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A Journey with harmalas, 40 days and nights

Migrated topic.


Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name
WARNING: Don't do this, I was very sick for a long time before I got my "Feet". It was worth it but please be aware of your own body and self and limitations. Consuming any psychoactive substances for 40 days straight has risks and some people might react badly,I am NOT recommending it for others, but merely sharing MY experience, Anyways.

I am Proud Hasidic Jew so my experience was heavily influenced by such, Everything that happens in this world is part of a divine plan; That is my perception of the world.

Hello everyone.

My belief in G-d and the teachings of our Hasidic tradition helped me navigate through a challenging experience. I recently went through a journey where I took 400 milligrams of harmala alkaloids extracted from rue in salts, Daily over 40 days and 40 nights, Totaling 16 grams over the duration of the experience. The experience was intense and became stronger every 10 days. I experienced ego death, contact with entities, visions, dream worlds, out-of-body experiences, and black on black and white on white hallucinations. I felt as though I was experiencing an entirely different reality, one that was both beautiful and terrifying.

Throughout this experience, my faith played a significant role in keeping me grounded. I found comfort in prayer, meditation, and reflection. I also felt a strong connection to my ancestors and to the greater Jewish community. I felt as though I was experiencing a spiritual journey, one that had the potential to bring me closer to my faith. After the tenth day I was never remotely sober.

As the days passed, I noticed that the darkness that had accompanied my experience started to fade. I began to feel more at peace with myself and with the world around me. I realized that this experience had taught me a valuable lesson about the dangers of addiction. I had become addicted to altered states of consciousness that lots of different things provided me. I understood that my addiction had taken me away from my true self and my relationship with G-d. I was grateful for this experience as it helped me recognize my addiction and allowed me to overcome it.

Now, after completing the 40 days and 40 nights, I have decided to stay sober for another 40 days and 40 nights. I am committed to living a life free from addiction and to honor my faith through my actions. I am grateful for the support of my community and my family, who have been with me every step of the way. I know that this will not be an easy journey, but I am determined to succeed and to live a life that is aligned with my values and beliefs.

With my last day being behind me I can still feel very pronounced effects from the harmalas, Its going away bit by bit but I still feel very altered and strange. My skin has a light glow under UV light and everything I touched is also glowing under UV light strongly. it was a healing experience, But not one that was enjoyable or I'd want to do again. By day 30 I became unable to really bring anything back due to the intensity of the experience, I just know it was healing me at a deeper level while I was away.

In conclusion, I would like to stress the importance of staying true to oneself and to one, If anyone has any questions, Feel free to ask!

Thanks to all the people in chat for hanging out with during these 40 days of isolation outside of doctors vists.
Jin said:
Is there a specific kind of meditation you were doing?
My own type of transcendental meditation with Jewish "Mantra"s as well as traditional Jewish meditation, Jewish meditation that is harder to explain as it has to do with mindfulness of the animal nature of the human.

Instead of silencing of the mind its more of an observation and introspection deeper into why the thoughts are there in the way they have manifested. If that makes any sense, The effects of the harmalas are still quiet noticeable so there is still a level of difficulty in communicating my thoughts and feelings.
Good day wonderful folks!

It's refreshing to hear of someone in contrast to me Frisker. Lately I've been thinking the cosmos is like a child figuring things out and learning through us and others. A plan, does relax me a bit. Does that mean there is a specific goal to life?

Brave you for diving in for many days in a row, a test few of us could endure. Something i doubt i'd ever consider 😁

The constant "ego death, contact with entities, visions, dream worlds, out-of-body experiences" sounds intenseeeee :twisted:

Any specific prayers and reflections?

Wow surfing the genetic ancestrals sounds tripppy

What a powerful experience and report! and what a wonderful time of the year to have these experiences as the flowers bud and bloom.

You always be glowing like a shamanic Goku in my eyes 8)

Reminding myself to "stay true to oneself and one"

You did well in the Apex Legends games! I'm sure better than any other nexus member could throw down, so your motor controls were doing pretty good! :thumb_up: :thumb_up:

Glad we got to chat and hang out as much as we did throughout this epic journey of yours!

Talk soon :)

This is a good report and I enjoyed reading it. Very interesting journey and it sounds like though it was not easy that you did in fact fulfill your original intentions. Easy to say/write and difficult to do.

Fascinating that the harmalas seemed to stack up with you and give effects similar to DMT over time.

What I'd love to hear more about is the NEXT 40 days. I noticed you were having some difficult withdrawls in chat about 15 hours ago and that was just day 1. I know you are abstaining from other things than harmalas but that's up to you to write.

I hope you are at least making a small journal entry each and every day. It will be interesting to know how you feel on days 10, 20, 30 and 40 of this abstention journey.

