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Are We Living In The Mind Of An Alien?

Migrated topic.


It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to
Hey Nexians, it's been a while since I posted, feels good to be back.

A scientist has put forward the extraordinary idea that one of the reasons we haven’t found alien life yet is because the universe is, in fact, an alien.

I came across the following article a few times recently, I searched on Nexus but couldn't find anything and know this will be of interest to the community. Apologies if I missed an earlier post but I'm in a remote location and Internet is patchy.

Are we living in the mind of an alien? totally plausible in my reality. This theory really resonates with a lot of my own experiences and others that I've read about right here.

Caleb Scharf - Columbia University astrophysicist who suggests the universe may have been created and maintained by non-human life forms that morphed into the physical world and remain the driving force behind quantum physics.

Well, just because a scientist says it doesn't make it "science". This article makes me think of the History Channel.

But otherwise I've also considered the idea that the universe is a living organism - it's perfectly feasible... Shamans have been saying it for ages. :)
"Columbia University astrophysicist"

There is a tendency of physicists of a certain age and stature to begin to make grand pronouncements about fields they know nothing about.

I think that's what's happening here.

to be fair to Caleb I don't think he is making any pronouncements, just postulating, thinking and ruminating.

It just so happens that because he is the director of the astrobiology centre at Columbia university his ruminating ends up in print.
It's a good idea and displays how little we actually know of what matter actually is. I have been of the opinion since DMT that nothing exists the way we observe it to, that what we see is actually in reality something completely different and indeed could form part of the mind of an alien or cosmic computer.

Say if this computer was hyper-dimensional, that means that what we see as 3 dimensional space is actually the tip of an iceberg that connects to higher dimensions and so too see physical reality multi-dimensionally would mean that the way we perceive our world is not an accurate representation at all, yet it provides us with enough accuracy to hunt, mate etc.

After all the brain is just a coding machine that organizes data from electrical signals that are transmitted from the senses, who says that organization done by the brain is correct and/or accurate?
Well you know my main problem with stuff like this is that they take obvious truths that have been known for a long, long time, such as the mystery around dark matter, multidimensional universe, etc., and present them as something new and groundbreaking...

Terry Pratchett said:
'What’re quantum mechanics?'
'I don’t know. People who repair quantums, I suppose.'

And since most people don't understand what these things actually mean, it's easy to present them as the basis of some far-fetched woo guesswork. It plunges the uninformed reader into a sense of mystification and heightened suggestibility ("oh my god, everything I thought knew about the world is wrong!" ), and then follows up with a nonsequitur, which due to the authority principle and the heightened suggestibility, is accepted.

"{Dark matter and background radiation}, therefore WE LIVE IN AN AAAAAALIEEEEEN MIIIIND!" No. Just no. This is all kinds of wrong. This is the modus operandi of fringe politics and cults, not of science. It's dirty, ugly and unworthy of scientists.

Now I'm really not speaking out against considering such ideas. Being psychonauts, I think considering such ideas is pretty much what we do all the time. I personally entertain the idea that stars are life forms. It's also perfectly understandable that an astrophysicist might have their own musings and theories, and it's okay to share them... But it should be shared in a tone of humility, clearly demarcated from scientific discourse, and without using semi-unrelated scientific facts as smoke and mirrors.
I had a dream that we are in transport to a new world and the creatures are our AI that packed us up and is flying through space to a new home.

Our psyche cant handle the long trip so to speak and a few thousad years of flying through space the AI figures it can just keep us going in this state forever and quits heading to the new home and decides to just crusing space.

EVERYTHING that I appreciate/experience is "living" in my mind.

Most assuredly, I am an "alien" as far as all "other" sentient beings are concerned.

Not a theory after all, but, objective reality!

Goofy me! I Love you people, Have a super Christmas, err, Holiday season.

PhysDuckmonkey said:
Well you know my main problem with stuff like this is that they take obvious truths that have been known for a long, long time, such as the mystery around dark matter, multidimensional universe, etc., and present them as something new and groundbreaking...And since most people don't understand what these things actually mean
This is a fallacy. A hypothesis that is consistent with the evidence isn't wrong a priori just because "people don't understand what these things actually mean". Actually, the astrophysicist is the person who understands these things more than anyone else, so I don't know why the ignorance of other people who aren't astrophysists makes his idea silly. If the experts in a given field are discouraged from thinking creatively about the topic they are an expert in, then who can we expect to discover physics beyond the standard models?!
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