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Ayahuasca and Kundalini

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all. Newbie here. I hope some of you could help give me advice about this situation. I will be very brief but this all started after:
-heavy trauma
-meditation with white light prayers angels
-crystal therapy
-nutritional cleanses
-other related spiritual practices
For the past months I've been going through a spiritual awakening where I'm coping with:
-strange nightmares
-heart racing/palpitations
-waking visual and auditory hallucinations of entities: posing as different people dead or alive/extraterrestrial, expressing missions of experimenting with mind control, broadcasting/dissecting/directing/implanting thoughts, fears over control voice/body/heart/mind/eyes, trying to encourage negative emotion, visual images of dark horror themes, threats of violence theft assault humiliation, physical sensations of being touched/assaulted/grabbed, hearing screeching screaming while doing any smudging/prayer)
-hot flashes and night sweats after sleeping
-seeing repetitive numbers
-potentially heightened psychic perceptions with certain people or hallucinating that
-seeing astral travelers and other supernatural experiences
-infinite love for the world and all those in it
-general intuitively/spiritually communicating to others involuntarily
-sudden vibrations of extreme kundalini sacral energy that strongly attracted these energies in other people's communication with me
-periodic moments of enlightenment bliss and understanding about source energy
-experiencing sensations/narratives of different dimensions realities times, channeling the dead or other realms
-sensation of a animal symbolism lions reptilians
Think this is kundalini..if anyone can tell me whether you think I should raise or lower or avoid it, please let me know. If anyone can help me speed this up or stop the percieved entities from affecting me it would help so much
Hi Daisy,

Welcome. Your experiences sound quite similar to several years of mine. To be very much to the point, I had to abandon nearly all of it - just shut it off. I spent the better part of a year just taking care of my physical health and meditating. Almost no social interaction, other than what was necessary at work. No mass media, other than what I overheard others saying. Completely ignoring all of the extrasensory, and other special capacities. Building a rock solid foundation from which to confront past traumas.

I can't imagine what it may have been like for me to have been using psychedelic substances at that time. However, when the smoke cleared, I did spend a few weeks with a shaman, to great affect.

I hope you can find some peace.
Personally i'd discontinue all psychoactive/psychedelic substances for now, attend to your life, your family, your friends. Go live a little bit, outside the sphere of your psychedelic use.

Also i've found that the more attention you give to these things, the more awareness you put forth towards these things [the more energy they will gain], the more you're going to let it build up, hence why I mentioned the first lines up above.

You need a balance with these things. Good, bad, evil, etc - while these things are their own thing unto themselves, the labels we attribute to them are - just that - attributes [labels], human-attributes [labels] at that.

Attend to your life. Go enjoy life. What I said up above won't be some miracle fix [we seem to always be looking for that], you have to be continual with life. We get so wrapped up in these hyper-spaces [from what i've noticed here over the years with some members] that we start to disregard the very reality that we came into..

be well,
I agree with everything Tatt said. I've been through that too, and on one level, I know what's going on, but on another level, explaining it is another thing entirely. But I'm going to try. Firstly, It does sound like a kundalini awakening. I think what happens, is that we become aware that the mind and the heart have far more power than we previously supposed. You learn that intention carries weight, and you start feeling energy. Then the ego-mind becomes completely overwhelmed by all of this energy, especially the sexual energy. I know my mind created all kinds of crazy thoughts about the sexual energy. And to makes matter both worse and better for me, I know some other people who feel it like that, and I feel people who I'm not sure whether or not they feel it.

As soon as I became aware of the connections with other people, I came apart, and at the time I though I was being attacked (and I suppose that's possible, although now, I'd say it was just fear. I spent months in my house basically, I felt like programs were running in my head, going over over it, and over it, and over it, about these people I know, who are basically soulmates, and one who seems to be on an entire different level. We can call her the twin soul. I believe in that stuff now btw, because when I drink the medicine, the same core group of people are always there, especially my twin, it always goes back to her, and also because I've met these people in real life, and they're just like me. It's amazing

But for about a year, which we can call my dark night of the soul, the process of my ego coming to terms with all of was extremely overwhelming. And therein lies the issue ime. I think a lot of what you perceive as negative entities, is actually the ego, or lower aspects of self, whatever you wish to call them. You've just become aware of higher consciousness, and the ego views its position as threatened, if not it's very existence. This is why it plays the tricks it does, and becomes so negative, and sticks you in endless thought loops. But there's good news, because it gets better, the ego ends up learning, although it still wants attention, which is the reason it's impersonates others/ other things. My ego impersonated the plants for a while for example.