Thanks again for sharing.

f1 said:
It's refreshing to hear of someone in contrast to me Frisker. Lately I've been thinking the cosmos is like a child figuring things out and learning through us and others. A plan, does relax me a bit. Does that mean there is a specific goal to life?
Thanks f1, It's great to see you embracing different perspectives and contemplating the meaning of life. While I don't believe there is one specific goal to life, having a plan or purpose can definitely provide some sense of direction and comfort. As for prayers and reflections, I find it helpful to focus on gratitude and positivity, and to always strive to be the best version of myself. Surfing the genetic ancestrals does sound intriguing, doesn't it? It's amazing how these experiences can connect us to our past and help us better understand ourselves. And thank you for the kind words about my Apex skills, I try my best in all I do! It was a pleasure hanging out with you and sharing in this incredible journey. Let us speak and hang out again soon. Take care!, f1!

Pandora said:
What I'd love to hear more about is the NEXT 40 days.

Thanks for posting Pandora, Yeah its been rough and its getting worst, I am keeping notes of my sober state but the thoughts are very racy and fast; Hard to wrangle the words into something sensible. But I will do a follow up after im done spending my time away. My body seems to be very unhappy with getting cut off. 😁
WARNING: Don't do this, I was very sick for a long time before I got my "Feet". It was worth it but please be aware of your own body and self and limitations. Consuming any psychoactive substances for 40 days straight has risks and some people might react badly,I am NOT recommending it for others, but merely sharing MY experience, Anyways.

I am Proud Hasidic Jew so my experience was heavily influenced by such, Everything that happens in this world is part of a divine plan; That is my perception of the world.

Hello everyone.

My belief in G-d and the teachings of our Hasidic tradition helped me navigate through a challenging experience. I recently went through a journey where I took 400 milligrams of harmala alkaloids extracted from rue in salts, Daily over 40 days and 40 nights, Totaling 16 grams over the duration of the experience. The experience was intense and became stronger every 10 days. I experienced ego death, contact with entities, visions, dream worlds, out-of-body experiences, and black on black and white on white hallucinations. I felt as though I was experiencing an entirely different reality, one that was both beautiful and terrifying.

Throughout this experience, my faith played a significant role in keeping me grounded. I found comfort in prayer, meditation, and reflection. I also felt a strong connection to my ancestors and to the greater Jewish community. I felt as though I was experiencing a spiritual journey, one that had the potential to bring me closer to my faith. After the tenth day I was never remotely sober.

As the days passed, I noticed that the darkness that had accompanied my experience started to fade. I began to feel more at peace with myself and with the world around me. I realized that this experience had taught me a valuable lesson about the dangers of addiction. I had become addicted to altered states of consciousness that lots of different things provided me. I understood that my addiction had taken me away from my true self and my relationship with G-d. I was grateful for this experience as it helped me recognize my addiction and allowed me to overcome it.

Now, after completing the 40 days and 40 nights, I have decided to stay sober for another 40 days and 40 nights. I am committed to living a life free from addiction and to honor my faith through my actions. I am grateful for the support of my community and my family, who have been with me every step of the way. I know that this will not be an easy journey, but I am determined to succeed and to live a life that is aligned with my values and beliefs.

With my last day being behind me I can still feel very pronounced effects from the harmalas, Its going away bit by bit but I still feel very altered and strange. My skin has a light glow under UV light and everything I touched is also glowing under UV light strongly. it was a healing experience, But not one that was enjoyable or I'd want to do again. By day 30 I became unable to really bring anything back due to the intensity of the experience, I just know it was healing me at a deeper level while I was away.

In conclusion, I would like to stress the importance of staying true to oneself and to one, If anyone has any questions, Feel free to ask!

Thanks to all the people in chat for hanging out with during these 40 days of isolation outside of doctors vists.
This is indeed a fascinating account and how effects deepened and accumulated as the days passed as part of a spiritual practice and produced very powerful psychedelic effects we don't usually associate with it in a single dose. I have heard something about this 40 night practice with Harmala from various traditions, and also that the Rue plant itself is always protected by angels or higher beings where it grows.

There is definitely something here worthy of further exploration, I think we live in a fast paced lifestyle of instant gratification which is maybe part of why some people like the freebase DMT flash but this is different type of work.

Hopefully he is doing well now.
It's definitely an interesting journey to try, but I wonder how many would be willing or able to do it for that stretch of time?
Maybe starting out with just 14 days could be a start and then evaluate how it's going.

I can see this as doable if one has a stretch of time without commitments and can do it like a long meditation retreat. Drinking a rue tea mixed with juice in the morning and night.

Alternatively one could maybe smoke a strong rue hash joint with herbal blends to replace one of the drinks, but I think at least some of the harmalas would need to be drunk daily for full effects.

I wonder also what it would be like to smoke DMT every couple of days as the harmala effects accumulate in the system, and if this would take it to ever deeper terrain also? I have a feeling it would.

This is an experiment and odyssey only for the hardore and those truly committed to a spiritual path I say.
Interesting report on a somewhat extreme experiment. I have used harmalas for weeks on end but never in the dosage range you described so I can’t relate to your experience. Wat interest me are the effects you describe,
My skin has a light glow under UV light and everything I touched is also glowing under UV light strongly
Where you seeing your fingerprints glowing from the preparation of the dose or do you think it was from you excreting a compound that was glowing under black light?
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