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amor_fati's Nontoxic Approach to the Extraction of DMT

Migrated topic.
That is actually what the blue entity did. He cut the bottom of the HDPE spray bottle so it was slightly smaller that the width of the bottle. He pressed this piece down on the basified mush and limo to squeeze it out like a syringe. Worked really good.

really enjoyed this tek. Very easy and fast. Did this tek on 112 grams of bark and got about a gram and a half of freebase. He was able to do 4 pulls of limo within just a couple of hours. He did FASIPA rather than FASW cause he no longer has his sep funnel and used IPA in the conversion of freebase rather than the non toxic water tek.

His end freebase did not smell of limo and turned out a brilliant white powder rather than yellowish/brown like the pics in this tek. He thinks that this is perhaps because of using FASIPA rather than FASW. He knows that this stuff probably lacks the jungle but never the less he is happy with the results and is eager to try it.
logos2012 said:
That is actually what the blue entity did. He cut the bottom of the HDPE spray bottle so it was slightly smaller that the width of the bottle. He pressed this piece down on the basified mush and limo to squeeze it out like a syringe. Worked really good.really enjoyed this tek. Very easy and fast. Did this tek on 112 grams of bark and got about a gram and a half of freebase. He was able to do 4 pulls of limo within just a couple of hours.

Glad to hear it worked well. SWIM forgot to report that his previous idea using cotton on the plunger doesn't work at all, but the simpler approach SWIY reported seems much better.

He did FASIPA rather than FASW cause he no longer has his sep funnel and used IPA in the conversion of freebase rather than the non toxic water tek.

SWIM will be amending a process in which the FASW/limonene mixture is frozen to precip most of the fumaric acid out of solution, as well as to allow most of the limonene to be poured off (since the FASW is frozen solid). SWIM just uses a gravy separator after that to get the little bit that's left separated by pouring most of it out of the gravy separator, then pipetting the rest out of the corner. SWIM prefers nontoxic methods all around.

His end freebase did not smell of limo and turned out a brilliant white powder rather than yellowish/brown like the pics in this tek. He thinks that this is perhaps because of using FASIPA rather than FASW. He knows that this stuff probably lacks the jungle but never the less he is happy with the results and is eager to try it.

SWIM wishes the blue entity well. He should try retrieving the jungle separately by washing the leftover limonene with water and evaping the water. SWIM would recommend this primarily to facilitate sublingual use if SWIY ever has the inkling, as most seem to hold that purer freebase doesn't work quite so well as full-range. Sublingually is probably the only way SWIM will ever do pharma ever again. He's likely going to writeup a little guide for his method, soon.
HAHAHAHA!!!!! Holy shitballs!!! he says =) After clearing the hookah once he did not need his eyes closed for this one. Entities poppin in and out of wormholes in the room. Paintings movin and morphin off the walls. He was so used to the jimjam this was definitely more like the naptha extracted NN. Most telling is the more euphoric body rush and more of an information transfer with entities. (Stuff is bright white and fluffy by the way)

He says don't get him wrong but it seems that one needs to smoke much more of jimjam to get those 2 same effects with it although the jimjam has the added different body high and difference in the visuals.

He would also like to add that this stuff doesn't smell much (not stinky mothballs like naptha stuff) it has kind of a chalky sweet smell to it. Almost like some sort of candy. Smellin good like him actually wantin to eat it good =D not like all the other stuff where he doesn't want to eat it just by the smell but knows that he will have to if he wants to pharma. Although he will convert to fumerates if he does.

He actually got rid of his limo so there is no getting the jungle out of it. Perhaps next time cause he is interested in trying jungle alone. He wonders how high his yield would have been if he would have done FASW and got them both. Still a gram and a half is pretty damn good from 112 grams bark with a limetek.
He also forgot to mention that he had a bit of limo with fumerates in it left cause they didn't stick to the bottom. He was going to save these for fumerates but decided to freebase them. He filtered these out and it was actually a lot more than he thought. Ended up being another half gram of freebase when he was done.

