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African Psychoactive Plants-New Book.


Esteemed member
Dear members.
I wanted to introduce you to my new book: African Psychoactive Plants-Journeys in Phytoalchemy that outlines my 20 year journey studying African medicinal and psychoactive plants, and condensing all my research papers into the book too, with a chapter on plants you can experiment with for relaxing memory enhancement etc.
I hope you will enjoy the journey I made into African ethnobotany and the insights I gained into their application in psychedelic therapy, medicine and self development.
Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0639763855
Best wishes
Jean-Francois Sobiecki
Wow what a wonderful looking book! I'll definitely keep this in mind next time I have some disposable income to funnel away!
The cover art is BEAUTIFUL!! 😻
Thank you for sharing ~
I was able to read the intro with amazon's peek inside feature, beautiful
I'm glad to have stumbled across this :)
Wishing you all the best this summer ☀️
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