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About terminology conflicts


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Well, there are a couple of confusing developements I want to adress.
It concerns the terms "jimjam" "jungle spice" and "jspice"

It's my opinion, that the following rules should be acknowledged when it comes to naming certain things:

1.The should be no redundance. The Term "JimJam" already stands for the "Squishy, goopy, sticky, stringy matter of hyperspace that anything can be created from. It is multicolored and delicious. ". It should not be used for a jungle spice / nn-dmt mix. It's simply confusing, unneccessary.

2.Established terms first
The reason for a unified terminology is communication. There is no need to try establish new terms if there is already one. "Jungle Spice" has been the the name for the unidentified mimosa alkaloid for a LONG TIME and everyone knows what it is. Why call it differently?

Then there is this new jungle/nn-dmt mix. Some call it jimjam, some jspice, some jungle dmt....it really needs a name. "Jungle-dmt mix" doesn't sound pretty.

The only acceptable term for me would be jspice but it could be confused with jungle spice (jspice stands for jorkest spice) and while I think that jorkest is a great member: anything too "ego" should be left out in these matters..
I think jimjam sounds sort of weird:d ..other people keep calling it that thoughso i dunno what else to call it..it's not jungle spice becasue it has the dmt, jungle dmt, and n oxide in it..

I say we find a new more beautiful name for the stuff.
fractal enchantment said:
I think jimjam sounds sort of weird:d ..other people keep calling it that thoughso i dunno what else to call it..it's not jungle spice becasue it has the dmt, jungle dmt, and n oxide in it..

I say we find a new more beautiful name for the stuff.

I agree whole heartedly. 😉

Much Peace and Understanding
On that note..I also dont like the word "bufotenine"...sounds gross and is sort of a referral to bufo-toxins similar to digitalis found in toads..that just so happen to have some 5-oh-DMT in them..bufocybin sounds neater ..but still has that bufo-toxin connotation.. maybe cebilcybin:d haha just a thought.
Jorkest said:
jungle spice..or jimjam as i call it..

I've noticed a lot of people lately calling jungle+DMT Jimjam ...this is leading to a massive confusion. Noone uses jimjam to describe hyperspace matter...if one would do this, we'd have one term for three different things. This is bothering me to no ends.

Don't forget that language is a communications device.
hmmmm, i use jimjam to refer to broad-spectrum spice from mhrb. it just sort of...stuck. :lol:

it's just what i use, but i don't have any problem typing something else if a universal, agreed-upon term is generated.
fractal enchantment said:
On that note..I also dont like the word "bufotenine"...sounds gross and is sort of a referral to bufo-toxins similar to digitalis found in toads..that just so happen to have some 5-oh-DMT in them..bufocybin sounds neater ..but still has that bufo-toxin connotation.. maybe cebilcybin:d haha just a thought.

Please and with all the respect I got, seriously... please. We know what these things are already they are chemicals from plants.
Can we please stick to chemical names for chems.
And Latin names for plants.
Just a suggestion.

It sound gross, that name aint cool...these things are already defined with terms any one can understand. People come here to read the forms and attempt to learn its impossible with out learning the DMT slango.

We want to be respected and taken seriously for our beliefs and knowledge of psychedelics?

As a new person on the site, and one unfamiliar with DMT, I agree that the terminology can be confusing particularly when it comes to jungle spice. Problem is that we all infer different things from different words but I agree that there needs to be consideration given to sticking to one name for a particular product of extractions.

Like you said, chems and plants are named already. If you don't like the original name, tough shit. If you want to create your own words for them, so be it but don't expect it to be accepted by everyone else. However, do expect to have to explain what you mean by something like 'bufocybin' (as an example) repeatedly within a single thread as confusion will almost certainly arise. I understand your thinking on the aesthetics of certain words but if it's the easiest, most univesal terms we can all understand then surely it's easier to just go with it.

