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Aversion to Internal Work

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have noticed over the years, after dosing many people, teaching and talking about meditation, and after bringing people into sensory deprivation chambers, that it seems as though some people think that going inward is the best thing in the world, whereas others seem to actually have an aversion to doing internal work.
I have a lot of education in psychology and philosophy, and have done internal work for about 10-15 years, I do not have much faith in psychotherapy, as I think that true change comes from within, from doing internal work, not seeking change from external sources.
I am seriously thinking of opening a floatation center in my area, but am concerned over the amount of people who have an aversion to, or find that going within is a terrible idea. From experience it seems as though most people, to my surprise, prefer to always look out and never within. This would be bad for business, and is a potential pitfall. I am exploring this idea because it seems as though if there is a way for me to allow people to experience even a tenth of what I’ve experienced safely, legally, and naturally, than I would be doing a positive in the world.
So the question I have for you internal explorers, is what do you think theories are as to why some people, or maybe even most people, refuse to do internal work? I have noticed that 3 people to whom have taken DMT, and who had a terrible evil experience, or an experience of no big significance, were 3 people who were molested as children. So maybe some people’s mistakes from the past are too haunting?, maybe things that have happened to them they would rather take to the grave than deal with such as molestation, and that those who were molested are anti-psychedelic? What are your thoughts my benevolent beings of internal light?
I think the answer may differ on a case to case basis. I`m not really qualified to answer via education & training but from experience I have noted two things that seem to be common among those who seem unable or unwilling to do internal work.

The first is in the way psychedellics are viewed & used. I have seen a ridiculous amount of people who use psychedellics for recreation & do not seem to even realize the psychological potential of psychedellics as a medicine or they flat out just do not care.
It is essentially a light show for these people.

Number two seems a bit less common but I have noticed a few different friends who either admittedly or unknowingly have a deep fear of looking within. From what I gather in this case there are some things about oneself these individuals either are afraid to deal with or they refuse to acknowledge.
If we substitute 'internal work' with 'surrender'?
Resistance to surrender for people who have been molested sounds logic in a way.
Surrender boils down to 'trust'.
Their 'trust' has been seriously compromised?
A flight reaction has formed for the potential un-trustable?
Just ideas.
Regardless of the whys and hows, your business case depends not on the people who are not interested, but on the people who are. If you focus your energies on those who are not, trying to convince them, you are not focused on those who already are willing to enjoy your service. Focus on the willing first. When you have a working business with many happy willing customers, you can start to focus on the not yet willing.

With respect to dramatic personal breakthroughs: working with psychedelics has shown me how important it is to feel safe when venturing out there and in there. I've read a lot of words about set and setting, but none of that adequately explains the importance of true and genuine sympathy. This sympathy is something before words. Anything that needs words to express it, often seems to be quite the opposite, as if using words to mask the insincerity.
you simply cant get them to do anything till they are ready.

we can strap feed bags and bong gas masks on them.
but ,until they decide to improve their psyche,
ya got nothing.

you will win some and lose some.
reinforcements for winners only.
I've also run into many people who are terrified of journeying within. They'll take the substance, even when I warn them that it may be intensely personal and may challenge their view of themselves. But when it comes to actually doing anything to change, they're extremely resistant. The same applies to other methods like meditation or sensory deprivation. These people avoid being alone at all costs, even having numerous friends they don't particularly like spending time with just to avoid being alone with themselves. A lack of self-love is the root of the problem, IMO.

I think what Jees and pitubo said is valid. Those with trust issues usually have an intense fear of reliving any kind of trauma from their past. What they fail to realize is that you must revisit it in order to transmute it and move beyond it. The fear is a natural response, however limiting.

I say do what you can to help guide those who are willing. As much as you want to help those who need it the most (believe me, I understand) you can only really help those who want to be helped. Let them begin their inner journey when they are ready.

As for business, those who are drawn to something like a flotation center will most likely be a lot more receptive to it, rather than fear it. As much as we would like to give a helping hand to those who are obviously damaged, sometimes they just don't want it.
"What are your thoughts my benevolent beings of internal light?"

We are all just people man, with the same shit as any other people.

The real question, is why do some people ask the fundamental question...Why?..and why do other people not?
I think you might need to approach the business from a more pragmatic approach. I have been to few different float tank centers. One is now out of business due to its location. People don't want to drive far for the experience imo. Location, location, location. Most important aspect of business. If you aren't located somewhere that makes having the experience convenient people are less likely to want to have it. I know where I grew up people would not be into sensory deprivation, its largely too progressive for that community. Where I live now a sensory deprivation facility would likely have lots of business due to being urban with lots of youth.