So 2 grams total of white fluffiness from 112 grams bark. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Hello there, from a long time lurker who seldom posts. :lol:

SWIM has a couple of questions regarding this extraction and would be very grateful if someone could help SWIM sort them out. SWIM has extracted pure white DMT previously using Noman's lye/naptha tek but has never deviated until now. Please bear with SWIM as his chemistry knowledge is that of a novice. :)

SWIM followed the tek to a T (except instead of decanting off of limonene, he freeze precipitated the FASW and went from there) and everything seemed to be going smoothly until the freebase conversion. SWIM covered the dry fumarate with sodium carbonate and added distilled H2O dropwise until fully reacted. SWIM spread the goop as thinly as possible and washed with water, but unfortunately all of the material washed away along with the sodium carbonate dissolved in the H20 (possibly because SWIM foolishly used a dirty evaporating dish which still had fumarate crystals stubbornly bound to the bottom, causing the freebase to not adhere properly). SWIM evaporated the water and was left with a large amount of white powder that he presumed to be sodium carbonate which was covered in a thin layer of waxy reddish-off tan crystals. SWIM was able to scrape the waxy layer off without collecting too much carbonate, but was unsure what exactly he had scraped off. SWIM decided to wash these crystals with more H20, but somehow upon evaporation was left with nothing but largely inactive white powder which he still has a notion was sodium carbonate. Foolishly in frustration, SWIM discarded this.

SWIM is now attempting another extraction, and has reached the step for freebase conversion. If what SWIM presumes is in fact DMT Fumarate, is again washed away along with the reacted carbonate following the final wash, how would SWIM go about retrieving the freebase product from the sodium carbonate solution? Should SWIM allow the reacted sodium carbonate, salt by-product, and freebase crystals to completely dry before attempting to wash out the salt and sodium carbonate?

SWIM is also considering using IPA for his next freebase conversion (realizing that this would not yield full range jurema, and would render the tek toxic) and wants to make sure his plan is correct. SWIM would react the sodium carbonate with the DMT-fumarate, allow to completely dry, and then wash with IPA. SWIM would decant the IPA and then evaporate it to yield freebase. Is this correct? (information obtained from Dimitrius' post in this thread: Nontoxic Extraction Q&A - Eco friendly extraction teks - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus)

SWIM appreciates the help, and would like to thank Amor Fati for this terrific easy to follow tek (that SWIM has still managed to goof up :oops: ).
shiznackazane said:
SWIM followed the tek to a T (except instead of decanting off of limonene, he freeze precipitated the FASW and went from there)

This would be SWIM's preference anyway, and it'll likely be added to the tek.

In regards to the rest of the post: There's nothing automatic in SWIM's conversion process. One must have a keen sense to keep track of the substance. Since it will not dissolve in the sodium carbonate solution, it can be observed floating as droplets if any have been allowed to disperse, for example, and these must be guided toward the larger globs stuck to the dish in such a case. SWIM takes for granted the difficulty of this process, as when he developed it, he went about it quite carefully and developed a sense for the nuances of the process.

Also, it's good general rule for all procedures involved in extraction to never throw anything away. If you have a basic grasp of the chemistry involved, everything is practically always retrievable, and the method SWIY mentioned using IPA would work just fine.
amor_fati said:
shiznackazane said:
SWIM followed the tek to a T (except instead of decanting off of limonene, he freeze precipitated the FASW and went from there)

This would be SWIM's preference anyway, and it'll likely be added to the tek.

In regards to the rest of the post: There's nothing automatic in SWIM's conversion process. One must have a keen sense to keep track of the substance. Since it will not dissolve in the sodium carbonate solution, it can be observed floating as droplets if any have been allowed to disperse, for example, and these must be guided toward the larger globs stuck to the dish in such a case. SWIM takes for granted the difficulty of this process, as when he developed it, he went about it quite carefully and developed a sense for the nuances of the process.

Also, it's good general rule for all procedures involved in extraction to never throw anything away. If you have a basic grasp of the chemistry involved, everything is practically always retrievable, and the method SWIY mentioned using IPA would work just fine.

I appreciate your reply, and regarding throwing anything away SWIM absolutely agrees. SWIM regrets throwing it away, as he now realizes he could have just easily pulled the freebase with dry IPA. SWIM will be making DMT fumarate again sometime soon, two separate 100G mimosa extractions. With one SWIM plans to pull the freebase from the carbonate/fumarate paste using IPA, and with the other SWIM intends to try the slow crystallization method and then compare results. SWIM will share his results in a week or so. Impatience has played a role in the results thus far SWIM thinks, so with a little more patience things may go much better.

Many thanks
That would have been the green entity's advice, evaporate everything til dry and pull with anhydrous ipa.

