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Acute Tolerance to DMT?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM finally had several successful extractions (using heptane) and tried out the material. It was noticed that the experience is most intense for the first 10 minutes.....then trails off. This person also says that each time the crystals were smoked after that...the visuals and body effects were never as strong as the initial manifestations...despite a sizable dose. This sounds like rapid development of tolerance to the effects of DMT. Is this typical?
Smoked dmt experience only lasts these 10 mins anyways, you shouldnt be expecting more time.. for this one would have to maybe ingest orally with MAOI or something of the sort.

DMT very rapidly forms tolerance, yes, but this tolerance also dissipates soon, between an hour to few hours.. So wait a few hours at least before trying again or it wont work.
warrensaged said:
You should read around a bit, those facts are DMT-101.😉


I found it...but its kinda hidden in the Wiki. It says...

"Concerns Regarding the Experience
The primary effects of smoked DMT, induced within minutes of administration, last for about 5-10 minutes and are characterized by strong visual hallucination, a strong psychedelic quality, and minor auditory hallucination, while the secondary effects of a much more mild character may last for up to an hour.
Tolerance is reportedly induced rapidly and often dissipates rapidly, though repeated or high doses may induce a slightly longer term tolerance. Some believe it is best to wait at least one hour between doses."

...and I thank you both for pointing me in the right direction!! New kid on da block...I appreciate the assistance!!! :d
I always feel tryptaminish lingering effects for 45 mins to an hour..but yeah the peak is only 5-10 minutes...compared to the peak the after effects are like being sober anyway.
fractal enchantment said:
I always feel tryptaminish lingering effects for 45 mins to an hour..but yeah the peak is only 5-10 minutes...compared to the peak the after effects are like being sober anyway.

This is true, although the after effect remind me of a seriously powerful mushroom experience for the first 10 minutes after re-entry. It still feels like being sober after the ride through hyperspace.
I believe that DMT is a substance of wich it's effects are relatively easily influenced by other substances.

I find my sensitivity to it is not always the same.
At nighttime it seems to have much stronger effects then at daytime and it also seems as if very proteïn rich food also make it slightly less effective.

I twice combined ayahuasca with theobromine, and this greatly altered the effects of it. It became much less visual, but the mental effects seemed way stronger.

I think that if you took mescalin a few days before, you develop a little tolerance to it as well.
DMT at night is definitely stronger than during the day, imo. I'd chalk this up to endogenous DMT production being more easily triggered by exogenous DMT closer to it's normal release time. It would be interesting to do a dose/response study that attempts to measure the strength of a particular dosage when administered at different times throughout a day. Also, I have not experienced any cross tolerances with other psychedelics when given 24-36 hours between the end of non-dmt trips and a spice blastoff. However, I also have not recently taken any truly high doses (of nmushrooms/mesc/lsd/etc) recently and could be misremembering.
acolon_5 said:
This is true, although the after effect remind me of a seriously powerful mushroom experience for the first 10 minutes after re-entry. It still feels like being sober after the ride through hyperspace.

I've found the peak effects to be pretty much like a high-dose mushroom experience, too. Particularly after the initial rush and space ride. The reason I asked this tolerance question is because after that 10 minutes....I wanna get back up there. Re-administering doesnt seem to work....which is a pity. I'm glad its not just me!! The elimination half-life for DMT must be pretty rapid. Does anyone know what it is? How about route of elimination? Is it metabolized in the liver, metabolize by MAO or excreted through the kidneys?

Snozzleberry...would love to do that experiment too. But I need to do a better extraction next time in order to have the needed material.😉
If one compares the DMT trip to a high dose mushroom trip, then they probably haven't even reached hyperspace. SWIM notices a few levels, first being the visual distortion, where things begin to look different shapes, sizes and colors. Next, one may start to see kaleidescoping colors and white flashes, even with eyes open, and may hear a ripping or loud tearing noise. Next is where hyperspace begins, where one may begin to see and/or have contact with entities, aliens, or bug-like creatures, and even with eyes open, they may lose contact with reality, altogether. These hyperspace experiences can make one lose track of time, and they may feel they are in another world for a longer period of time, when in actuality, it's only like 3-5 minutes. Not sure if everyone has these similar experiences, but for SWIM, these are distinct levels he notices with successive hits, done one right after another.
I guess you are right, Spice-T. I've seen the flashing lights and colors and shapes morphing...but havent been in contact with entities like alien beings. I guess I havent experienced hyperspace. I assume this is a dose dependent kinda issue?
spIce-T said:
If one compares the DMT trip to a high dose mushroom trip, then they probably haven't even reached hyperspace. SWIM notices a few levels, first being the visual distortion, where things begin to look different shapes, sizes and colors. Next, one may start to see kaleidescoping colors and white flashes, even with eyes open, and may hear a ripping or loud tearing noise. Next is where hyperspace begins, where one may begin to see and/or have contact with entities, aliens, or bug-like creatures, and even with eyes open, they may lose contact with reality, altogether. These hyperspace experiences can make one lose track of time, and they may feel they are in another world for a longer period of time, when in actuality, it's only like 3-5 minutes. Not sure if everyone has these similar experiences, but for SWIM, these are distinct levels he notices with successive hits, done one right after another.