Besides, I'm new so gimme some sympathy for my spice-less life....:lol: :lol: :lol:
For SWIM, a full-range extract from MHRB is 'extract of jurema,' 'jurema spice,' or simply 'jurema,' for short, and the fumarate form is simply 'jurema fumarate.' Also, no matter where it comes from or what range, it's just 'spice,' in general. If it's extract of jurema with a hefty portion of pure DMT removed, then it's 'jungle spice.'
This needs to be sorted out, otherwise more and more redundant terms will pop into common usage and people will become even more confused.
Apologies as this is something of a diversion here...
fractal enchantment said:
On that note..I also dont like the word "bufotenine"...sounds gross and is sort of a referral to bufo-toxins similar to digitalis found in toads..that just so happen to have some 5-oh-DMT in them..bufocybin sounds neater ..but still has that bufo-toxin connotation.. maybe cebilcybin:d haha just a thought.

Quote (from wikipedia):
"Bufotenin (bufotenine) is also known by the chemical names 5-hydroxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-HO-DMT), N,N-dimethyl-5-hydroxytryptamine, dimethyl serotonin,[3] and mappine.[3]"

'Bufocybin' suggests the - hitherto unheard of - phosphate ester of bufotenine. And regarding 'cebilcybin', SWIM has heard several people mispronounce "psilocybin" in a way that sounds the same as this.

Bufotenine is named after the toad Bufo spp., the '-ten-' part comes as an allusion to its vasoconstrictive properties, and '-ine' is a standard alkaloid suffix. Every name tells a story (but why the synonym "mappine"??)

Why make up new names for things because we "don't like the sound of" the existing name?!? Especially when other synonyms already exist.:?

As for Jimjam, it's (in the plural form) a childish synonym for pyjamas - how did it come to be a name for hyperspace goo? Does its hyperspatial appearance result from intoning the syllables "jim jam"?
obliguhl said:
The Term "JimJam" already stands for the "Squishy, goopy, sticky, stringy matter of hyperspace that anything can be created from. It is multicolored and delicious. ". It should not be used for a jungle spice / nn-dmt mix. It's simply confusing, unneccessary.

I agree with you totally - this is my understanding of the word jim jam. We need some word to describe the hyperspace stuff, and this is the one that's in the lexicon. Why not just stick with it?

obliguhl said:
"Jungle Spice" has been the the name for the unidentified mimosa alkaloid for a LONG TIME and everyone knows what it is. Why call it differently?

Ditto. I understand "jungle spice" to mean a full spectrum pull which has unknown alkaloids in it; for example, it would be what a person might end up with if they did an AB extraction using D-Limonene. It's the unknown part of it that makes it 'jungle', I thought - but I'm happy to be corrected if I've got this wrong.

obliguhl said:
Then there is this new jungle/nn-dmt mix. Some call it jimjam, some jspice, some jungle dmt....it really needs a name. "Jungle-dmt mix" doesn't sound pretty.

Here, we're talking about NN-dmt, a known compound, so it's not 'jungle' by my bakc of a napkin logic as outlined so far ... How about we call it "yellow spice"?
Here is the most scientific paper that exists to date (to my knowledge) dealing with jungle spice: Entropymnancer's "Jungle Spice" - Mystery Alkaloids of Mimosa Root Bark Paper

I post this every time I see this debate or one of the parallel ones getting raised simply because this terminology has spread beyond the nexus, and those who don't keep up with the evolving extractions would have no reason to identify any alkaloid combo as "jimjam". Jimjam, since I joined the Nexus, has always been defined by the wiki as the shifting blah blah blah matter of hyperspace. Jungle spice has always referred to the unknown alkaloid that is pulled with xylene/d-limo, and this has been perpetuated to places beyond the nexus through the scribd.com and other websites hosting Entropymancer's paper.

I'm tired of seeing this pop up over and over again. I blame Jorkest...DAMN YOU MAN!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: Without the whole jim-jam d-limo thing this might not have happened...then again space/time being what it is, there was probably no way to avoid this...
obliguhl said:
"Jungle Spice" has been the the name for the unidentified mimosa alkaloid for a LONG TIME and everyone knows what it is. Why call it differently?

