignored the scientific cometary impact data and all of the links to support it)

Easier to flame or make mockery than to have a real discussion of ideas.

Blatant immaturity.
Eschaton said:
VisualDistortion said:
Thank god burnt is back. Unbiased logic, I love it.

Unbiased? Hilarious.

He's a "man of science'"

He clearly didn't take the time to formulate a proper rebuttal, simply because he is so arrogant. It shines through in the way that he chose to word his critique; its very immature and quite comical. I shared nothing but an idea, I'm not attempting to convert anyone here, as he so obviously thinks.

His response wreaks of intellectual insecurity and subsequently, paranoia.


I'm simply defending the discussion of ideas; I appreciate well thought out critiques, however, I feel the need to refute any simple minded "attacks" that aren't founded, at all.

I admit at the get go that it is extremely hypothetical. End of discussion.

(By the way, I love how every poster has ignored the scientific cometary impact data and all of the links to support it)

Easier to flame or make mockery than to have a real discussion of ideas.

Blatant immaturity.

Yeah, we were being immature. It makes you laugh and keeps blood pressure low. You didn't really reconsile anything either IMO. It's not just extremely hypothetical, it is just downright speculation.
Just a note, I am not making a mockery at all. I am just making my own speculations which are, of course, as valid and considerable as the ongoing theories/speculations about 2012.
you know, one would think that the nexus would be somewhere i could find people that understood that there are things in this universe that are utterly unexplainable with our present day sciences and technology. its way too vast and brilliant for us little tiny humans to comprehend. i have felt this change in consciousness that has been professed by many ancient cultures, and i have also watched others around me go through the same process. and i KNOW this is happening all over the planet.

these are screen shots from skyGlobe software for Dec 21, 2012

the sun, moon, and every planet except jupiter (but including pluto) are in the same 180 degree section of the sky.
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