still working out the why
I'm literally surrounded by thousands of pretty pale to full yellow acacias daily.
Some look alot like Maidenii, given the leaf curves, length, alternating and a few spikes of flowers coming from the same point.
Some others look like Floribunda... skinnier leaves and many flowers.
My question is, are there dangers with simply extracting and bioassay ?
As in how serious is misidentification of a species? With over 900 species it's a little daunting, even with the Acacia Understanding thread on here but curiosity is getting the better of me. The thought of finding a species local that produces good % is exciting too.
Any insights are appreciated. :thumb_up:
Some look alot like Maidenii, given the leaf curves, length, alternating and a few spikes of flowers coming from the same point.
Some others look like Floribunda... skinnier leaves and many flowers.
My question is, are there dangers with simply extracting and bioassay ?
As in how serious is misidentification of a species? With over 900 species it's a little daunting, even with the Acacia Understanding thread on here but curiosity is getting the better of me. The thought of finding a species local that produces good % is exciting too.
Any insights are appreciated. :thumb_up: