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Migrated topic.
It shits me that alcohol is considered socially acceptable, despite the fact that its addictive to some people and can can cause all sorts of long term helth problems etc (same goes for nicotine), while other substances that could actually be considered less harmful, have less potential to be abused, less likely to cause long-term health issues, are branded as nasty 'drugs' and made illegal for the population at large. So inconsistent.

I must say I enjoy most types of alcohol though. I havent found many forms of alcohol i dont enjoy :)
A nice cold beer on a warm summers day... you're right people. It's pure evil. Fresh cooling satisfaction should be made illegal too!

Lock 'em up! Lock 'em up I say!
Low dose mescaline for example, at least ime Smile

Though to be honest I think this social anxiety can be a sign or opportunity for us to start looking at ourselves and see, why is it that we're having this, is it related to self esteem, or to unhealthy social relations, etc? Maybe

For me, only psychedelics can give me NEW insights. Otherwise i know my faults and why im the way i am. So any more exposure to known facts only depresses me more. It doesn't help. So, taking low dose mescaline (or better: low dose resin) helps and every piece of peace is helpful. After over a decade of medium to intense social anxiety, you feel so trapped, that you are willing to take your chances. That's propably why people drink. Fortunatly, alcohol doesn't really help. But resin does...a couple of grams + one (!) beer and some coffee (100-200mg worth of caffeine) is perfect for me.
soulfood said:
I like beer :)

I too love good beer. But I hate to be drunk.
And I think drunk people are very annoying.

For me alcohol is definitely the worst drug I've used. I've done very stupid things when too drunk.
endlessness said:
Personally I find alcohol to be statistically pernicious to humans. I cannot generalize that it will be poison to every single person because thats a bold claim I can't prove, but one can show with enough data how bad it is in a general sense (in terms of health impact/accidents/social costs).

Also, most people I know, even close friends, when they drink alcohol I really cant be around them , due to their general unconscious behavior and being unaware of consequences to actions, being obnoxious, bad breath smell, etc. So I rather avoid social situations where alcohol is involved (most.. :p)

I never ever drink alcohol, it is not for me, and I think the world would be a better place if less people would drink, and I find it completely absurd the government's stance on it, how it is a hypocritically socially acceptable 'venting' drug that causes a lot of damage but is accepted since it doesnt lead to questioning the System. Yet another thing Im pissed about is how you can be sensored, fined or even put in jail in some places for 'gloryfying drug usage' if you try to talk about certain drugs publically, even if reasonably, and yet on TV, outdoors and advertisement we see alcohol being associated with images of fun, sex, success, being 'cool', having fun, etc. This also goes to show how hypocritical and greedy the alcohol industry is too (like all, but knowing this leads to deaths/suffering has a worse moral load imo), so this makes me not want to support the industry either. In this sense I think it would be better if people would brew/distill themselves or buy from small producers that dont advertise unscrupulously, though this would only take care of the industry concerns, I still think in general the effects of alcohol itself are more often than not harmful.

With all that being said (yes I really dont like alcohol), I think ultimately its up to each one to decide what they do. As long as they are not affecting anyone else negatively, who am I to judge this person? :)

Endlessness, it may just be coincidenceness, lol, but I whole-heartedly agree. Thank you for the warm welcome earlier as well.

Still, to each his own, although in my opinion, alcohol more often owns them (myself unfortunately not excluded if I make the mistake to partake).
I'm curious to know the actual damage it does to ones brain when abused. That scares me because sometimes I drink alot on weekends. Does anyone know much about this?
DMTripper said:
soulfood said:
I like beer :)

I too love good beer. But I hate to be drunk.
And I think drunk people are very annoying.

For me alcohol is definitely the worst drug I've used. I've done very stupid things when too drunk.

I hate cocaine much more. It makes me really rude.

