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Aliens! MoD files released & in mainstream press...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer

I'm really not the type of person to believe stuff like this, but... the Ministry of Defence has recently released its previously secret UFO files, covering 1986-1992.

While it's easy to be cynical about phenomena like ghosts due to the fact that it's usually only one person at a time who sees one, some UFO sitings are en masse... a variety of people spotting the same object at the same time, even military pilots (who in some way could be seen as expert witnesses) being ordered to give chase and fire upon UFOs by their superiors.

What's going on here? I personally don't believe that group hallucination is possible to this degree, and I'm extremely sceptical that any military would have been able to develop and keep secret such advanced technology as this (they do an awful job of keeping any of their other 'secrets'). Which leaves human time travellers... or aliens? Or maybe just that for some reason the military/government have fabricated all these stories because they want us to believe in aliens for some reason.
Maybe they've been setting up aliens as the new enemy to keep us occupied... now that the Communists are gone, and people are realising that the terrorists hardly even existed...
('The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous.', George Orwell)

I'd prefer it if they really were aliens though, much more exciting and less cynical...
The military probably just wants to hide it's own incompetence. Something went wrong, they screwed up and then they needed a story to distract people.
They might have accidentally shot a wheather baloon or something.
If people from defence want to hide something, it usually has to do with them being incompetent and screwing-up something. Not with high-tech, secret weapon systems.
I've myself seen lights in the sky moving in such a manner that it can not have been anything man-made. The speed and angle of turns where ridiculous. How they moved super fast and then suddenly stopped in a fraction of a second and were just stationary and then moved again and just took a perfectly sharp 90° turn at a speed that looked like the speed of light. It was crazy. And I witnessed this among 11 other people.
well one thing you have to realize is that our worlds governments are far more advanced than we can even imagine...and they may have an antigravity device that would enable movement and changes in direction like that...most likely though..they got that technology from creatures offworld
im watching a show on History channel right now on USO's . Unidentified Submerged Objects...mad sightings...Supersonic speeds underwater..hmm... not only is it scientifically possible in this physical reality but if they were using a hyperspace or other dimensional technology that took matter out of the picture it would be simple. I will say this...I have good reason to believe the grays have a mass conciousness and can overcome the psychic firewalls of many other minds and they have different levels of planar existence. I believe that some stay mostly in this physical plane, some go back and forth alot and some stay mainly in a higher plane. But all are like a wave of conciousness when you look in them. Not on DMYT..Im talking about a different technology. Scary stuff. But they arent good or bad, they glot rid of their emotions long long ago. Just my "opinion".
Oh, i don't think that our governments posses secret, advanced technology.
Company's like lockheed always want the public to believe they can make impossible sci-fi type of wheapons, to increase public spending on impossible projects that will never result in anything. They spend more money on this PR-bulshit and bribes, then actual technological devellopment.
I often had dreams about aliens visiting us, but i don't know why they would be interrested in our planet.
i think even with the most advanced technology it would take an incredible amount of energy to make such space travels, so there must be a good reason then, to make this huge investment.
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