The negativity is all just fear, and once you make that realization, the fear just kind of falls back on itself.

I feel you, sending my love
There's a book call "when things fall apart," by Pema Chodron. It's pretty good. Yoga has an amazing effect on it, it connects the mind with the heart. So does having faith in the divine plan, and living from a place of love. Lavender helps. It might seem like just a normal herb, but lavender is powerful when it comes to this stuff. Hawthorne as well, lavender calms the thoughts, Hawthorne nurtures the heart. Learn about your chakras and how to work with the energy, it's all in the breath, combined with intention.
Great advice BundleFP..!

You are going through a Spiritual Emergency...as in 'emergence'. There are several different kinds/ways people go through it. One is Kundalini. Luckily, I had always experienced unitive consciousness, but at the same time it was verrry intense, blissful, and mind-blowing. So much so that I would not be able to sleep and this would cause problems with not getting deep REM sleep. This led to many problems, needless to say. Point is: Make sure you're getting that deep sleep.

An excellent book of the different kinds of S.E. you can go through is 'Spiritual Emergency' by Stanislav Grof. There is an extensive one in there on Kundalini. I recommend it highly as it helped me understand what I was going through immensely. It has essay contributions from people that know and experienced these states..experts in their fields of study.
wanderNwonder said:
Great advice BundleFP..!

You are going through a Spiritual Emergency...as in 'emergence'. There are several different kinds/ways people go through it. One is Kundalini. Luckily, I had always experienced unitive consciousness, but at the same time it was verrry intense, blissful, and mind-blowing. So much so that I would not be able to sleep and this would cause problems with not getting deep REM sleep. This led to many problems, needless to say. Point is: Make sure you're getting that deep sleep.

An excellent book of the different kinds of S.E. you can go through is 'Spiritual Emergency' by Stanislav Grof. There is an extensive one in there on Kundalini. I recommend it highly as it helped me understand what I was going through immensely. It has essay contributions from people that know and experienced these states..experts in their fields of study.

I'm going to have to get that book by grof.

I also wanted to say, that drinking enough water helps as well. Especially if you look at water from a sort of magical perspective, as an element with its corresponding energy. But even just drinking enough water has a great benefit on the mind.

Another thing s that this energy is spiritually refining. If I had to give one peice of advise, it would simply be to allow it to flow. The thoughts can make it overwhelming, but it's basically showing you aspects of yourself that you weren't aware of, and burning off the detritus, as they say in alchemy. The energy is the sacred fire, it seems pure to me, and only our thoughts about it can make it seem dark at times. So I'd allow it to flow, and as it does so, it seems to transform the mind. And you can create with it, they don't call it creative energy for nothing. Create beauty with it
BundleflowerPower said:
There's a book call "when things fall apart," by Pema Chodron. It's pretty good.
This book made a huge impact on me when I was in early recovery from alcohol and cocaine addiction over 17yrs ago I was also experiencing bouts of dream paralysis and negative entity contact in that state. The Tonglen meditation practice is real work for building compassion and selflessness. It began a long painful but amazing transformation in my life. I was completely broken when that book found me. Some sister at a Rainbow gathering on the east coast ganked it after i fell asleep while she was reading a little of it at a firepit. Needless to say it is my library again.
So earlier today, I was in conflict with myself over various fears. I realized again that all of this negativity is simply fear, and that we can attain a state of pure love for ourselves and others, but fear creates opacity and clouds the water. Then I made a intention, "I intend to remove all that isn't love btween the different aspects of myself." And then asked my higher self to help me out with that. I also intended to remove all that isn't love from between me and others, and asked their higher selves to help. It had a massive immediately. I got extremely emotional, it was the kind of emotion that instantly reminds you that this stuff if real.

