Acacia leiocalyx
I have recently observed positive results from A.leiocalyx trunk bark.
Harvested material was selected from an adult tree which unfortunately met it's end last year during the storms. The bark was all from around the dead stump that was left after being cut down.
Just to reiterate, this bark was still attached to the stump (just) but had been out in the elements of the Qld weather for over 18 months. There was nothing 'fresh' about this material.
The process.
A/B Tek
1st acid pull
250g of the bark was powdered using a shredder followed by Nutribullet to leave mostly dust and a bit of fibre.
100ml of white cooking vinegar added
1000ml distilled water added
Simmer for at least 1 hour
Drain and keep liquid.
2nd acid pull
Repeat steps as above
3rd acid pull
50ml vinegar added
500ml distilled water added
Simmer for at least 1 hour
Drain and keep liquid.
All saved liquids were combined and reduced down to 500ml, then allowed to cool.
Freebase conversion
60g of lye into 250ml of water, did not let it cool, add to reduced liquid.
No precipitation was visualised upon contact.
Pressure was monitored and vigorous shaking was performed, screw the emulsion I'll show it who's boss when/if it shows its ugly head.
I managed to dig 250ml of shellite out of the shed in town.
Added it to the caustic soup.
The first Pressure peak will come after the naphtha is added so alot of care is needed.
Gentle rolls and tips with constant burping of the jar until pressure isn't of a concern.
Begin vigorous shaking. Have at it.
The jar was then added to a warm water bath probably around 60 Celsius.
Pressure again, be careful.
After settlement and more shaking about 5 times over the next 3 hours I removed the shellite and repeated extraction process 2 more times until I had produced about 600ml of saturated naphtha.
Naphtha has turned almost flourescent yellow by this point.
Freeze participation will be performed on the collected sample.
Followed by possibly a heptane wash to clear any impurities.
Because I'm an impatient sod, A small amount of the saturated naphtha was evaporated on a mirror leaving behind a yellow gooey oil.
Smells like the universe.
I endeavour to keep you all posted on the future results.
So just to summarise whats planned and what to look for:
Freeze precip results
TLC results
Re-x/Heptane wash results
Edit: Between the time it took for me to copy and paste this to the correct place I ended up smoking 0.05 of the oil changa style. One breath. Instantly sank me into my seat and felt the need to turn up my music. Shut my eyes and enjoyed what although weak was definitely a familiar feeling. For such a miniscule drop the effects were definitely noticeable.
Can confirm leiocalyx is active, with what exactly I will find out