Ditto. I understand "jungle spice" to mean a full spectrum pull which has unknown alkaloids in it; for example, it would be what a person might end up with if they did an AB extraction using D-Limonene. It's the unknown part of it that makes it 'jungle', I thought - but I'm happy to be corrected if I've got this wrong.[/quote]

Even "jungle-spice" has its problems. Sometimes it's used to describe all other jurema alkaloids besides DMT (with DMT mostly removed). Jungle-spice is dark and gooey, but full-range spice is tan and waxy; however, sometimes the tan waxes are referred to as jungle-spice, but mostly it refers to the dark gooey alkaloid present in those tan waxes. The full-range never really had a name of its own to distinguish for the dark goo or the purer spice, thus resulting in a void in terminology that came to be filled by the term, "jimjam."

SWIM doesn't like the jimjam, either, but jungle-spice is too vague for full-range. Every plant is going to have its own particular alkaloid profile, so why not just name the extract of that after the plant it came from?
amor_fati said:
obliguhl said:
"Jungle Spice" has been the the name for the unidentified mimosa alkaloid for a LONG TIME and everyone knows what it is. Why call it differently?

Ditto. I understand "jungle spice" to mean a full spectrum pull which has unknown alkaloids in it; for example, it would be what a person might end up with if they did an AB extraction using D-Limonene. It's the unknown part of it that makes it 'jungle', I thought - but I'm happy to be corrected if I've got this wrong.

Even "jungle-spice" has its problems. Sometimes it's used to describe all other jurema alkaloids besides DMT (with DMT mostly removed). Jungle-spice is dark and gooey, but full-range spice is tan and waxy; however, sometimes the tan waxes are referred to as jungle-spice, but mostly it refers to the dark gooey alkaloid present in those tan waxes. The full-range never really had a name of its own to distinguish for the dark goo or the purer spice, thus resulting in a void in terminology that came to be filled by the term, "jimjam."

SWIM doesn't like the jimjam, either, but jungle-spice is too vague for full-range. Every plant is going to have its own particular alkaloid profile, so why not just name the extract of that after the plant it came from?[/quote]
Because Jimjam / Jungle Spice rolls off the tongue better than "Full-Range Mimosa Extract, Including As-Yet Unidentified Compound"😉

Got another suggestion?
Touche Guevara said:
Because Jimjam / Jungle Spice rolls off the tongue better than "Full-Range Mimosa Extract, Including As-Yet Unidentified Compound"😉

Got another suggestion?
But jimjam as a substitute term for fullrange or even jungle makes no sense because it already represents a conceptualization of a hyperspatial phenomenon...
Touche Guevara said:
Because Jimjam / Jungle Spice rolls off the tongue better than "Full-Range Mimosa Extract, Including As-Yet Unidentified Compound"😉

Got another suggestion?


amor_fati said:
Every plant is going to have its own particular alkaloid profile, so why not just name the extract of that after the plant it came from?

as in:

amor_fati said:
For SWIM, a full-range extract from MHRB is 'extract of jurema,' 'jurema spice,' or simply 'jurema,' for short, and the fumarate form is simply 'jurema fumarate.' Also, no matter where it comes from or what range, it's just 'spice,' in general. If it's extract of jurema with a hefty portion of pure DMT removed, then it's 'jungle spice.'
I like the term "Jurema spice" for a full range extract and "jungle" to denote that which has no DMT. We also call it "allspice" for a full range and "Red spice" for without DMT among my friends.
IMHO terminology is useless if one cannot intuitively discern what it means from the name. So comming up with groovy names for things sounds cool but it makes something that is complicated more complicated. Realize that you may have absolutely no trouble keeping up with what means what. You have been around for awhile but for a greenhorn that has just stepped into this world it's hard enough as it is to get a basic education on what is done here further complicating it works counter to the fundamental reason why this forum exists, to teach. read the newbie section. They ask questions and think in basic terminology rarely if ever do they use the funky new words being invented.
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