Hi there
I have just read the entire topic and I think I can share some of my experience with you
I have done MDMA in a relaxed/therapeutic setting with 4 of my best friends 4 times in 2 years. And it went great, really. In fact, we are planning to do it again over a few months
None of them used MDMA before and still, there was not a moment during entire 10-hours trip that one of them would feel bad or uncomfortable. Yes, we felt pretty miserable the day after when we took too much of MDMA, like it happened in the 2nd and a bit in the 3rd time we used it
But even given that, the benefits from using MDMA in a good setting are enormous.
So, let me share with you some of my thoughts and experiences, which I have accumulated during my MDMA adventures
First of all, if you are still hesitating about if you should do it – do it
Really, the possibility of something going wrong during MDMA experience is in my point of view very, very low. It somehow takes away some of your Psychological Defense Mechanisms (PDM) and it minimizes the fear (in a variety of it forms). Especially a first-time user, getting a decent dose of MDMA (125 mg), would feel extremely well. You will most likely get comments like: “I never felt so great!” and “I feel me 100% myself now”.
Now let’s talk about the setting. The most important thing is… the people
Make sure, that you will not be disturbed during your MDMA session, or at least not by people who are not rolling on MDMA also. Since it’s your friend, I would recommend taking the MDMA altogether, I did this al 4 times and I can only recommend it. I was even able to discuss some of my issues, which were probably not so big, but still gave me some troubles
Otherwise, try to be as compassionate as possible
The easy part is, you don’t need to play Freud to get your ‘patient’ talking, he will do it al by himself when the time is right, usually just after the MDMA has taken it’s full effect. Really, the people start talking about their issues as soon as they get a chance and MDMA gives them that chance. A chance, or better said - an opportunity, to openly discuss their problems in a safe environment. And they always know were the roots of their problems lie. I think you will be stunned, as I was, to see how aware people actually are of their condition and what brought them to that condition. I am pretty sure that in normal everyday life, the PDM are blocking people from objectively discussing the painful roots of their problems and that, in effect, is depriving them of the ability to integrate some specific experiences in the conscious mind. So, they always stay at some sub-conscious level, generating flashbacks and other troubles for the person.
The location is also important. I did MDMA 2 times in a normal town apartment and 2 times in a caravan at a camping in the midst of a nature. Well, I liked the nature the most, but apartment did really fine too. I didn’t notice any quality difference in psychologically beneficial effects of MDMA during any of those given conditions, but rolling is just so sweat when you can walk and feel free in the nature
About the dosage. The official therapeutic dosage is x1 125mg, followed by an additional dosage of x1 75mg a few hours later. I am getting my information from
MDMA - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - MAPS This is an organization, which sponsors pretty much all of the currently running MDMA studies. A lot of useful info there
However, I and my friends like the dosage of 300mg (125mg, 100mg and then 75mg) the best, so we can go the whole night (10 hours or so
). It always flows as follow: first part are deep conversations, the second part we are just making fun and the third part we start to coming down and feel/look a bit like zombies, lol
And at last, but not least – have fun
You are going to have a great time (especially if you participate together with you ‘client’
) And at the very least, it will be just that – you will have a wonderful time. And at the very best, your friend will get profound psychological health improvements, which will manifest itself in short-term and long-term behavior