With the right group of people who I love very dearly, having a bit too much to drink can be more awesome than anything. I'd say some of the best times of my life have involved being rather drunk and I imagine there's many a good drunk time to come. When I was a bit younger I drank a bit too much and was known to make a nuisance of myself, but now I'm a bit older and wiser and know my limits, alcohol gives good times :)

However, on the whole I do find booze culture a bit frustrating, but I don't think thats alcohol as a substance as much as it is this crazy old world let off its chain.

I also find I can get quite philosophical after I've had a few :D
I too like to drink with friends now and again. Beer, wine, a nice cocktail, I'm open minded. As already stated, a cold beer on a hot summers day is pretty darn good. Sometimes it's nice to drink with dinner. I don't need it to get by or enjoy life, in fact I haven't touched a drop in 2 weeks due to uni work load (well this is quite a while for me...I am a student after all). And I've had some really good nights drinking I must say. And yes I've behaved foolishly and not known my limits, and yes I have done stuff that I most certainly regretted, more in my younger days though. But yes drunk people can definitely be annoying, and being sober around drunk people (or worse, tripping) can be quite depressing. When one is in a hyper aware state one realises just how a powerful effect alcohol has on consciousness, but in kind of the opposite direction. I'll be honest though, I think my social life, particularly as a student, would be reduced to a vast extent if I chose not to drink. It would require a great deal more effort on my part for damn sure. It is a social lubricant and catalyst and can turn an otherwise mundane evening into a surprisingly legendary one. The key is moderation I guess, some people definitely fiend booze horrendously, and it's not cool and it's not pretty.

Oh and in the risk of brain damage from booze...this tends to be highly over stated. I even encountered a recent study that suggested that moderate drinking increases brain function and decreases risk of stroke (excessive drinking though increases the risks). But to damage one's brain from booze seriously I think one needs to be a terminal alcoholic.

Also soulfood I raise you on your cocaine...cocaethylene, aka cocaine + booze...a very naughty combo. Not that I go for this...but just sayin'.
I don't behave too bad if using cocaine, but the week after I can be rude and very ill tempered. I've never done coke much. Maybe 1-2 times a year and then not too much. It doesn't do much for me. When partying I like just to have a few beers and smoke joints.

But I also like more and more just to be sober. And then take a good trip on shrooms once in a while. Maybe every 2-3 months. And smoke DMT in between.
I haven't used any DMT lately. I tend to do it in sessions. Sometimes nothing for a month or two and then once every day for maybe a week.

My last session told me to think more about my physical health so now I'm going to the gym 4 times a week. That's what DMT can do to you. So if you hate to be healthy then stay away from DMT :) hehe
DMTripper said:
soulfood said:
I like beer :)

I too love good beer. But I hate to be drunk.
And I think drunk people are very annoying.

For me alcohol is definitely the worst drug I've used. I've done very stupid things when too drunk.

I also like beer. I don't drink as much as my friends do, ill maybe have like 3 beers on a weekend every other month or so. I dont drink it just to get a buzz, some beers actually have a good taste. I do not like to get wasted I feel like I have no control over myself. I tried those new drinks that have caffine in them. That was a huge mistake, I woke up the next day not knowing what the hell happen. I had bruises all over my body it was the worst. Thats non-sense that such a dangerous drug that alcohol is, no one seems to be doing anything about making it illegal.
Went out the other day. Bowling. Had taken a little kratom earlier in the day. Everyone me and my g/f were playing with were drinking. We decided against it, and drank tea instead. We mopped the floor with the drinkers. :lol:

Also, there were drunk buisnessmen there who were very rude, that I may not have noticed had I also been drinking. Another alcohol-related social malady there - the only thing some people think they can do is drink, and they are horrible. I think everyone can be horrible while drunk now, by extension, although this is hardly a revelation. The culture is so entrenched it's depressing.

It's now the second day of the Queen's Jubilee Bank Holiday Weeknd (yaaaaaaaayyy. *sarcasm* ) Sort of had to drink socially before. One led to another. It was the first drink in a week or so, and I now have a headache and just feel a bit poisoned. It is definately alcohol induced.

