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Rising Star
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OG Pioneer
So...all of my life i´ve been wondering whether i was the only person who experienced this thing. I have it with some people´s voices: the moment i hear them speak i get into a sort of addictive trance and i don´t even hear what they´re saying anymore. It just feels so incredibly good, but it can get you into embarrasing situations as well:oops: . I never realy dared to speak about this even, because i was always a bit embarrased with it:lol: . But today i found out that the phenomenon i´m refering to is experienced by many others as well and that it even has a name: ASMR. Atonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

I think this is a good example (hope the link works).

I could listen to this woman all day. The more trivial the subject, the better even.
Yeah this happens to me sometimes to. i never really thought about it much though for some reason. Maybe this is one reason why it was always so easy to go to sleep in class as the prof drones on..but the moment i get home, i'm wide awake :p

and sorry but..i feel like i'll go insane if i watch more than 10 seconds of that video 😁
I get this too, I've always wondered why. I have actually narrowed it down to the specific sounds that make me feel so good. It seems to be something about the "pops" and "whistles" for lack of a better term. For example when someone uses the letter T or D you can hear the "pop" it's like they have too much saliva in their mouth :|

The "whistles" are obviously the whistling sound when they say their S's. I don't get the ASMR thing as much when someone is talking like that but I do get very relaxed and feel good. I mostly get the tingly head feeling if I am in close proximity to someone and I brush their arm lightly or something, doesn't matter who but it is awesome. It's a little awkward when it is a guy or someone other than an attractive female :p because it just feels so good and makes me happy.

I remember the first time I felt it was in first grade, this girl that sat next to me would always bug me and she kept ripping paper out of my book and she would brush against me and I would get it. I let her rip the paper :lol: I know it wasn't a crush or anything because she really pissed me off otherwise.

Thanks for posting now I feel a little less weird.
Thanks for the link polytrip, I really enjoy this site.

Check out this review of the PS3 game 'Journey' (with the soothing voice of another woman), it's absolutely mesmerizing:
If you type ASMR into youtube you get absolutely heaps of this stuff. Whispers, haircuts, ruffling of paper, there are many channels devoted to it with long playlists of various relaxing AMSR triggering sounds. Just the other night I actually fell asleep at the desk listening. The longer I listen the deeper the feeling becomes until I'm completely gone.

I may have finally found a solution for my ridiculous sleeping patterns.
Archaic, I get that too when someone lightly brushes against me. Feels so good!
For me some of my favourite sounds are the wet frequencies found in a lot of minimal techno, wet 'pop' sounds too and also the high pitched frequencies.
A great example is this-

Gonna come back to this thread later tonight, thanks for the info :)
polytrip said:
So...all of my life i´ve been wondering whether i was the only person who experienced this thing. I have it with some people´s voices: the moment i hear them speak i get into a sort of addictive trance and i don´t even hear what they´re saying anymore. It just feels so incredibly good, but it can get you into embarrasing situations as well:oops: . I never realy dared to speak about this even, because i was always a bit embarrased with it:lol: . But today i found out that the phenomenon i´m refering to is experienced by many others as well and that it even has a name: ASMR. Atonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

I think this is a good example (hope the link works).

I could listen to this woman all day. The more trivial the subject, the better even.
Yes, I guess I have also felt something similar before - especially when younger and most often with some radio broadcasters. I'd normally classify it as "soothing voice", I didn't know that its called ASMR.

Are you sure that ASMR is a legit term? it sounds too recent and not made by professionals

BTW, this woman's voice is most certainly tingly and trance-y, I thing many people would agree to that. I have her voice playing in a loop as I work right now.
Infundibulum said:
polytrip said:
So...all of my life i´ve been wondering whether i was the only person who experienced this thing. I have it with some people´s voices: the moment i hear them speak i get into a sort of addictive trance and i don´t even hear what they´re saying anymore. It just feels so incredibly good, but it can get you into embarrasing situations as well:oops: . I never realy dared to speak about this even, because i was always a bit embarrased with it:lol: . But today i found out that the phenomenon i´m refering to is experienced by many others as well and that it even has a name: ASMR. Atonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

I think this is a good example (hope the link works).

I could listen to this woman all day. The more trivial the subject, the better even.
Yes, I guess I have also felt something similar before - especially when younger and most often with some radio broadcasters. I'd normally classify it as "soothing voice", I didn't know that its called ASMR.

