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ACRB Tek & Equipment for an aspiring noob

Migrated topic.
Running Bear said:
pitubo said:
null24 said:
Oh come on! Just having a dram or three of whiskey is not abusing alcohol.
A dram or three is already beyond the limits for being allowed to drive a car in most countries. Honestly, do you feel that someone should be driving in a state suggested by the words " tapped my bottle of single malt so will do my best to produce cohesive sentences...excuses excuses bla bla "? My memory suggests that you wouldn't.

Common methods of dmt extraction involve the handling of flammable and corrosive substances. Doing such under the influence of incapacitating amounts of alcohol is dangerous. The nexus has a clear policy about harm reduction. I think that my comment was fair and appropriate. So does OP, btw. To be frank, the warnings about the interaction with harmalas come from personal experience.

null24 said:
And even if our new friend the OP was to have a problem with addiction to alcohol, that kind of 'caring' approach would only succeed in isolating them.
I am caring, for OP's safety. And I am not isolating anyone, I am giving sincere advice. What is the true purpose of your moral indignation here?

BTW, apart from the aspect of safety while performing potentially dangerous procedures, there is another reason why I speak up about alcohol abuse. When people drink excessively and then proceed to post to the forum, the quality of their contributions is negatively affected accordingly.

Running Bear said:
I agree Null24. It's completely ignorant and needs to stop.
Oh hi, it's you again.

troll in disguise...... sincere advice? Really!? You could have sent him a PM or talked to him on chat but no you wanted to bring him down in front of everyone. Youre never going to be a moderartor or senior member so you might as well stop sucking up. We should all be helping each other not doing this crap!

Can you please stop pushing this issue and further instigating an argument? If someone drops into the Nexus, mentions finishing a bottle of alcohol, and then proceeds to ask a bunch of very basic questions about extracting, it is a bit concerning.

All in all, it is about harm reduction. Always.

I will do my best not to ramble and should also apologise in advance I have tapped my bottle of single malt so will do my best to produce cohesive sentences...excuses excuses bla bla in saying that I have the deepest respect for DMT and in the people patient enough to create something from nothing.

In my humble opinion, when you say "bla bla" and "deepest respect for DMT" in the same sentence it tends to lose its sincerity.
Neither do I to be honest I've developed a virtual thick skin from years of toxic gaming communities so most of the time it gives me a good laugh :p
The Grateful One said:
Running Bear said:
pitubo said:
null24 said:
Oh come on! Just having a dram or three of whiskey is not abusing alcohol.
A dram or three is already beyond the limits for being allowed to drive a car in most countries. Honestly, do you feel that someone should be driving in a state suggested by the words " tapped my bottle of single malt so will do my best to produce cohesive sentences...excuses excuses bla bla "? My memory suggests that you wouldn't.

Common methods of dmt extraction involve the handling of flammable and corrosive substances. Doing such under the influence of incapacitating amounts of alcohol is dangerous. The nexus has a clear policy about harm reduction. I think that my comment was fair and appropriate. So does OP, btw. To be frank, the warnings about the interaction with harmalas come from personal experience.

null24 said:
And even if our new friend the OP was to have a problem with addiction to alcohol, that kind of 'caring' approach would only succeed in isolating them.
I am caring, for OP's safety. And I am not isolating anyone, I am giving sincere advice. What is the true purpose of your moral indignation here?

BTW, apart from the aspect of safety while performing potentially dangerous procedures, there is another reason why I speak up about alcohol abuse. When people drink excessively and then proceed to post to the forum, the quality of their contributions is negatively affected accordingly.

Running Bear said:
I agree Null24. It's completely ignorant and needs to stop.
Oh hi, it's you again.

troll in disguise...... sincere advice? Really!? You could have sent him a PM or talked to him on chat but no you wanted to bring him down in front of everyone. Youre never going to be a moderartor or senior member so you might as well stop sucking up. We should all be helping each other not doing this crap!

Can you please stop pushing this issue and further instigating an argument? If someone drops into the Nexus, mentions finishing a bottle of alcohol, and then proceeds to ask a bunch of very basic questions about extracting, it is a bit concerning.

All in all, it is about harm reduction. Always.

I will do my best not to ramble and should also apologise in advance I have tapped my bottle of single malt so will do my best to produce cohesive sentences...excuses excuses bla bla in saying that I have the deepest respect for DMT and in the people patient enough to create something from nothing.

In my humble opinion, when you say "bla bla" and "deepest respect for DMT" in the same sentence it tends to lose its sincerity.

Well I did apologise in advance 😉
The Grateful One said:
Running Bear said:
pitubo said:
null24 said:
Oh come on! Just having a dram or three of whiskey is not abusing alcohol.
A dram or three is already beyond the limits for being allowed to drive a car in most countries. Honestly, do you feel that someone should be driving in a state suggested by the words " tapped my bottle of single malt so will do my best to produce cohesive sentences...excuses excuses bla bla "? My memory suggests that you wouldn't.

