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Attn. If you're having a hard time breaking through read this.

Migrated topic.
3rdI said:
The genius of the GVG is that with a little practice you can nail the whole dose in 1 hit.

Yeah I'm only like 8 tries in... I'm just happy enough to breakthrough :) Hopefully with more and more practice I'll get the hang of it more. The more I use it ,the more I love it.
They are very cool and once you get the knack there even better

I think I might have to dig mine out this weekend
I find I have the most success when I vaporize the material very slowly, no matter which method I use. What I do, (using a torch lighter (I think it helps because it is an more easy controlled heat sourced compared to a bic)) is light the torch 10cm away, start inhaling(slowly) while moving the torch closer. When the spice starts melting I keep the lighter at the distance, while still inhaling slowly.

Other tricks I use for blasing off:

Hyperventilation beforehand
Exhaling fully before toking
Countdown from 20 before exhaling
TheCrystalShard said:
Hyperventilation beforehand
Exhaling fully before toking
Countdown from 20 before exhaling

Hyperventilation is not quite it, I think. At least ten rapid in-breaths with longer out-breaths really forcing the air out will deplete your blood CO2 and drastically increase how long you can hold your breath.

Here's the beef from a guy who held his breath for 17 min:

Nice post.. Your changa tek and opinions convinced me to make changa.
I have 40g of Caapi sitting in Alcohol for 2 weeks now, i cant wait for the end product.
In the mean time i made a couple of grams of Harmala changa from rue and some enhanced leaf (DMT onto Caapi, no harmala).
I've smoked all the rue changa and some of the enhanced leaf both with with mullein in rizla.
The differences are massive. The changa is an amazing smoke. The enhanced leaf dosnt come close to it.
I've bought a pipe ready for next weekend, yum... :)
I think a good way to alleviate pre flight nerves is to have a changa/mullein zoot,reef,spliff,zula,joint, call it what you will.
It gets you relaxed and in the mood for the big event.
Hail changa:thumb_up:
devol said:
I've been using the Atmos RAW. It's a pen style vape pen. It works AWESOME! Says it is for dry herbs but it works amazing for DMT

I absolutely love the idea of using the vape pens as I currently have replaced smoking cigarettes with a really nice and rather expensive e-cig. I would love it if you could explain fully how you vape the dmt in the AtmosRaw. I was going to buy one myself for vaping dmt crystals but I was worried I would burn them seeing as I couldn't seem to find a suitable separation from the heat source. Attached a pic of my ecig.


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Thanks for the information.
It's decided...I'll be making changa for my first experience with DMT.
Thanks for the information.
It's decided...I'll be making changa for my first experience with DMT.
Hi all,

I 'm not sure if this is the right place to write this but, there is no option to meke a new post in "first steps in hyperspace"... any way ther's a connection

yesterday was my first experience smoking dmt and i discover that up to 30 mg i can breakthrough easly. I did it 3 times with no probems.

today i repeat the 30 mg experience 4 times and i could not breakthrough, even not one time.

I was smoking whit the same GVG , the same dmt . The only diference is that yesterday i had 3 glasses of wine before smoking and today not.

Is it posible that i got a little of tolerance to the substance and i should go up with the dose to get the same effects? or it must be something else?

Jacob said:
Hi all,

I 'm not sure if this is the right place to write this but, there is no option to meke a new post in "first steps in hyperspace"... any way ther's a connection

yesterday was my first experience smoking dmt and i discover that up to 30 mg i can breakthrough easly. I did it 3 times with no probems.

today i repeat the 30 mg experience 4 times and i could not breakthrough, even not one time.

I was smoking whit the same GVG , the same dmt . The only diference is that yesterday i had 3 glasses of wine before smoking and today not.

Is it posible that i got a little of tolerance to the substance and i should go up with the dose to get the same effects? or it must be something else?


The experience is so incredibly variable that it becomes very difficult to accurately predict what you're gonna get on any given time - especially with so few experiences under your belt. Some sub-breakthroughs are to be expected, and if you look at most of the posts in this thread, it is people struggling to break through for any time at all, so to have three breakthroughs on your first day, I would consider yourself lucky. I smoked routinely for several months before having my first breakthrough.
Thanks Global,

I think the problem was the screen of the GVG... I changed it , than after a couple of days I smoked again and yeah.. it did works, and a lot...

