I wanted to resurrect (no pun intended
) this thread, because I have really been struggling with some things related to this thread in the past 6 months - year.
Quick back story on me: I grew up in a Christian family, and was forced to attend Christian schools through 10th grade. At that point, I just couldn't take the guilt, hypocrisy, and judgement anymore. I rebelled in whatever way I could, and essentially "threw the baby out with the bath water". I wanted nothing to do with any form of religion for about 7 years.
I don't want to give the wrong impression of my parents, as they had the best intentions. They are loving, caring people and always wanted the best for me. To this day, they are some of my best friends.
I eventually became heavily involved with entheogens, and rediscovered spirituality. One of the most life-changing experiences of my life was purchasing the Bhagavad-Gita from a monk at a music festival last year. Unlike the Bible, it just made sense to me. It made me want to be a better person, and do all I could to help heal those around me. I'm now reading the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and again, it just seems to "click".
Long story short (as possible), I find peace in reading Vedic and Buddhist texts, and using entheogens to learn about myself, work on my inadequacies, and become a better person. However, because of my upbringing, I still have these incessant lingering doubts in the back of my mind that I will be condemned to hell because I prefer other belief systems, even though I find many of Jesus' teaching very honorable.
I know many Nexians may just say, "It's an old book, that has been mis-translated many times, and was written in a way to control people and provide power to the church". That is not they type of response I'm trying to facilitate. Basically, I would like to hear from other people who have overcome the beliefs they may have been brought up with to find peace.
The questing I'm posing sounds overly simplistic, maybe even childish as I type it, but I hope you can understand the depth of my concerns. I love all you guys, and truly respect your opinions. I apologize for the long post.
Peace and Happy Journeys