But I think that's what we need to do to get past the confusion, release, remove or transmute whatever isn't love within ourselves.
wow I finally saw the responses to this thread. I did thankfully disengage and it helped and that is also why I haven't seen these posts until now. I completely forgot about this thread. Now I can update and let you know what has happened since then, and where I'm at now. I'll also share what helped for others going through similar experiences

roninsina, tatt, BundleflowerPower, downwardsfromzero, wanderNwonder, skoobysnax. I can't thank you all enough for your love advice and support.. I will look into all of your recommendations and come back with an update next time the things I did not yet try..

These are some of the things that helped
- halted all spiritual practices, put away any spiritual objects
- diffused essential oils connected to different chakras
- withdrew and disconnected, stuck with a tighter circle of people
- more expressing through art
- elevated anything giving me a stronger sense of security
- reiki and energy medicine
- directing attention on the now and being more present in each moment
- lessoned junk food
- treatments purged and eliminated toxins
- reduced exposure to emf pollution
- more time with physical contact with the earth
- focused on positive subjects

After doing all that, with all the time that passed, almost all of those things I first listed, the loud chaotic mess of involuntary sensations and awareness of the vibrational world have either stopped completely or lessened

I don't feel everything is resolved, and I am not sure how to integrate what has come of this. I keep getting this extreme sensation that I'm supposed to get through something to finally reach a major break through. I wonder if I should somehow think about completing the kundaliniawakening or maybe it's all about trying to just come to terms with being okay with uncertainty I'm facing in my life purpose direction. How long do dark nights of the soul generally last, and has anyone found ways to help move more quickly through confusion?

BundleflowerPower, yes I came across that concept of spiritual twins. There is a lot this concept brings up for me but I have not worked through how I feel exactly about the theoretical part of it and what I believe. In my experience, the most I can say now is that somehow certain energies of people can factor in the catalyzing spirituality. What that all means in terms of the bigger picture is uncertain.

Would love to hear any of your experiences and thoughts and ideas and thank you!
It's so strange that this thread came back up. I had some very intense experiences 100 days ago after experiencing some life trauma and using a hero dose Changa afterward (kids don't try this at home! it nearly became a medical emergency).

It was cathartic but coupled with a a new kundalini yoga practice I began to experience difficulties integrating and thus had a near breakdown. I approached several of the folks I practice with and the best thing I heard was "Boots on the ground are as important as Third Eye and Crown" So I have spent time working on breathing into my tramas, especially the one my practice is flushing out of my body. Keeping it simple and focused on my life and business and family.

Fear and an inability to forgive some people who hurt me while being so deeply into this yoga practice and trauma work created a chakra block that was manifesting in ways I was not prepared for. That said I feel now that focusing on a downward chakra flush instead of raising it before I am ready has produced swift and significant results. I am reading this in my Kindle app and it has helped me with this process and has helped me focus my Kundalini yoga practice under the guidance of a great teacher to whom I am grateful for being willing to hear what was happening and guiding me toward the Kriyas that help ground me. Amazon.com

Also this book is an immense help in designing my personal practice, recommended by my Kundalini teacher. It has specific instructions to help clear the chakras with specific Kriyas. I do not recommend going too deep without a qualified instructor but you can use this to start. Amazon.com
Hey skoobysnax! Thanks for the PM and sharing your insight and experiences with kundalini and these medicines! I think I have heard about changa but I haven't tried it yet, would you recommend it to a newbie? It sounds like you've had massive results with the hero dose and I would be really interested to learn more about your experiences. I can certainly relate to both those feelings too, those are two areas that needed my attention working through repressed traumatic memories recently. I was thinking about seeing where to try psilocybin after reading about how it has been a lot of help for others to uproot their fears. I think blockages in that respect prevented my progress with kundalini, but I cannot be sure if I should try a microdose or go through a ceremony for that. I have been sifting through major feelings of confusion for months now which I would really like to break out of. I recently came across a youtuber named Victor Oddo who shares a lot of his experiences and info he came across. I was suprised to see how many others are going through a lot of similar things with their awakening too https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjerQpCYV_kL-IbQZNVHVPQ

Have you or others you know of had any dreams related to kundalini or psychedelics? I have been having lots of dreams, some very cryptic and some very clear. Last night I had one with something I think la madre ayahuasca urging me to come back for more, and I have not touched the brew for over a year. I'm going to keep better track of my dreams and health before deciding if that would be a good thing do to. There's a lot to think about down the line!

