Rising Star
Sorry if this is a case where i should UTFSE. I've been reading quite a bit but it's hard to find solid info from people who have a successful relationship with LSA. I'm curious if anyone has been able to find a fool-proof source and preparation method for LSA. I've read some fantastic experiences and some terrible experiences and am trying to improve my odds the best I can as I would like to start searching for more sustainable sources of psychoactives and this would be an excellent addition if i can get it to work.
Anyways I'm looking to get the most out of the plant in terms of dose, depth, euphoria, with as little of the side effects as possible. And preferably in the most sustainable manner as possible. So unless it doesn't involve readily available things like ethanol, i'd prefer no fancy extractions though I'm open to all experience. I'm sort of leaning towards Ololuiqui and I've heard crushing them up and holding them under the tongue can combat nausea and be effective. Thoughts? What else do you all do? I'm open to morning glories as well but really intrigued with the Aztec obsession with Ololiqui. It sounds like something to be appreciated
Anyways I'm looking to get the most out of the plant in terms of dose, depth, euphoria, with as little of the side effects as possible. And preferably in the most sustainable manner as possible. So unless it doesn't involve readily available things like ethanol, i'd prefer no fancy extractions though I'm open to all experience. I'm sort of leaning towards Ololuiqui and I've heard crushing them up and holding them under the tongue can combat nausea and be effective. Thoughts? What else do you all do? I'm open to morning glories as well but really intrigued with the Aztec obsession with Ololiqui. It sounds like something to be appreciated