Conclusion thus far: alcohol is far from ideal, and a pretty shoddy drug. This is just starting to dawn on me after years of carefree English student drinking (which is very silly drinking). I think i can thank Ayahuasca for this. Also, I am no longer a student.

Problem: this weekend, EVERYONE is drinking. I really cannot be bothered, it's pretty crap and turns buisnessmen (not just buisnessmen, either) rude and obnoxious.

But what choice do I have? Just go to the street party tomorrow ('anti-jubilee' 'rave' - there shall be no teapots and cucumber sandwiches there, I assure you) and stay sober? That doesn't sound fun.

Feel somewhat trapped by booze. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Are there any strategies people can offer that have been in similar quandries? Any alternatives for coping in this drunken generation? Any good alcohol substitutes for social lubrication and perhap a dance, without seeming stuffy and uptight?

I aim to moderate, but that's easier said than done on an all-day and all-night party.
It's also hard to moderate when everyone around you is chucking it down their neck like water. Wouldn't mind if it was a real occasion as opposed to some fake-patriot event to get people psyched up for the Olympics and whatever. Yawn.

I forsee many a headache on the horizon...
I personally like carefully imbibing with well crafted aloholic beverages from time to time. To me, a well crafted beer of most types and flavors is interesting. And dang delicious occasioanaly. I can appreciate a good Zinfadel, my favorite of the varietals, most others I might sip once and some taste nice as well, especially if paired with a fine meal. Been known to enjoy a Port with chocolate after a nicely prepared dinner. Been known to swill BudLight and eat hot dogs (although I am greatful that was quite some years ago!) A finely crafted spiced rum or Kentucky bourbon whiskey do whet my whistle occasionaly.

That being said, My current mate of 13 years is a chronic alcoholic who survived a brief coma, (less than 2 hours) with a blood alcohol level of .425. For those not versed in BAC and it's effect on the human body.
0.010–0.029 Average individual appears
normal Subtle effects that can be
detected with special tests

0.030–0.059 Mild euphoria
Decreased inhibition Concentration

0.06–0.09 Blunted feelings
Extraversion Reasoning
Depth perception
Peripheral vision
Glare recovery

0.10–0.19 Over-expression
Emotional swings
Anger or sadness
Decreased libido Reflexes
Reaction time
Gross motor control
Slurred speech
Temporary erectile dysfunction

0.20–0.29 Stupor
Loss of understanding
Impaired sensations Severe motor impairment
Loss of consciousness
Memory blackout

0.30–0.39 Severe central nervous system depression
Death is possible Bladder function
Heart rate

0.40–0.50 General lack of behavior
Death is possible Breathing
Heart rate

>0.50 Death

How was it she was in a coma for such a short period? Not dead or damaged? Technically she was only in a drunken stupor. She had drank so much alcohol in her life(currently gallons of cheap vodka every day or three) that her genetically damaged liver can actually process that much and her tolerance is so much higher than most of us. They gave her a couple IV's and sent her back to the airport, oh yeah the airport police initialy found her unresponsive in the waiting area, ambulance transportes her to the ER, they give us her initial BAC over the phone and me being a paramedic instructor I'm like, she's dead, or brain damaged. 6 hours later I'm picking her up at the airport. A dark energy has taken her and it is sad and maddening.

All things in moderation I try to (try to) stay with, I fail too sometimes, I think probably we all do.

13 years as a flight paramedic showed me a damn evil side of booze too.

Personally I still enjoy Guiness, but I think there are some people in this world that should never consume alcohol again. They shouldn't be allowed to drink if they disregard the rest of our collective safety. I don't wan't anyone to suffer or witness the horror of alcohol fueled tragedy. But it's not up to me. I'm just me.

This was a crazy post, but I think it was on topic to the OP. I hope so at least.

I hope the night is kind to y'all.
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