A real high dose mushroom trip will take one into hyperspace...perhaps one just hasn't had a truely deep psilocybin trip yet?....I say this becasue it is much easier be sure of the ammound of a purified tryptamine one is ingesting, than it is with a tryptamine containing plant or fungus, which has varying ammounts of tryptamine..

Even 5 grams of some mushrooms isn't enough to get the full experience, while 2-3 grams of another strain will be moe than enough.
Fractal..thats a good point. SWIM grows a lot of shrooms...and it is very clear that their potency varies batch to batch...strain to strain...and species to species. Plus...there are person to person variations...and session to session variants as well.

SWIM takes a SSRI...and wonders whether the tryptamine experience is affected by this medication.
^^exactly..I am convinced that most people who think DMT cantake you farther than psilocybin, simply have not ingested enough psilocybin..and I dont necessarily blame them..a trip to hyperspace with psilocybin will totally blow away a hyperspace trip with DMT becasue of the ammount of time one spends there. A good hour in hypersapce can be quie harrowing..you an get alot more done inthat time as well..same goes for ayahuasca...not everyone wants that. That is why people are more comfortable with massive doses of a tryptamine that only holds them there for 5-10 minutes..myself included. I feel mushrooms really are taken quite lightly by many DMT users, becasue they never have taken enough.
I dont agree, fractal. I dont think you can compare them like this, because notice that, being different forms of ingestion makes it totally different. I have taken very large mushroom doses and have gotten farther than I could handle at the time, so I know what you mean with psilo being able to take you very far, but I dont think at least for me one can quantify and order which one is more or less..

One could also argue that if you think psilo can take you farther, then you just havent taken strong enough ayahuasca dose (which would be a fairer comparison). But in the end I dont think that is right either, because with all these substances, once you go over a certain dose, it gets so strong, encompasing, mind blowing and epistemologically challenging, that any comparison or quantitative hierarchical analysis becomes meaningless. Also, remember that certain people naturally prefer or work better or go deeper with different substances, so we cannot make generalizations in this way. And if you are in a forum called ' dmt-nexus' I guess its expected that a lot of people will be giving more attention to dmt. I personally thing all of these substances are amazing :)
I agree..

I did not say anywhere that one is better than the other...but some people seem to think that you cannot have a breakthrough with psilocybin, which is simply not true.

Obviousily the difference in methods of ingestion wil change things..which is why I said that both ayahusca and mushrooms will hold one there for much longer.. I agree that ayahuasca is alot different fromboth DMT and mushrooms becasue if the vine..it's something totally differnt.

My point wasn't what one is better than the other..just that with each of them breakthroughs are possible..and that in my experience, mushroom and ayahuasca breakthroughs are more frightening because of the length of the experience..which also makes it a more useful tyoe of experience for me when trying to do healing work on myself or gain insights.
yep I also found that for self analysis and really learning, the oral aya/pharma or mushrooms are more benefiting than smoked dmt (though have heard the opposite from some people also).. But theres something about smoked dmt, the shock and sheer immediate transporting power of the trip, that grants it a definite and equivalent throne up there in the psychedelic kingdom :)
neuroscan said:
SWIM takes a SSRI...and wonders whether the tryptamine experience is affected by this medication.

Quite a bit too, although others may be able to explain the interaction better than myself.

Also, if I remember correctly, it is very dangerous to combine SSRI's with the MAOI's that make the DMT effects last much longer!!!
So make sure you research that A LOT before trying a DMT & MAOI combination!!! (BTW, Ayahuasca is a DMT/MAOI mixture...)

WS...I know that I can't ingest aya because of the MAOI x SSRI interaction and its potential for a hypertensive crisis. There are also informal observations that SSRIs weaken the subjective effects of psilocybin. I guess that I wasnt clear in asking whether a similar dampening of the DMT experience was associated with SSRI use, as with mushies. My thought was maybe thats why I didnt experience the "hyperspace" phenomenon that others here have described.

I appreciate your concerned reaction. Thank you. 8)
SnozzleBerry said:
DMT at night is definitely stronger than during the day, imo. I'd chalk this up to endogenous DMT production being more easily triggered by exogenous DMT closer to it's normal release time. It would be interesting to do a dose/response study that attempts to measure the strength of a particular dosage when administered at different times throughout a day. Also, I have not experienced any cross tolerances with other psychedelics when given 24-36 hours between the end of non-dmt trips and a spice blastoff. However, I also have not recently taken any truly high doses (of nmushrooms/mesc/lsd/etc) recently and could be misremembering.

It is not proven that dmt makes your dream. if that is what you are hitting at. it kinda pisses me off when i hear dmt is produced in ur pineal gland or in your brain at all. it isnt. it may have the capacity to produce it but it has never been found to produce it. im not sure as to the facts aboout dmt in the developing baby. i have heard there are trace amounts through your whole body but prolly there from foods containing dmt. once again not proven. ill say this. this stuff is strong but dont go marketing it as "its natural and already in your body" bullshit cuz that seems like a ploy to talk or pressure someone into smoking it. my two cents
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