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21:00 CET: SHE to inaugurate in the new site

Added to Calendar: 02-10-24


A SHE is a Synchronized Hyperspace Event. It usually occurs in a side room of the chat. The last couple times, Voidmatrix has kind of been the leader/moderator/shaman. We meditate and sometimes chat a bit on the topic (e.g. mourning a loss) and then have the option to all smoalk DMT together at the same time while theoretically holding the same intentions.
The Traveler recently suggested we wait until he finishes transferring all the threads from the old Forum into the new. I think it is a good idea if you gents don't mind.
That would also better fit my agenda, since my DMT is still in the crystallization process.

One thing that I foresee , is that we might transition sooner than we previously thought (days/week, not months). So next week as @Voidmatrix is suggesting sounds like a good timing.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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