Although I think its a good question to ask about peoples preference for inward exploration. From a purely business standpoint you may want to look at it from a more physical healing aspect and try to sell that.
DisEmboDied said:
I have noticed over the years, after dosing many people, teaching and talking about meditation, and after bringing people into sensory deprivation chambers, that it seems as though some people think that going inward is the best thing in the world, whereas others seem to actually have an aversion to doing internal work.

Well...technically, all experience is internal, but I see your point. :lol:

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” - Hermes Trismegistus :thumb_up:

Perhaps people's aversion to internal work is proportional to their degree of attachment to "external" interpretations?

I suggest focusing on yourself first. Lead by example, peeps will intuitively/sub-consciously notice and catch on when they're ready. Everyone is responsible for their own responses to life, for their own half of creation. Choose your battles. Save your energy.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." applies here, (my shifty ego believes).

KillaNoodles said:
Can't a mother~~~~er call him/herself what he/she pleases? Why's he gotta be a beam of light!? Sheesh! Militant Kindness going on over here, lol.

You are your own God, and they theirs. Which means, when its their time to wake up, they're going to wake up, you can give them all the DMT and they can have all the spiritual experiences in the world, but the process of nature and evolution is not determined by you, nor them, it is a process of nature, some trees mature earlier than others, some souls have had thousands of lifetimes, others only a few, it is each to their own karmic predicament which puts them exactly where they need to be, right here and now, for them to learn what they need to learn.

Also, i love inner work, but psychotherapy also works and can help with inner work (speaking from current experience with a psychologist). One can use an external source for internal work, aka you ingesting a psychotropic drug is you using an external source to go within, you using an external floatation device gives you the ability to go within… I think to make a hard and fast division between the inner and outer is ultimately resisting the nature of reality, they're both a happening here and Now, and if theres a method which is going to help you open your heart, then i recommend giving it a shot. For some, thats drugs, for others seeing a psychologist, others meditating… Some people just one day wake up and go fuck me I am that I am, and thats enough!
I wonder if there is a way to (I hate to say) "lead" or "convince" people that going inside and doing internal work is the realest, most true, the way? I know this sounds in a way like not the way, but sounding like a fundamentalist, I wish I could show, realize, awaken people to look within, that change comes from within, that all solutions can be found within instead of through external sources. Any ways to do that? Lectures, teachings, book suggestions, youtube suggestions, don't seem to work...not even letting them try DMT.
DisEmboDied said:
I wonder if there is a way to (I hate to say) "lead" or "convince" people that going inside and doing internal work is the realest, most true, the way?

I think the first problem is attachment to the outside, the external world, mara, call it what you will. While somebody is focused on this, it is very hard to persuade them to look away from the shiny, the skinny and the sexy etc towards their internal side. And even if you can turn their heads for just a moment, next comes the fear of doing so, and the perceived risk to their sense of self if they look too deeply...

The shrinks, the politicians and the ad-men, know this very well already, I suspect...
I see the resistance thingy toward going-in with some people I know.

But what if you don't like certain music or painting?
I mean: not every and single "not-like" must perse indicate an epic cloaked issue?
For instance, some types of personal development make use of certain techniques or leverages or archetypes that simply do not resonate with me.
And yes they have called me victim of resistance too :shock: :lol:

I remember math at school, always hated it, then got new teacher, new style and suddenly math became my favorite. So I had aversion to math but it had nothing to do with math itself. So there was no problem to solve between me and math but it only showed like that.

We have to be careful if we see a problem and want it to solve.
If someone hates to go inward, (s)he maybe loves to, but needs the right angle & route.
Following someone else' take-on might be, or not, appropriate.
DisEmboDied said:
I wonder if there is a way to (I hate to say) "lead" or "convince" people that going inside and doing internal work is the realest, most true, the way?

anne halonium said:
you simply cant get them to do anything till they are ready.

Like one said, that a change "has" to come from "within", the motivation for a change follows the same principle.

We all are free to choose what to do with our lifes and if one has difficulties, that others might follow a different path, one can ask him/her-self:"Why is that affecting me"? Do I own truth or am I just lost pretending to know something at all?

Like "space" of attention is one, focus on what you want, like anne said previously:

anne halonium said:
reinforcements for winners only.

Reinforce what ever you want to be, now, master of the universe, and the rest will follow.
Mechanics of hyperspace are shifting possible realities continously, like a constant stream of lava of an erupted vulcano which is terra-forming new playgrounds for life.

namaste, tseuq
tseuq said:
Reinforce what ever you want to be, now, master of the universe, and the rest will follow.
Mechanics of hyperspace are shifting possible realities continously, like a constant stream of lava of an erupted vulcano which is terra-forming new playgrounds for life.

namaste, tseuq

Beautifully put. :)
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