So i think the reason was that i did not elaborate the trip befor somke again and the GVG was not working good..

thanks again, bye!
The first time I ever tried changa I broke through... I've had borderline breakthrough experiences every other time smoking... I do believe setting to be a huge importance... Here's what I do:

Find a comfortable, quiet space where you will be free of distractions/surprises guaranteed (the forest usually works, just stay off of well-used trails).

Load up your device with changa (a bubbler has worked wonders for me), set it down in a safe place, then arrange the area you're body is going to be occupying, so that you can lie down comfortably, stretch your legs out, etc.
Pack everything you used to prep your device with (maybe not necessary, but I hate clutter...), and go for a walk about the surrounding area if you haven't already. Try to clear your mind and take in the space and setting. Observe the sights and sounds around you, come into the present moment and find some things about your setting to really appreciate (the fractal nature of almost every tree/flower/plant/bug, the vastness of the sky). Maybe bring into your mind an intention for your journey (I do this about half the time. Usually I get distracted by the beauty of nature and forget the intention).

Take some deep, intentional breaths, do some stretches/yoga/meditate, take off your shoes if it's warm out... Touching the ground with bare skin is as grounded as you can get.

From there, just sit down take a nice deep, full breath and bubble away... Don't torch the stuff, just get a few nice embers going. Fill up the chamber and try to get as much smoke in one go as possible, filling up the chamber as much times as you can. The key to smoking is to get as much as you can in one breath and HOLD IT IN until it feels like you can hold your breath in forever/ you forget that you're holding your breath in the first place. Don't worry about asphyxiation, the body knows what to do if you forget 😉 The thing that seems to pull me back from my glimpse of Samadhi/universal consciousness & ego-death is when I remember that I am experiencing all of this via a physical body and that it needs to breathe.
olympus mon said:
You will also need some good clean ash
Could you specify good clean ash? :) Should i just burn some paper or maybe rizla (I'm guessing these are clean products) in a clean ashtray and collect the ash?

- I'm looking for a method to blast off outdoors, and I think I'm going for the sandwich method. I'm guessing any pipe works for this method? It doesn't even have to be a VG or GVG?
- I could do it on a regular pipe? Or would you recomend a VG for the sandmich method as well?

aleph 1ne said:
I have been using a Volcano Vaporizer with extreme success.. I got it off a friend who was leaving the country for extremely cheap, so I'm not worried about wasting an 800 dollar unit for this.. I paid 100 bux for it, so i'm stoked to use it exclusively for DMT.
- I do have a question though after reading this.. It involves the use of steel wool. (Scrubby) -
My concern is that these things often are made with aluminum. or partly aluminum. Why this is an issue to me is that inhaling aluminum oxides has been shown to cause Alzheimer's and other degenerative memory issues. Not healthy stuff to be putting in to your lungs!! - Not sure If this has ever been brought up, or if I am incorrect in my info, but I thought I'd throw it out there, as I see a LOT of people using such techniques, and have heard this before/ been warned... Any Thoughts?

- I am also interested in getting an answer on this, since at the moment I only smoke from my volcano, which I also was lucky enough to get cheap from a friend :)
Great tool! Only problem I ever had breaking through is having to inhale all the smoke, since I dont smoke anything at all besides dmt!
Hi Decibel,

When i use the sandwich method i just burn regular white paper, i have a big torch lighter, not one to smoke DMT with, it's too big for that, it's used in the kitchen to make creme de brûlée and stuff, i dunno, it's my wife's tool, but i guess any lighter will do, i burn the paper thoroughly, until the ashes glow red, until no smoke comes out, so i have a big amount of clean ashes i can use, don't think there are any carcinogens left because it was thoroughly burned, and it's tasteless.

Burning Rizlas won't give you a lot of ashes, unless you burn a pack or 3.
Mimosa_Man said:
devol said:
I've been using the Atmos RAW. It's a pen style vape pen. It works AWESOME! Says it is for dry herbs but it works amazing for DMT

I absolutely love the idea of using the vape pens as I currently have replaced smoking cigarettes with a really nice and rather expensive e-cig. I would love it if you could explain fully how you vape the dmt in the AtmosRaw. I was going to buy one myself for vaping dmt crystals but I was worried I would burn them seeing as I couldn't seem to find a suitable separation from the heat source. Attached a pic of my ecig.
How does this work with changa? Can you breakthrough with it or is it mainly just for OEV and CEV?
i think that the differing vapourisation temps of harmalas and magic make it quite difficult, but there are people who do it im sure, id stick to a bong though.
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