MooshyPeaches said:
MHRB is used for making soap??? ^^
i know that sodium hydroxide is used for making soap, but mhrb too?
swim ordered both together online same day, i guess hes making a type of super soap?
i do not see how you can get busted for ordering mhrb or naoh honestly. They are both legal and available things. They need to PROVE what you are doing with it, guessing doesn't count.
You really are asking for trouble ordering sodium hyrdoxide, it DOES get noticed. Meth production is a huge priority for the DEA, so if the supplier has any reason to think the order is odd they do notify the man. check out the safety forum, it has a topic about this.
and ordering them together? Do they really have to guess what youre doing? Searching your computer will easily link them to this site, won't it?
sorry to sound so uppity, but i worry