Or if wanting to keep non toxic one could have took all of it, dissolved it in water and done limo pulls of that, then proceed with the FASW process again.
Hey folks. I'm just wondering how long these steps are supposed to take. I know at the top of the tek it said that this is supposed to be faster than many other teks. I have read in other teks that you need to let MHRB soak in hot vinegar for days, then the result of that in lime, also hot, for hours.... etc. Sounds crazy. But when I look at Amor Fati's tek, it doesn't say how long I need to soak MHRB for in either vinegar or lime. I'm guessing that means I don't even need to soak it hardly at all? Just the blending?

Also, the very last part is difficult for me to comprehend, where we redisolve the DMT fumarate in water and decant it off of the excess fumaric acid. I put water in my DMT fumarate and something dissolved and something didn't. So the stuff that didn't dissolve then is just the fumaric acid? Why wouldn't fumaric acid dissolve? The DMT fumarate is just quicker to dissolve, so the fumaric acid gets left behind? How would you know when only fumaric acid is left behind then?

moyshekapoyre said:
Hey folks. I'm just wondering how long these steps are supposed to take. I know at the top of the tek it said that this is supposed to be faster than many other teks. I have read in other teks that you need to let MHRB soak in hot vinegar for days, then the result of that in lime, also hot, for hours.... etc. Sounds crazy. But when I look at Amor Fati's tek, it doesn't say how long I need to soak MHRB for in either vinegar or lime. I'm guessing that means I don't even need to soak it hardly at all? Just the blending?

Honestly, SWIM would leave it to the discretion of the operator, since extensive tests haven't been performed. All he would do is give it a hot water bath for an hour or so prior to basification, but even that may not be necessary.

Also, the very last part is difficult for me to comprehend, where we redisolve the DMT fumarate in water and decant it off of the excess fumaric acid. I put water in my DMT fumarate and something dissolved and something didn't. So the stuff that didn't dissolve then is just the fumaric acid? Why wouldn't fumaric acid dissolve? The DMT fumarate is just quicker to dissolve, so the fumaric acid gets left behind? How would you know when only fumaric acid is left behind then?

Fumarate dissolves very easily, while fumaric acid is not very polar. As SWIM mentions in the note, the color of the liquid will be the best indication of whether the fumarate has been depleted. A more detailed process was drafted by bufoman and can be found in the 'special thanks.'

SWIM prefers to keep the tek open-ended and many of the minor details to the discretion of the operator, as he personally leaves much of it to instinct. He also finds little difference in the results when he varies his methods a bit, though he tries to be as meticulous as possible when he can.

endlessness said:
as for the last question, you can also just follow another fumarate conversion tek....

I believe he's referring to purification, rather than conversion.
SWIM is about to venture into his first extraction and is looking to do some sort of hybrid between this tech and q21's most likely. He has been reading them both over and over and talking with me and thinks he is pretty clear now. He will not have access to a blender as he says his wife doesn't want him to use the blender for this, however he will have powdered bark so no worries on that front.

One of the main things he wants to do is be food safe so he will for sure be doing a FASW. It seems great since he can follow the freeze step which seems very easy and it will be great to easily re-cycle the d-limonene.

So since SWIM won't be using a blender would SWIY recommend following q21's all the way to adding the limonene and then once that is stirred heavily putting the results from that into the THP for more easily separating the solvent from the baseified mix? He is a little weary about getting it out with a baster or pouring it off and leaving too much solvent absorbed into the mix.

As for the FASW. When freezing the container with the solvent/FASW mix does it need to have a cover on it? If after pouring out all of the d-limonene that he can off the freezed FASW could he just add a tiny bit of cool water to the container to get any of the left over and quickly poor it out while the FASW is still frozen?

One final question on the fumarte to freebase conversion. Is there any benefit of SWIY's process compared to just doing the conversion as per BLAB other than time? The process lined out in BLAB seems much easier to SWIM and he is in no rush so he would rather keep it simple on his first go round.

Thanks to anyone that can help! I made the questions that SWIM wanted to ask yellow because I thought it might make it easier to read. Some of them he thinks he can guess but he just wants to be sure since he has never tried an extraction before.
Malaclypse said:
So since SWIM won't be using a blender would SWIY recommend following q21's all the way to adding the limonene and then once that is stirred heavily putting the results from that into the THP for more easily separating the solvent from the baseified mix? He is a little weary about getting it out with a baster or pouring it off and leaving too much solvent absorbed into the mix.

