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Acacia Nilotica Extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey you guys. Feels good to be part of the Nexus. Been interested in dmt for a while now. So After doing whatever research i can, i have finally decided to do an extraction on Acacia Nilotica Leaves.

Was wondering if you guys could help me out with the best extraction process. I have carried out A/B extractions on the phalaris grass but the yield was minimal - yellow goeey stuff. Upon smoking had some mild nausea - so it could have been anything.

Anyway, Could use some help with the yield for Acacia Nilotica and a preferred method of extraction in case of leaves - if any.

Cheers you guys!
I used the roots. Grinding them with a tiny tool can be a hassle but then again, i could never deal with chlorophyll in the leaves. There's a loads of acacia around here too, where I reside. Be good to know how it went.

Wish you all the luck :)
i wouldn't reccomend stb when working with acacia... a lot of people have had dissapointing results from usually active and high yielding acacias using the stb. an a/b would be reccomended when working with these trees. also.. acacia yield isn't neccesarily lower than mimosa... theres a few acacias about with 1-1.5% yields (eg acacia acuminata ... good pure alkaloid profile-dmt being the main alkaloid.)

also, phyllodes are generally fine for extracting and a thorough defat will usually yield a pure white or a creamy coloured spice with acacia. i only ever do one defat with the acacia phyllodes i use and it always comes out crystaline and white to slightly creamy/yellow :)
Hey!! I m new to the nexus and have very little experience with chemistry. I recently found out that I have Acacia Nilotica in abundance in my farm. But I m skeptic about the fact that N,N-DMT can be extracted from it. Pls guide me to the right direction. Thanks in advance... :)
Actually the plant I am talking about is Acacia Nilotica SubSpecies: Indica

It would be great if I could find some other plant with greater content of DMT in India....!!
just give it a go! :) ... there is a good chance you'll be pleasantly surprised. phlux said he had success with it..
so there is no reason you can't. just because there aren't reports all over the web doesn't mean it isn't a good source.. i think it just shows how centred everybody was on one plant for so long aand how little we know about so many others plants. i echo phyllode's statement
Got a notification today that this thread was active. Have been gone for I don't know maybe 5 years. I guess that year of exploring DMT gavve nuff stuff to work on.
acacia, I didn't go the defat route. the material available led me to a fasa route. Used DMTEK all the time, with great results. Sorry I can't report on specifics.
Acacian and phlux are right...dmt's scattered all around the plant kingdom. Exploring new sources can certainly prove to be a valuable venture.
Shivi, you should definitely give it a try, but take your time to really go through the steps mentioned in the TEK. The chemistry is really simple. Last I checked you could either go the acid route or alkaline route. Both have their pros and cons. Once you get the two concepts, you can adjust the teks to your own liking/effectiveness.
All the best shivi! Let us know if you need anything.
Thanks acacian, for keeping this post alive!!
The Grateful One said:
krahul3 said:
can someone give a link to DMTEK , thanks

All I did was type "DMTEK dmt nexus" into google and that was the first result. The first link will auto downlaod a zip file.

Anyway, usually a very simple google search will get you to the answers you are seeking. Good luck and welcome to the Nexus.


Thank you, i searched for DMTEK on dmt-nexus search but did't get anything, i'll try google next time its super powerful
does acacia nilotica actually contain viable dmt? and could i make an ayahuasca type brew with it by using 2x the amount of acacia nilotica compared to mimosa hostilis? wondering if it would mimic the effects also would be using syrian rue with it. please let me know would be much appreciated.. 🙏𓁿𓄂𓆃
Hi, I am new here. I have also been researching about DMT plants in India. Acacia Nilotica, indica(Babool) is the easiest to procure as its bark is branded and packaged in powdered form and it is easily available online in India. But, I am not sure where it contains any DMT in it. Can someone tell me if they have tried extracting it using Acacia Nilotica, indica(Babool) .
yaxar said:
Got a notification today that this thread was active. Have been gone for I don't know maybe 5 years. I guess that year of exploring DMT gavve nuff stuff to work on.
acacia, I didn't go the defat route. the material available led me to a fasa route. Used DMTEK all the time, with great results. Sorry I can't report on specifics.
Acacian and phlux are right...dmt's scattered all around the plant kingdom. Exploring new sources can certainly prove to be a valuable venture.
Shivi, you should definitely give it a try, but take your time to really go through the steps mentioned in the TEK. The chemistry is really simple. Last I checked you could either go the acid route or alkaline route. Both have their pros and cons. Once you get the two concepts, you can adjust the teks to your own liking/effectiveness.
All the best shivi! Let us know if you need anything.
Thanks acacian, for keeping this post alive!!
hey, how did the extraction go ?
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