Common methods of dmt extraction involve the handling of flammable and corrosive substances. Doing such under the influence of incapacitating amounts of alcohol is dangerous. The nexus has a clear policy about harm reduction. I think that my comment was fair and appropriate. So does OP, btw. To be frank, the warnings about the interaction with harmalas come from personal experience.

null24 said:
And even if our new friend the OP was to have a problem with addiction to alcohol, that kind of 'caring' approach would only succeed in isolating them.
I am caring, for OP's safety. And I am not isolating anyone, I am giving sincere advice. What is the true purpose of your moral indignation here?

BTW, apart from the aspect of safety while performing potentially dangerous procedures, there is another reason why I speak up about alcohol abuse. When people drink excessively and then proceed to post to the forum, the quality of their contributions is negatively affected accordingly.

Running Bear said:
I agree Null24. It's completely ignorant and needs to stop.
Oh hi, it's you again.

troll in disguise...... sincere advice? Really!? You could have sent him a PM or talked to him on chat but no you wanted to bring him down in front of everyone. Youre never going to be a moderartor or senior member so you might as well stop sucking up. We should all be helping each other not doing this crap!

Can you please stop pushing this issue and further instigating an argument? If someone drops into the Nexus, mentions finishing a bottle of alcohol, and then proceeds to ask a bunch of very basic questions about extracting, it is a bit concerning.

All in all, it is about harm reduction. Always.

I will do my best not to ramble and should also apologise in advance I have tapped my bottle of single malt so will do my best to produce cohesive sentences...excuses excuses bla bla in saying that I have the deepest respect for DMT and in the people patient enough to create something from nothing.

In my humble opinion, when you say "bla bla" and "deepest respect for DMT" in the same sentence it tends to lose its sincerity.

What the he- are you talking about he doesnt even have a non-polar solvent yet lol. Almost everyone i know drinks. It doesnt mean there going to do it before a freaking extraction lol. Im done with this thread, i dont even care anymore.
I don't understand why people are so easily offended or rattled whatever the preferred term is but I never mean any offence, to be 100% honest I had a significant amount to drink and as a result do more typing than thinking.

When I drink (once or twice a month) I certainly don't go easy usually half a bottle or less at a time if that counts as abuse then so be it.

Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise
Once, after only two beers, I managed to drop a whole box of really good glassware. That was incredibly upsetting. Even a small amount of alcohol affects the coordination adversely. And the other week I was pretty dumb on the chat after a glass of absinthe, so judgement gets shot fairly rapidly, too - and you may think it's absolutely hilarious while it's happening.

It is fair enough to be concerned to ensure that we don't mix booze with extracting. Dropping a container of hot, flammable, corrosive liquid can be catastrophic so it's clearly best to minimise the risk. I'm not saying that you (Sore) are planning on extracting while drunk but I really want to repeat the caution as even a modest amount of alcohol can contribute to a disastrous mishap. Why should we sugar coat this?

And you do know pitubo is using English as a second language, don't you? My experience, for one, shows that pitubo is a valuable contributor of technical knowledge to this site (despite appearing to be a bit of a dick 😁) so those who are so inclined might want to consider quitting the victim mentality. It'll pay dividends in all areas of life to do so.

In the spirit of looking out for one another - have fun, stay safe!
downwardsfromzero said:
Once, after only two beers, I managed to drop a whole box of really good glassware. That was incredibly upsetting. Even a small amount of alcohol affects the coordination adversely. And the other week I was pretty dumb on the chat after a glass of absinthe, so judgement gets shot fairly rapidly, too - and you may think it's absolutely hilarious while it's happening.

It is fair enough to be concerned to ensure that we don't mix booze with extracting. Dropping a container of hot, flammable, corrosive liquid can be catastrophic so it's clearly best to minimise the risk. I'm not saying that you (Sore) are planning on extracting while drunk but I really want to repeat the caution as even a modest amount of alcohol can contribute to a disastrous mishap. Why should we sugar coat this?

And you do know pitubo is using English as a second language, don't you? My experience, for one, shows that pitubo is a valuable contributor of technical knowledge to this site (despite appearing to be a bit of a dick 😁) so those who are so inclined might want to consider quitting the victim mentality. It'll pay dividends in all areas of life to do so.

In the spirit of looking out for one another - have fun, stay safe!

Sorry to hear about the glassware man that is a real shame! I wasn't aware English was pitubo's second language, never would've known had you not mentioned it but I have seen a fair few of his other posts and he seems to be a well of knowledge no doubt.

I whole heartedly agree with the sentiment about not playing the victim in fact we can do one better by never allowing ourselves to become the victim!

Appreciate your input mate
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