Thanks for your excellent input and advice, I will definately check those two links you shared!
Daisy said:
I don't feel everything is resolved, and I am not sure how to integrate what has come of this. I keep getting this extreme sensation that I'm supposed to get through something to finally reach a major break through. I wonder if I should somehow think about completing the kundaliniawakening or maybe it's all about trying to just come to terms with being okay with uncertainty I'm facing in my life purpose direction. How long do dark nights of the soul generally last, and has anyone found ways to help move more quickly through confusion?

I am convinced, that this "extreme sensation" you are feeling, are linked to the Kundalini awakening that you are going through. That it is your true self that wants the "ego you" to complete this journey

The realisation and the experience to understand and see through all confusion and understand the illusion of the ego, that is something extremely profound and one of the most beautiful things we can do in our life.

I would even dare to say that it is your purpose of your life to complete the journey. Except that the life is purposeless (it is a dance to this cosmic song we call the existence) so yeah we can't really say that, but it will feel something similar like that. Or, let me rephrase. The purpose of your ego and self awareness is to take the next step in evolution and complete this journey and to be aware WHY you are aware.

I don't know if this makes any sense for you and it will most probably raise more questions than answers. But if you have the desire to understand, then I highly recommend you to continue to explore this and to be curious and to have fun. This is an extremely interesting time we are living in and you have nothing to be afraid of. Remember that. YOU have nothing to be afraid of. Your Ego might think so, but that is not true since it is just an illusion.

But of course, if you don't feel for it. You don't have to. There is nothing right or wrong in this. So take your time and try to be in contact with your intuition that will guide you through this.

Also remember, that each journey is unique and you will have to find your way. So once again, be curious and explorer different alternatives for completing your Kundalini awakening.

There are a lot of "tools" out here to help you with this. Psychedelics is one of them, but it is not for everyone since it is an extremely fast and powerful tool for experiencing ego death and the psychedelic experience can be to overwhelming and cause a form of "system overload" when the ego tries to grasp whats going on.

Much Love and take care!
Daisy said:
Hey skoobysnax! Thanks for the PM and sharing your insight and experiences with kundalini and these medicines! I think I have heard about changa but I haven't tried it yet, would you recommend it to a newbie? It sounds like you've had massive results with the hero dose and I would be really interested to learn more about your experiences. I can certainly relate to both those feelings too, those are two areas that needed my attention working through repressed traumatic memories recently. I was thinking about seeing where to try psilocybin after reading about how it has been a lot of help for others to uproot their fears. I think blockages in that respect prevented my progress with kundalini, but I cannot be sure if I should try a microdose or go through a ceremony for that. I have been sifting through major feelings of confusion for months now which I would really like to break out of. I recently came across a youtuber named Victor Oddo who shares a lot of his experiences and info he came across. I was suprised to see how many others are going through a lot of similar things with their awakening too https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjerQpCYV_kL-IbQZNVHVPQ

Have you or others you know of had any dreams related to kundalini or psychedelics? I have been having lots of dreams, some very cryptic and some very clear. Last night I had one with something I think la madre ayahuasca urging me to come back for more, and I have not touched the brew for over a year. I'm going to keep better track of my dreams and health before deciding if that would be a good thing do to. There's a lot to think about down the line!

Thanks for your excellent input and advice, I will definately check those two links you shared!

I have been sticking with low dose changa, its grounding and lets me open to my repression and breath some space into it. The high dose though I am glad I did it I would not recommend, it was a foolish choice made in desperation. Now the Changa, yes do try it. Start low and work up to your sweet spot. It is far different than freebase. It taught me a simple seated Kriya for connecting to the infinite if that makes sense. I will PM it to you if you want or post in this thread ater I have time. I need to take time to write it out anyway. In the meantime look at this, try this before every Kundalini session. It is the White Light of Protection mantra. http://www.satnamfest.com/blog/aad-guray-nameh-white-light-of-protection/
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