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Audible entities during trips?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
When you meet entities, do you hear their voices or do they mostly rely on telepathic communication? The jester I met had an audible kind of pipsqueak voice (it was really cute, funny, and kind of sarcastic--I loved it!), but other entities I met relied on sensations, images, thoughts, etc...I think they use what works best at the time!

Just curious if others have heard entities and what their voices sounded like. :)
Oh yeah and my brother heard an aura or a frequency that overwhelmed everything (I thought he heard a goddess speak and posted about it earlier in this thread but I was wrong! He said they all used telepathic communication and the only sound he heard was that carrier wave)

I never heard any carrier wave, but hearing an entity speak was incredible! :D He was just so cute and funny!
No audio from the entities that I can recall. Usually the communication is instantaneous and seems telepathic. Sometimes they will use visual displays to illustrate whatever it is they are talking about.
How about music during the trip?

I have heard piano music durring spice trips ...but just like dreaming.. most entitys are like stage props in a play they usualy dont talk in an audable way.. but i usualy understand them..

I think they can talk an a symbolic way...
I've only heard an audible voice once and it wasn't pretty. I was messing around with a music playlist while trying to blast off and all of a sudden I heard a raspy witch like voice yell "turn the fu#$in' music off!" as soon as she said it the door to my room slammed shut. Needless to say I hung up the phone that night. It should be noted that this was my only experience with poltergeist type activity on spice as well. Definitely spooked the hell out of me.
That sounds horrifying...especially the part about the door slamming shut.
I have not heard audible entities, but my partner had a life changing and profound aya trip where he audibly heard, "Open your eyes." That trip changed to course of his path, and the very next day he started reducing his dose of methadone. It was a big one. :love:
Based on my experiences, the communication - that is, the meaning or semantics of the interaction - is instantaneous and telepathic. Telepathy in this state, as Terence Mckenna noted, means "seeing" what another individual is thinking, as opposed to "hearing" it - and this communication often occurs through semantically laden visual imagery.

In addition to simply "grokking" what the entities "mean", I also experience various audible sounds and noises that they produce. These are strange, indescribable, and totally alien sounds, uttered in some inscrutable way - it may be akin to verbally speaking, or it may represent the entities' vibrational/ energetic frequency signature. Different entities seem to be accompanied by different sounds. With DMT, I have never heard anything spoken in English, or any other recognizable language for that matter.

On rare occasions, I have also experienced music in hyperspace. Again, this music is extremely alien and very hard to describe, or even remember well. In one instance, I recall the music sounding bell-like or chime-like, and it being very soothing. Ultimately, the music of hyperspace sounds nothing like I've heard on earth (I'm a musician myself), and I don't think it's structure, intervalic patterns, timbre, etc, could be replicated with the instruments we are familiar with.

How would you guys describe the music you've heard?
Some of my entity interaction has been telepathic, and some of it is audible. I'm not sure why this is, but it seems that certain entities probably do have an affinity for using one or the other. I have written multiple times here about how when entities talk to me, and they are audible, I can hear them louder as they grow closer to me, and the sound is localized in space, so that an entity on my right flank sounds louder in my right ear than the left, as if it were natural sound. The telepathic route feels like the messages are being sent through the same "channel" that typically only airs my internal monologue.

The music I've heard is chime like. While I don't believe it perfectly matches equal temperament Western tuning, I think that the intervals are quite similar, and closer than that of Eastern music. Structurally I've heard what is essentially well-written four part harmony in the Western style on instruments that tend to sound like hollow or tinny harps/music boxes. I don't think that we can really replicate the music, but it can be somewhat approximated.
I have heard music during my trips. It is usually feint background music, but a very distinct style.
Hard to explain, but kind of like a slow frequency high pitch whine mixed with twilight zone music.
I usually hear sounds, strange electronic ones, beeps and blips, scratching noises and nonsensical whispers that seem to originate outside my head - my ears pick it up as if a real sound.

The 'messages' however are on a more intuitive, telepathic level.
I've never heard entities talk, nor actually communicated with entities in any way, for that matter.

But I have heard extremely strange music on spice. I wish I could remember how it sounded, but I forgot instantly upon coming down. Very, very alien.

I've been missing this compound lately.
A recent mushroom trip I had while camping, probably would have been 6-7 grams over 6 or so hours I didn't measure just munched - was sitting in my car to dry off a little because of the rain. Reclined back, I started to drift into shroom hyperspace. Not sure how long I was in for, felt like an eternity. Anyway I was deep into something I call sound/light - essentially it's a place where I'm not sure whether i'm seeing sound or hearing light. I heard an entire album of music in my head, with the accompanying visuals. Like a psychedelic MTV.
It was very obscure electronic music, as if the soundwaves were hyper crisp and appearing not to have a single origin in space. But the visual patterns were apart of the music. It reminded me of what the potential for digital music processing could be with 100x the computer power we have today. Like zooming right into the picoseconds or smaller details in a sine wave, and having that detail transmitted in full HD 3D sound.
It was quite astonishing, by far the most interesting shroom trip i've ever had.
the whole dmt experience is always very much a linguistic experience for me.. whether or not I am dealing with a specific archetype or entity, the language is always there and I always feel it taking hold of my being when breaking through.. like an oscillating hum varying in speed and tonality..combined with gesture..

hyperspace is actually remarkably mouth-like on a number of levels imo..in fact it encompasses what might by most considered to be inherently human mannerisms .. one might even say it hints at their origins in the beyond ..
null24 said:
I usually hear sounds, strange electronic ones, beeps and blips, scratching noises and nonsensical whispers that seem to originate outside my head - my ears pick it up as if a real sound.

Yes, I definitely hear those blips as if they occur outside me, and my ears are picking it up. Likewise, the entities/objects/landscapes appear externalized to me as well, as if being picked up with my eyes, including of course when they are closed, yet they still appear in the same space as they do with open eyes, there is just more saturation to the colors.
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