I would like to have some input on an issue that presented itself very recently. A friend of mine is having some issues that she is seeing a shrink for. She were mocked a lot when she went to elemtary school and later on a little bit in middle school. The visits to her shrink is not helping at all, or so she says, so she came to me asking about MDMA. She's been reading a little bit about it and it being used in therapeutical settings with success, so she figured that perhaps she would try the same since the work with her shrink ain't getting anywhere. She is having some issues with her self image, she might be a little bit depressed (she says she is not but I fear she is) and in general is feeling tired and stuff.
She wants to do MDMA to see if it might give her some clarity into her issues and what it really is that is bothering her and perhaps give her some clue as to what she needs to be working on. I have no training in doing therapy, but I have the means to provide her with the drug, a place to be and to be there to help and listen to whatever might come up and ask some questions here and there to keep her on track in exploring her feelings. Now, considering that I am not a professional and that she is having some issues, I am a little bit reluctant (or at least uncertain) about this whole thing. It is solely her choice to put the drug into her body, but I feel that I am taking a certain amount of responsibility here if I provide her with the drug. Is it reasonable to do this? Is it reasonable to provide the help she is asking from me? I would love to help her, she being a friend and all.
I know most of you here are not professionals either, and that none of us is really fit to give any advice on this, but I thought I could bring it up nevertheless to see if any good input or advice popped up.
Thanks for any input people =)
She wants to do MDMA to see if it might give her some clarity into her issues and what it really is that is bothering her and perhaps give her some clue as to what she needs to be working on. I have no training in doing therapy, but I have the means to provide her with the drug, a place to be and to be there to help and listen to whatever might come up and ask some questions here and there to keep her on track in exploring her feelings. Now, considering that I am not a professional and that she is having some issues, I am a little bit reluctant (or at least uncertain) about this whole thing. It is solely her choice to put the drug into her body, but I feel that I am taking a certain amount of responsibility here if I provide her with the drug. Is it reasonable to do this? Is it reasonable to provide the help she is asking from me? I would love to help her, she being a friend and all.
I know most of you here are not professionals either, and that none of us is really fit to give any advice on this, but I thought I could bring it up nevertheless to see if any good input or advice popped up.
Thanks for any input people =)