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A Possible SHE for March 9, 2011


Rising Star
Would you be interested in joining me for a SHE March 9, 2011. It is the date that the Mayan Calendar says that the Universal cycle of co-creation begins leading up to 2012. Your thoughts?
Great. Beginning midnight March 8 and ending midnight March 10th, 2011 pacific time.
All are invited to choose their own methods, (dmt, MJ, mushrooms, cactus, etc), as well as choose the duration of time. If you're inclined, you could choose cactus or extended mushroom journeys for the entire two day span. If you're short on time, then a 10 minute trip with dmt or salvia may be your choice.

If you cannot do a full trip, you could still join with small/light doses and/or meditation, chanting, singing, isolation tank, affirmations or prayer. Whatever your own method that works best for you is ok.

The intent of this SHE is to combine our hearts, minds and spirits together gain clarity about this new cycle we're entering and how we can continue to gain more healing in our perception, so that we spread the new healing to help heal others. For some of us, this will be a deliberate and conscious healing for others it will be unconscious with just a subtle feeling. :)

As we enter the cycle of conscious co-creation in this SHE, together we use our thoughts and emotions to raise energy and to open a portal for a paradise or heaven on earth to enter into our world.

Btw has anyone noticed a lot more synchronicities this year already than ever before or is it just me?
glad to read this topic.. just found out what it is. SWIM really would love to dose mushrooms, however, they last long time.. might just smoke the last of the bought salvia. my time zone is different, what time ruffly is ppl doing this. night or day?
This will be my first SHE, and I will definitely be there (i.e. Everywhere and No Where). Anyone have any interest in starting a sort of "meditation club" to focus our collective intent on specific outcomes (I'll get to work on a separate thread, and look around to see if anyone has already started one)?
magickpsychonaut said:
Would you be interested in joining me for a SHE March 9, 2011. It is the date that the Mayan Calendar says that the Universal cycle of co-creation begins leading up to 2012. Your thoughts?

I'm in! This will be my first SHE!
magickpsychonaut said:
Would you be interested in joining me for a SHE March 9, 2011. It is the date that the Mayan Calendar says that the Universal cycle of co-creation begins leading up to 2012. Your thoughts?
Hi magickpsychonaut,

do you have more info about that date regarding the mayan calendar. Is this referring to Callahan´s work or that of Arguelles?
Would be great if you could give me some reference.

Nevertheless I´ll try to be part of that SHE.

DoctorMantus said:
What would be your Definition of a SHE i am just curious to know bc i could not find it through google or anything.

Haha, while i was scrolling down and reading, this was my exact thought! What is SHE? If it is what i think it is then i am in! Countless cones of changa will be my method ;D

Haha whoa i just realized what it is by looking at the section this is posted in. Synchronised Hyperspace Event :) this will be my first! :)
I haven't been around in a bit...but glad I logged in to see this! I will definitely be entering my mediation chamber for awhile tomorrow concentrating on raising the vibrations.

Much Love!
I'm don't know of the original source from which this came (found it on the Ayahuasca forums)
but here are the '9 waves of consciousness' apparently indicated by the Mayan calendar:

1. Cellular – started 16 Billion Year Ago – Action/Reaction
2. Mammalian – 820 millions years ago – Stimulus/Response
3. Familial – started 41 million years ago – Individual
4. Tribal – 2 million year ago – the Mind
5. Cultural – 102,000 years ago – Reason
6. National – 3,115 BC – Law
7. Planetary – 1755 AD – Power
8. Galactic – Jan 4, 1999 – Ethics
9. Unity – March 9, 2011 – Co-creation
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