It's the following afternoon and SWIM can still feel the effects of it. It affected his dreams as well, making them more plentiful and more vivid. At the moment he feels quite stimulated. The euphoria is gone, but the stimulation is still there.
I think the fact that calamus has been called both a stimulant and a sedative is because it actually contains both. After the acetone wash, all the sedatives were removed from the calamus. The 10 grams of acetone washed, cold water extracted tea, had not a hint of sedatives effects. It felt almost exactly like mescaline. Not just a little bit. SWIM knows the effects of mescaline very well. This felt almost exactly like a low dose of mescaline and was very different from all his previous experiences with calamus.
In comparing a normal cold water extraction to the cold water extraction done after the acetone wash, the following differences are very apparent in the latter:
* All the relaxing effects are completely absent. The same extract done without the acetone wash produces a mild and noticeable anti-anxiety sedative effect along with the stimulant effects calamus is known for. But after the acetone wash, the experience completely lacks any sedative effects.
* It’s way more euphoric. Apparently, the sedatives removed by the acetone wash were blocking most of the euphoric effects possible with calamus. The euphoria increased at least 10-fold after the wash.
* It’s far more stimulating. Again, with the sedatives removed, the stimulant present in calamus is able to work better.
* It’s not as strong tasting. Apparently, most of the strong tasting compounds were removed by the acetone wash.
* It’s more “psychedelic”. SWIM experienced very distinct but mild swirly visual effects from it. The same extract done without the acetone wash had no visual effects. Apparently the sedatives removed by the acetone wash blocked the visual effects calamus is capable of.
* Mental clarity was greatly improved.
It’s likely that d-limonene will work better at removing the asarone, beta-asarone, and the other undesired toxic compounds without removing the psychedelic present. Water is capable of extracting the psychedelic, but acetone also seems to be able to do this, but extracts far more of the junk present. D-limonene is more non-polar than acetone, and should more selectively extract the asarone, beta-asarone, and hopefully the other toxic nauseating crap in the calamus root, while hopefully leaving behind more of the psychedelic stimulant found in the calamus root.
Please don’t take any of this too seriously until the test is repeated and the same results are had. SWIM needs to do this test again to be sure this was not a fluke. It’s possible some unusual chemical change occurred in the herb leading to this experience that is not easily duplicated. Another test needs to be done.
SWIM has no more calamus and must order more before he can repeat the test. But all of this makes sense. Reports of calamus oil being hallucinogenic are not found anywhere. Calamus oil makes you sedated and causes extreme nausea and vomiting, much like the acetone extract did. However, the acetone extract was a little psychoactive, but more sedating and nauseating than anything else. I think the good stuff is a little soluble in the acetone, but the bad stuff is many times more so. It’s hard to tell if the psychedelic stimulant present in calamus is more soluble in water than in acetone because the acetone extracted all the sedatives from the calamus, and they very distinctly interfere with the psychedelic stimulant effects of calamus. My feeling is that the stimulant is soluble in both, and just slightly more in water than in acetone and that using d-limonene as a wash would be better than using acetone.
SWIM has two tests planned. 1 to duplicate the one above by washing with acetone and then extracting with cold water, and then another test which washes with d-limonene and then extracts with cold water. I have the feeling, the d-limonene wash will remove all the undesired compounds and leave behind more of the psychedelic stimulant. I think the psychedelic stimulant present in calamus is very polar, unlike asarone, beta-asrone and the nauseating crap in the roots, and washing with d-limonene will be the best. We will see.