SWIM would definitely recommend THP for retrieving limonene regardless of using a blender or not. One tidbit SWIM hasn't mentioned yet, though it may seem odd: As long as the limonene level is low enough, the filtering process can be sped up by applying positive pressure in THP by taking a giant breath and pressing one's face to the open end to create a seal, then blowing. SWIM admits that this is a bit odd and doesn't like the idea of putting one's face so close to limonene, but it's effective and may yet inspire a new customized THP (likely utilizing some of the elements found in this contraption: Extremely Effective Homemade Vacuum Filter Tek [Tek-Pics] - Advanced/Enhanced chemistry - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus)

As for the FASW. When freezing the container with the solvent/FASW mix does it need to have a cover on it? If after pouring out all of the d-limonene that he can off the freezed FASW could he just add a tiny bit of cool water to the container to get any of the left over and quickly poor it out while the FASW is still frozen?

As to the open container, SWIM would probably advise against it, considering the hazard of spillage and the likelihood of the smell of limonene saturating the freezer. For the rest, SWIM has a preference for using a gravy separator to help remove residual limonene, but whatever way works.

One final question on the fumarte to freebase conversion. Is there any benefit of SWIY's process compared to just doing the conversion as per BLAB other than time? The process lined out in BLAB seems much easier to SWIM and he is in no rush so he would rather keep it simple on his first go round.

SWIM's technique seems difficult for most, but SWIM has always treaded lightly with it and had success. The very first time and every time since, SWIM's been able to achieve a solid freebase product within an hour of initiating the process, and since SWIM had preferred to store product in fumarate form, the hastiness of the process was ideal.

However, since beginning his foray with mucosahuasca, SWIM's sought to make the most of his product, and so he separates the more pure DMT from the less by using sodium carbonate paste and pulling with heptane, then pulling what remains with IPA and keeping those pulls separate. He then manually crystallizes the product from the evaped heptane to retrieve for vaporisation, and with the IPA pull, he evaps and dissolves the goo in vinegar, reducing that and preparing for pharma administration via the oral mucosa. As that process is not nontoxic, he will not include it here, but that's where he moved on to from this tek.
Thanks, just what I thought when I was talking with SWIM about his questions.

I think he plans on making a small batch of changa, probably a 1:1 with 1g of 10x leaf assuming he can get a 1% on his first attempt. So because of that he probably won't need to store as fumarate which is where this conversion seems to make the most sense. He still has to weigh all his options before he makes the call, he might decide against changa and just store as fumarate instead and convert on the fly. I'm sure at some point he will try the conversion process laid out here. It's not that it seems hard to grasp, it is more that he wants to keep it as simple as possible for the first time and there doesn't seem like there is much finesse needed in the blab conversion just time.

The new end process sounds interesting. SWIM isn't totally opposed to using 100% food safe stuff, he just wants more piece of mind as he get's familiar with everything. It will probably be quite a while before he strays to much into modified techniques.
Just popping in to report that SWIM attempted his tek with vegetable oil like with Spiceman's tek: The Poor Mans Tek - A 100% Fat Free, Food Safe, Grocery Store Solution to DMT Extraction - Eco friendly extraction teks - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus and it seems to have worked, and dare I say, better than limonene. SWIM didn't heat it on the stove but merely gave it a hot water bath while stirring prior to dumping the contents into THP.

The results of the evap after separating via the fridge were markedly different between a limonene extraction and a vegetable oil extraction, with the limonene one leaving darkish hard crusty crystals adhered to the dish and the veggie oil one leaving fluffy pale yellow crystals. SWIM chocks this up to limonene having more dissolving power, picking up more impurities. He also suspects adding a small amount of limonene to the oil in order to make it less viscous may turn out great results.

Anyway, SWIM hasn't currently got the time to divulge any more detail on the matter, but he assures us that he has a number of developments to unveil when he gets the time. To clarify, he'll have the results of side by side small scale extraction using the method detailed on this thread using both limonene and vegetable oil plus other developments in the near future.
Very exciting to see also what sort of vegetable oil..
was it cooking oil such as colza oil ?
Just 100% pure vegetable oil for cooking, though SWIM strongly suspects that the type of oil makes very little difference if properly heated. Be forewarned though, the viscosity makes it slightly more difficult to work with, so SWIM will try a dual-solvent approach using limonene. However, keep in mind the oil is perfectly capable on its own, but as a potential means of cutting expenditures on limonene, it may be perfectly suited.
Thanks fati, I was thinking different kinds of vegetable oils would work fine too but just for information's sake, would you please specify from which source is your oil from (canola/soya/sunflower/olive/etc) ?

and regarding trouble of viscosity, how troublesome is it, can you give any example of something that it interferes with? For example would it be a problem to pull with pippette? Or to separate in a sep funnel?
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