You need to separate in your mind the Bitcoin online community and the Bitcoin economy. The two do overlap, but are quite distinct.
The Bitcoin online community is mostly made up of rich Silicon Valley geeks, batshit crazy Randian AnCaps, regular old anti-establishment folk, and various other highly opinionated bozos with radically conflicting views. Put these together, you BET that they will envision an impeding apocalypse at any moment in time.
As for Bitcoin, it's a highly volatile speculative instrument, and at the same time an okay-ish trustless payment system (the best we have currently though).
No, it will not collapse. Nor will it go to a bazillion dollars per Bitcoin. Generally, if you like to speculate, feel free to speculate with Bitcoin. Otherwise use it as a payment system for whatever, it's more than usable now.
BTW, you should look into Ethereum, it's slowly emerging as Bitcoin's natural successor, but with much greater capabilities. If Bitcoin is a distributed central bank, Ethereum is a distributed state, capable of running self-enforcing intelligent contracts.