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amor_fati's Nontoxic Approach to the Extraction of DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
SWIM's noticed a lack of detailed surefire teks using lime as the basifying agent, few reports of impressive yields, and absolutely no methods for using adequately starting from whole MHRB. SWIM's also noticed that members still struggle with the processes of pulverization and filtration. SWIM's authored this tek as a remedy to all of these ailments. While this is by no means the final edition of this tek, the process outlined here, though devoid of certain material measurements, has proven capable of sufficient yields to rival those of more toxic teks.

[ Link to the original extraction log. ]

Aha, SWIM will be stealing the first couple steps of this tek to hopefully make his tek better.

Very well done, SWIM only steals from the best (and notes who he stole the tek from :p)
Thanks for all the work that you've put into writing this up for us amor_fati-

VERY much appreciated! :d

I have a question concerning the use of anhydrous acetone in the Drytek Freebase Conversion of DMT section.

Given that the d-Limonene also pulls n-oxide and the supposed jungle alks- are these also soluble in acetone?

I am most interested in obtaining a full spectrum freebase and would hate to loose any exotics.

Thanks again.
transitory said:
Given that the d-Limonene also pulls n-oxide and the supposed jungle alks- are these also soluble in acetone?

SWIM couldn't say for certain about n-oxide, as he's never purposefully oxidized DMT to test its solubility properties, but he seems to recall it being reported both ways. SWIM can't even say for certain that DMT n-oxide becomes a fumarate, though he would imagine that it's at least dissolved into FASW and upon evaporation, becomes locked in the fumarate crystal structure. Jungle alks definitely make it through, as SWIM gets incredibly dark spice from this method.

SWIM may author his own hybrid method of freebase conversion. Acetone often absorbs a good amount of ambient moisture, so that once the acetone's evaporated, a puddle of water will be left behind. If a small amount (slightly more than equal) of acetone is added to this puddle, it speeds up the evaporation time greatly. It would also seem that adding a small (lesser) amount of heptane to this helps the process, as well as resulting in a more solid product.
Acetone often absorbs a good amount of ambient moisture, so that once the acetone's evaporated, a puddle of water will be left behind. If a small amount (slightly more than equal) of acetone is added to this puddle, it speeds up the evaporation time greatly.

Thanks for reply mate. That's a good tip on the acetone evap. I wondered where the water was coming from in my evap dishes! no matter how careful I was to produce anhydrous there were always these little puddles! The penny drops :oops:

I currently have a surplus of nn-DMT and may have time to test n-oxide solubility in acetone over the holidays. Any thoughts on how best to oxidise say 1g of nn-DMT? The results could be important to my yields as I do like to heat the extractions for up to 2 months and so worry about oxidation. Any other tips on testing n-oxide solubility in acetone greatly appreciated!
Continuing from my last post, even if DMT n-oxide isn't soluble in acetone and doesn't decant with the acetone in the normal approach to freebase conversion, SWIM's developed a method that would probably retrieve it fairly well: amor_fati's Approach to Freebase Conversion of DMT

transitory said:
I currently have a surplus of nn-DMT and may have time to test n-oxide solubility in acetone over the holidays. Any thoughts on how best to oxidise say 1g of nn-DMT? The results could be important to my yields as I do like to heat the extractions for up to 2 months and so worry about oxidation. Any other tips on testing n-oxide solubility in acetone greatly appreciated!

That would be great. Off the top of SWIM's head, the process could probably utilize hydrogen peroxide but would likely require DCM to isolate for proper testing; however, a somewhat riskier way to test it would be to oxidize with hydrogen peroxide as before, then evaporate, then simply wash with acetone, decant and evaporate. SWIM's not sure of the process but believes 69ron's got an outline somewhere. To test the degree of solubility, titrate the product until dissolution occurs.
OK so I didn't get round to testing n-oxide solubility in acetone over the holidays :cry:

But I did find the following references here at the Nexus;

Infundibulum said:
dmt-n-oxide is soluble in acetone. (link)

69ron said:
According to SWIM's limited tests it seems to be soluble in DCM (dichloromethane), acetone, and isopropanol. (link)

I found three references to the question of DMT n-oxide becoming a fumarate but it appears that the jury is still out on that one.

Will definitely go with your Approach to Freebase Conversion of DMT just waiting for my Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate to arrive.
transitory said:
Will definitely go with your Approach to Freebase Conversion of DMT just waiting for my Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate to arrive.

Uh oh, SWIM needs to include the procedure for rendering anhydrous MgSO4 from epsom salt. SWIY should cancel his order if he can get epsom salt at the local grocery store, department store, or drugstore, as it only needs to be heated at 400F until it takes on a grayish-white ashy consistency.
transitory said:

Nah, not really a bugger!

It means that the anhydrous can be used again and again and again after it gets hydrated by converting it to anhydrous again.

You just got sorted for life as far as magnesium sulfate is concerned!
could be flawed but i really really dont see how - n-oxide wasnt soluble in acetone for me - it was soluble in water tho.
Infundibulum said:
transitory said:

Nah, not really a bugger!

It means that the anhydrous can be used again and again and again after it gets hydrated by converting it to anhydrous again.

You just got sorted for life as far as magnesium sulfate is concerned!

Though note that it can only be effectively reused if used purely for drying acetone and not the paste.
memo said:
Is there a problem with converting fumarate with pickling lime instead of Sodium Carbonate?

Well SWIM generally has no problems obtaining and using sodium carbonate and would imagine that lime could be a bit difficult for this process, considering it's low solubility and fineness and possible thickness of the paste. Also, SWIM's working on a nontoxic freebase conversion that will rely on the use of a highly soluble base.

SWIM's actually going to remove the freebase conversion portion of the transcription in the OP, as he keeps altering that section on the wiki. If SWIM's nontoxic conversion works well, he'll replace the whole section with the resulting tek. SWIM will likely give the conversions detailed there, currently, their own pages, and he will transclude them to the handbook.
amor_fati said:
If SWIM's nontoxic conversion works well, he'll replace the whole section with the resulting tek. SWIM will likely give the conversions detailed there, currently, their own pages, and he will transclude them to the handbook.

Done and done. Check out the wiki page! It now goes from whole bark to freebase reliably with completely nontoxic food-grade procedure.

SWIM can't wait to attempt a whole MHRB to freebase bulk process within a day's time; as in, pulverize a whole kilo, extract, and convert to freebase within the course of a day, to be able to smoke it that night, all w/ nontoxic methods.
If one was to try this with Chacruna, how would one go about it?

Would this be right?

Do 3 acid boils. Defat. Reduce to an amount that is just semi wet. Then put in blender and mix with lime and d-limo?
logos2012 said:
If one was to try this with Chacruna, how would one go about it?

Would this be right?

Do 3 acid boils. Defat. Reduce to an amount that is just semi wet. Then put in blender and mix with lime and d-limo?

3 acid boils? For SWIM's tek, the material is just soaked in acid, rather than submerged, and just heated. More of acid/heat treatment than a boil. SWIM would imagine a defat should be done right in the jar, following the treatment, then proceed as normal.

SWIM tried to salvage a chaliponga extraction but couldn't do a defat, as it had already been basified with sodium carbonate. He simply proceeded from step 5, but it just turned out to be a mess. SWIM really can't comment much on extracting from foliage just yet. Every pull he's done with the chaliponga, before and after salvage, has yielded quite low, and hasn't lived up to its reputation in terms of potency.

For now, SWIM's tek only pertains to jurema.
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