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Any tips on achieving a BREAKTHROUGH

Migrated topic.
this method sounds interesting - so would one just take dmt crystals, and add it with weed to alcohol, evap and smoke what's left? would one pull a whole cone or just pack it light, and would smoking bud affect the experience in any kind of unwanted way?
Guess it would depend on how strong you make the herb. Sort of like making a salvia extract.
I've never tried it, but I'm sure there is alteration in the effects from using mary.

I'm gonna try this soon but I think I'm gonna try an herb thats less harsh on the throat/lungs that weed.
gonna be kick ASS
If you use a 1:1 ratio (meaning equal weights of DMT and MJ) you will need about 100mgs of enhanced leaf to get a good breakthough, maybe a little more.

MJ doesn't seem to really change the experience too much, at least that is what I have found. Maybe a little more mellow, not quite a sharp, but that is really subjective as each and every breakthough is pretty unique.
Yeah, sounds like promising and easy method :) I should try it and then let you know the results, folks! :) I just intend to use some other herb, not MJ, as I did not like some aspects of spice & MJ mixture 8) Though herb did not influence the trip itself too much.

Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot, Saidin! :)
I will gladly share the results of experience with all of you guys! But I will do this in a month or so, because for several reasons I feel like to pause my experiments for a while 😉
swim sandwiches the spice between metal gauzes in glass pipe and can breakthough nearly everytime. when swim first started using the spice he had difficulty breakingthough. swim always asked himself if he had got there whilst tripping and afterwards. swim said you know when you are on the other side because you dont even think about if you made it there, because you are so involved in the inexplainable visions which look real, you can only try and piece back together what you can remember from the other side.
medicine 4 the mind said:
... you know when you are on the other side because you dont even think about if you made it there, because you are so involved in the inexplainable visions which look real, you can only try and piece back together what you can remember from the other side.

Hi medicine 4 the mind! Rather interesting POV! And that's where my concern lies :roll: When asking for "breakthrough" methods, I guess I need to specify what a "breakthrough" means to me. To my mind, it's not only the proper intensity of a trip ("real" visions, etc.), but SOMETHING (and it's really hard to describe it) more delicate and impossible to tell about in a couple of words :) I mean achieving meaningfull, transforming, spiritual guiding experience... This kind of a "trip" sometimes happens and sometimes not. So, I was wondering if there could be any tips for that. And I want to say "thank you" one more time to everybody of you guys, who did share your personal approaches and experiences. :)

In addition to "breakthrough" meaning: a friend of mine, he did Spice many times, he was very surprised after I told him of several of my trips. He had many colorfull and VERY unusual journeys, but he didn't gain that kind of experience I am trying to tell here about :roll:
And one more thing just jumped into my mind: when there's a trip one could describe as not a "breakthrough", may be, there are some important things happening out of our mind-focus? 😉
hi sattwa23 i understand what you mean now. swim rarely has those spiritual, transforming experiences even though they all mean something, swim thinks the smoked spice is a flash of the divine and cant really work with it. swim has had better results from pharmahuasca in that it feels more meaningful and healing. swim doesnt have any tips on getting to that state, swim finds it happens on its own. but when its happens swim has one piece of advice, embrace it

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