Are you sure that ASMR is a legit term? it sounds too recent and not made by professionals

BTW, this woman's voice is most certainly tingly and trance-y, I thing many people would agree to that. I have her voice playing in a loop as I work right now.
I don´t know if there is any proper science behind this term. For me, it´s just a funny phenomenon, and nice to know that many other people have the same sensations.
Bump cos they mentioned this in an interview on the radio today. Now I have a term for what I feel, I get it from certain types of intellectual process (I forget which right now!) as well as (the more usual?) sounds and visual stimuli.

As a child I could spend hours rolling a particular model railway carriage with very nice steel wheels back and forth over my level crossing at eye level. I still remember how good it felt :D
ASMR has provided a life changing method of therapy for me, from pure relaxation to a restful night.

ASMR is there to click, smack and tap you to serenity ;)
Ahhh ASMR! Y'all have to check out Yanghaiying on youtube.

Short example:

Longer ones:

So, so wonderful :d

The most powerful triggers for me have always been (in no order) hair clippers trimming around the base of my neck and ears, someone showing me how to do something, who genuinely wants to show/teach me something and cares about the experience and does so in a very focused, relaxed, and grounded way, and, music that touches me deeply...usually songs that build and build and climax in a very emotional explosion of energy. A couple from a long time ago from very emotionally charged periods of my life:

This one was very powerful and meaningful to me back in high school...I'd listen and watch a montage in my mind of emotionally charged events from my life with girls, fantasies of how I'd have liked things to have played out, etc, and at the climax (4:53 to the end) I'd break down crying with intense ASMR, tingles all over, whole body/mind supercharged....was an amazing experience. Doesn't have that effect anymore, but I will always cherish it.

(Hard to do this song justice without good speakers/sub or good headphones.)
Similar story, but not with girls.

Wikipedia said:
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine, precipitating relaxation.

Edit to add: Whoa. Kinda diggin' the song UpInSmoke posted. Will have to explore minimal techno now....

And UC excellent addition. Tipper is wonderful for ASMR-type noises. I hadn't listened to him in a long time so thanks for the revisit.
I held this secret for over 40 years, not telling a single soul of my ability to trigger an pleasurable feeling almost at will. None of the triggers mentioned work for me, the videos are novel but ineffective. My trigger is sharing.

When I was on elementary and secondary school, I'd bring an armload of comix and art books everyday and just wait for someone to see them and ask to take a look. Then, sitting back id watch them poring over them and...get high.

It's amazing. I never told a soul about it until a couple years ago when I saw an essay in Fortean times that gave it a name. Then all the sudden I WASNT the only person who had this, and it was real.

ASMR is the greatest gift to my consciousness, it enables me to experience pleasure as easy as pain, which is often ubiquitous for me. In adulthood, I've learned how to manipulate it easier and can trigger it with thought alone.

ASMR really does a lot for me. It certainly seems to be one of those things that only some people are really affected by, maybe kind of like binaural beats (which never did squat for me).

Much like null, I have always loved thus type of stimulation. In high school, I drove my gf crazy by always begging for arm scratches... Not real scratches but just gentle carresses of her fingertips on the inside of my forearm. Ahhhhhh

This video really does it for me : Whispers Red ASMR: Wooden Bowl
obliguhl said:
Personally, i don't get it.
Everytime i hear someone talk in a soft voice i want to punch that person in the face.
It makes me angry if anything.

I know exactly what you mean!!
I wouldn't have given the ecstasy I feel a name until I saw this thread. But it's very particular.
Pure whispers are extremely annoying to me. More than they should be.
But a soft spoken voice from the right person is amazing.

Another trigger for me is certain symphonic chords.
I will browse youtube for hours looking for certain symphonic tracks that trigger ASMR. It may be 1 in a thousand that does it, but as soon as I feel it, that track is immediately downloaded and added to my DMT playlist.
Spirit_Seeker said:
obliguhl said:
Personally, i don't get it.
Everytime i hear someone talk in a soft voice i want to punch that person in the face.
It makes me angry if anything.

I know exactly what you mean!!
I wouldn't have given the ecstasy I feel a name until I saw this thread. But it's very particular.
Pure whispers are extremely annoying to me. More than they should be.
But a soft spoken voice from the right person is amazing.

Another trigger for me is certain symphonic chords.
I will browse youtube for hours looking for certain symphonic tracks that trigger ASMR. It may be 1 in a thousand that does it, but as soon as I feel it, that track is immediately downloaded and added to my DMT playlist.

Very interesting. I have heard some people describe ASMR as nails on the chalk board. This was given by a person who seems to experience a cringe due to the stimulus. Then on the other hand you have the people who are soothed by it. And the people who are like ASMR?! Ain't no body got tiem for dat!
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